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KS2 Worksheet - Synonyms (2 versions)
KS2 Worksheet - Synonyms (2 versions)
Version 1:
Main activity - use the most appropriate synonym from the speech bubbles to complete the sentences.
Challenge - write a sentence for each of the synonyms given for the word ‘said’.
Version 2 (easier):
Main activity - use the most appropriate synonym from the speech bubbles to complete the sentences.
Answers provided on the last page.

KS2 Worksheet - Punctuation Test 2 (2 versions)
KS2 Worksheet - Punctuation Test 2 (2 versions)
Version 1:
Section A: write the contractions
Section B: use apostrophes for belonging to
Section C: write out sentences inserting all the missing punctuation (capital letters, full stops, exclamation marks and question marks)
Section D: write out sentences inserting all the missing punctuation (capital letters, full stops, exclamation marks, question marks and commas) and speech marks
Version 2 (easier):
Section A: write the contractions
Section B: use apostrophes for belonging to
Section C: write out sentences inserting all the missing punctuation (capital letters, full stops and question marks)
Section D: write out sentences inserting the missing speech marks
Answers provided on the last page.

Art - Oil Pastel Techniques (1 worksheet)
Art - Oil Pastel Techniques (1 worksheet)
Children can practise different oil pastel techniques.

KS1/KS2 - Reading Questionnaire
KS1/KS2 - Reading Questionnaire
Activity - complete questionnaire about reading including how often they read, where they read, the genres/authors they prefer, why they read, etc.
Easy to complete by circling options and writing sentences.

Simple Behaviour Charts (2 versions)
Simple Behaviour Charts (2 versions)
Charts can be displayed in your room and easily completed.
Version 1: morning and afternoon face to colour (green= good, orange/yellow = OK, red = needs improved)
Version 2: morning, break to lunch and afternoon (tick = good, cross = needs improved) then colour face for the day (green= good, orange/yellow = OK, red = needs improved)

KS1/KS2 Worksheet - End of Year Memory Wheel
KS1/KS2 Worksheet - End of Year Memory Wheel
Simple activity for the end of the school year to recap all of the fun memories.

KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Peer Assessment
KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Peer Assessment
Template which can be given to children to complete peer assessment and then stuck to the work.

KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Mystery and Suspense Writing Plan and checklist
KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Mystery and Suspense Writing Plan and checklist
Mystery and Suspense Writing Plan: Description of a Creepy Tower
Checklist included.

KS2 Worksheet - Punctuation Test 1 (2 versions)
KS2 Worksheet - Punctuation Test 1 (2 versions)
Version 1:
Section A - insert correct punctuation (capital letters, full stops and exclamation marks)
Section B - insert punctuation and speech marks
Section C - insert correct punctuation/speech marks and fix spelling mistakes
Version 2 (easier):
Section A - insert correct punctuation (capital letters, full stops and question marks)
Section B - insert capital letters and speech marks
Section C - insert correct punctuation and fix spelling mistakes
Answers provided on the last page.

KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Story Plan (2 versions)
KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Story Plan (2 versions)
Version 1:
Activity - plan a story using the following headings: Opening, Setting, Characters, Build up - Journey, Events, Dilemma and Resolution
Version 2 (easier):
Activity - plan a story using the following headings: Setting, Characters, Beginning, Middle and End

KS2 - Reading Activities - Charlie and the Great Escape (2 worksheets)
KS2 - Reading Activity - Charlie and the Great Escape (2 worksheets)
Activity 1 - complete sentences
Activity 2 - answer questions

KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Adjectives and Adverbs (2 versions)
KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Adjectives and Adverbs (2 versions)
Version 1:
Put a circle around each adjective and underline each adverb.
Use these adverbs and adjectives to make up your own sentences
Version 2 (easier):
Put a circle around each adjective and underline each adverb (only 1 in each sentence).

KS2 Worksheet - Conjunctions (2 versions)
KS2 Worksheet - Conjunctions (2 versions)
Version 1: choose the most appropriate conjunction and join the 2 sentences together. Table of conjunctions provided.
Version 2 (easier): fill in the missing conjunction in each sentence. Table of conjunctions provided.
Answers provided on the last page.

KS2 Worksheet - Commas for Clauses (1 worksheet)
KS2 Worksheet - Commas for Clauses (1 worksheet)
Copy sentences putting in the commas.
Add clauses to the given sentences

KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Spellings Practise Sheet (1 version)
KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Spellings Practise Sheet (1 version)
Blank template to write out spellings - Look, Say, Cover and Write

KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Collective Nouns (2 versions)
KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Collective Nouns (2 versions)
Version 1:
Complete the phrases.
Complete sentences using the collective nouns.
Version 2 (easier):
Complete the phrases.

KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Reading Activity - The Twits (1 worksheet)
KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Reading Activity - The Twits (1 worksheet)
Design a new character for the story - Mr Twit’s sister. Will she be horrid like him or completely the opposite?

KS2 Worksheet - Reading Activity - Street Child (1 worksheet)
KS2 Worksheet - Reading Activity - Street Child (1 worksheet)

KS2 Worksheet - Reading Activity - Cool as a Cucumber (1 worksheet)
KS2 Worksheet - Reading Activity - Cool as a Cucumber (1 worksheet)

KS2 Worksheet - Reading Activity - Killer Cat's Birthday Bash (1 worksheet)
KS2 Worksheet - Reading Activity - Killer Cat’s Birthday Bash (1 worksheet)