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KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Adjectives and Adverbs (2 versions)
KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Adjectives and Adverbs (2 versions)
Version 1:
Put a circle around each adjective and underline each adverb.
Use these adverbs and adjectives to make up your own sentences
Version 2 (easier):
Put a circle around each adjective and underline each adverb (only 1 in each sentence).

KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Instructions (2 versions)
KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Instructions (2 versions)
How to Make a Sailing Boat
Version 1: Delete the unnecessary information to make the instructions clearer and easier to follow.
Version 2 (easier): Delete the unnecessary information to make the instructions clearer and easier to follow. Imperative verb at the start of each instruction is given.

KS1 Worksheet - Spelling Mistakes (2 versions)
KS1 Worksheet - Spelling Mistakes (2 versions)
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Version 1: Find the 14 spelling mistakes.
Version 2 (easier): Find the 8 spelling mistakes.

KS2 Worksheet - Singular and Plural Reading Activity (2 versions)
KS2 Worksheet - Singular and Plural Reading Activity (2 versions)
Version 1: Find 15 singular nouns in your reading book. Write the plural form of these nouns and the number of the rule you used.
Version 2 (easier): Find 10 singular nouns in your reading book. Write the plural form of these nouns and the number of the rule you used.

KS2 Worksheet - Singular and Plural (2 versions)
KS2 Worksheet - Singular and Plural (2 versions)
Version 1: 4 rules for forming the plural of nouns
Version 2 (easier): 2 rules for forming the plural of nouns

KS2 Worksheet - Imperative Verbs 2 (2 versions)
KS2 Worksheet - Imperative Verbs 2 (2 versions)
Version 1:
Choose the words that could be used as imperative verbs and write a sentence for each one.
Complete sentences by filling in an appropriate imperative verb.
Version 2 (easier):
Colour the words that could be used as imperative verbs.
Complete sentences by filling in an appropriate imperative verb.

KS2 Worksheet - Imperative Verbs 1 (2 versions)
KS2 Worksheet - Imperative Verbs 1 (2 versions)
Version 1:
Complete sentences by filling in an appropriate imperative verb.
Think of an instruction for the given imperative verb.
Complete speech bubbles.
Version 2 (easier):
Complete sentences by filling in an appropriate imperative verb. (words given)
Think of an instruction for the given imperative verb.
Complete speech bubbles. (only 1)

KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Speech Marks (2 versions)
KS1/KS2 Worksheet - Speech Marks (2 versions)
Version 1: Rewrite the sentences adding speech marks and full stops where they are needed.
Version 2 (easier): Take the words the character is saying from the sentence and write it in a speech bubble.

Setting Learning Targets
A blank template that children can use to write down their learning target for the school term/year.

Learning Facts - Literacy (4 sets)
Learning Facts - Literacy (4 sets)
Fact cards that can be printed or uploaded for online learning.
Set 1: facts about nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs
Set 2: facts about homophones
Set 3: facts about tenses and singular/plural
Set 4: facts about apostrophes and speech marks

Learning Facts - Numeracy (5 sets)
Learning Facts - Numeracy (5 sets)
Fact cards that can be printed or uploaded for online learning.
Set 1: facts about digital time and 24 hour time
Set 2: facts about fractions and decimals
Set 3: facts about money - change from 50p and £1
Set 4: facts about money - change from £5 and £10
Set 5: facts about perimeter and area

KS2 Worksheet - Numeracy Test (2 versions)
KS2 Worksheet - Numeracy Test (2 versions)
Version 1:
Section 1 - convert measurements (length, weight and capacity)
Section 2 - find fractions of a numbers
Section 3 - name 2D and 3D shapes
Section 4 - money - change from £10, £20 and £100
Version 2 (easier):
Section 1 - convert measurements (length, weight and capacity)
Section 2 - find fractions of a numbers
Section 3 - name 2D and 3D shapes (names given)
Section 4 - money - change from £1, £2 and £5

Space Project - Instructions and template (2 documents)
Space Project - Instructions and template (2 documents)
Instructions: explains what the children should include in the project.
Template: blank document containing all the relevant pages for the children to complete.

Time Capsule Sheet
Time Capsule Sheet
Children fill in their favourite things at the start of the year. These are then looked at again at the end of the school to see if any answers have changed.

Using a Search Engine - Mesolithic Times Research
Using a Search Engine - Mesolithic Times Research
Use a search engine to answer the questions about Mesolithic Times.

Using a Search Engine - Space Research
Using a Search Engine - Space Research
Use a search engine to answer the questions about Space.

Art - Oil Pastel Techniques (1 worksheet)
Art - Oil Pastel Techniques (1 worksheet)
Children can practise different oil pastel techniques.

Art - Line Scales (1 worksheet)
Art - Line Scales (1 worksheet)
Complete scales using different line techniques: cross hatching, hatching, squiggles, zig zags, inventing your own and combining 2 techniques.
An example included.

Art - Animal Patterns (1 worksheet)
Art - Animal Patterns (1 worksheet)
Activity 1: draw the different patterns identified in each animal.
Activity 2: think of other animals that have patterned fur/skin?
Activity 3: design their own animal patterns and decide which is their favourite and why.

Fundraising Event - Wacky Olympics (Sponsorship form and certificate)
Fundraising Event - Wacky Olympics
Blank sponsorship form and certificate included.