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My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.




My resources are grammar based and include graphic organizers, worksheets, tests, quizzes, and personal questions. Most grammar items are based on present, preterit, imperfect, and present subjunctive tenses. Most resources are accompanied by an answer key. I hope you find them helpful for your students and your courses.
Reflexive verbs: Matching and mini conversations

Reflexive verbs: Matching and mini conversations

Reflexive verbs: Matching and mini conversations (present tense) Verbs included: lavarse, cepillarse, despertarse, acostarse, vestirse *There is one verb per page. For each verb, there are 2 parts. Example: Part 1: Matching ( Write the correct letter of the conjugation) *All 6 conjugations included. ____ 1. Yo a. nos lavamos ____ 2. Tú b. os laváis Part 2: Complete each mini conversation with the correct conjugation of the verb in the present tense. Write the appropriate reflexive pronoun in the first blank and the verb conjugation in the second blank. *There are 5 mini conversations per verb. Lavarse ¿Con qué _____ / ______________ las manos? Yo _____ / ______________ las manos con agua y jabón. ¿Cuándo _____ / ______________ Marcos las manos? Él _____ / ______________ las manos antes de comer. Answer key is included on pages 6-10. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip.
Imperfect tense: Matching and mini conversations

Imperfect tense: Matching and mini conversations

Imperfect tense: Matching and mini conversations Regular verbs: -ar, -er, -ir and ser, ir, ver. For each verb, there are 2 parts (see example below) Part 1 has conjugations for all 6 persons. Part 2 has 5 mini conversations for -ar -er, and -ir verbs. Each mini conversation has a different verb. For ser, ir, and ver, there are 3 mini conversations each. Part 1: Matching ( Write the correct letter of the conjugation) Hablar: to speak ____ 1. Yo a. hablábamos ____ 2. Tú b. hablabais Part 2: Complete each mini conversation with the correct conjugation of the verb in the imperfect tense. ¿Con quién ________________ tú cada día? (hablar) Yo _______________ con mi familia y mis amigos. ¿Dónde _______________ Marcos cada tarde? (jugar) Él _________________ en el parque. Answer key is included on pages 7-12. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, entry or exit slip.
Car, Gar, Zar preterit matching and mini conversations

Car, Gar, Zar preterit matching and mini conversations

Car, Gar, Zar preterit matching and mini conversations For each verb type (-car, -gar, -zar) there are two parts. Part 1 is matching with the six conjugations of one verb and part 2 has 5 mini conversations. Each mini conversation has a different verb. There is one verb type per page. Page 1 (-car verbs), Page 2 (-gar verbs), and Page 3 (-zar verbs) Example: Part 1: Matching ( Write the correct letter of the conjugation) Buscar: to look for ____ 1. Yo a. buscó ____ 2. Tú b. buscamos Part 2: Complete each mini conversation with the correct conjugation of the verb in the preterit tense. ¿Qué ________________ tú ayer? (buscar: to look for) Yo _______________ el nuevo restaurante. ¿Qué _____________ Pablo de la biblioteca? (sacar: to take out) Él ____________ dos libros. Answer key is included on pages 4-6. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry or exit slip.
Stem change verbs review worksheet: Conjugations and questions

Stem change verbs review worksheet: Conjugations and questions

Stem change verbs review worksheet: Conjugations and questions For each stem change type (e-ie, o-ue, e-i), students will conjugate 3 infinitives for all 6 persons and answer 3 personal questions. Note: All pesonal questions are in the tú conjugation. Infinitives included: Page 1: E-IE: Pensar, Querer, Preferir Page 2: O-UE: Almorzar, Poder, Dormir Page 3: E-I: Pedir, Servir, Repetir Page 4: U-UE: Jugar (Students will write all 6 conjugations and translate 3 sentences using Jugar). Answer key is included on pages 5-8 for the conjugations and sentences with Jugar only. For the personal questions, student answers will vary. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Present tense regular verbs super easy selection practice

Present tense regular verbs super easy selection practice

Present tense regular verbs super easy selection practice *For each verb type (-ar, -er, -ir), there are 12 sentences. (36 total) Sample: _____ 1. Yo ______________ con mi amigo. (hablar) *Hint: Use the conjugation ending in “o” a. hablo b. hablas c. hablamos _____ 2. Tú ______________ las frutas. (comprar) *Hint: Use the conjugation ending in “as” a. compra b. compras c. compro _____ 3. Él ______________ la tele. (mirar) *Hint: Use the conjugation ending in “a” a. miran b. miro c. mira Pages 1-2: -AR verbs / Pages 3-4: -ER verbs / Pages 5-6: -IR verbs Answer key is included on pages 7-12. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Reading: La rutina diaria with questions (Reflexive verbs)

Reading: La rutina diaria with questions (Reflexive verbs)

Reading: La rutina diaria with questions (Reflexive verbs) *Students will read about Sara’s daily routine and answer 10 comprehension questions. *Note the reading and comprehension questions use reflexive and non-reflexive verbs. Sample: Me llamo Sara. Mi rutina diaria no varía (vary) mucho. Yo me despierto a las seis y media. Yo me lavo la cara con jabón y agua. Entonces, yo me cepillo los dientes. Próximo yo me ducho y me maquillo. Luego, yo me desayuno con mi familia en la cocina. Después de desayunarme, yo me voy a la escuela en el bus escolar. Mi escuela se llama el colegio Johnston que está en la ciudad de Queens en Nueva York. El colegio empieza a las ocho y termina a las dos y media… ¿A qué hora se despierta Sara? ¿Con quién se desayuna Sara? Answer key is included on page 4 for the comprehension questions. This reading can be used for classwork, homework, sub plans, or added to a quiz / test. Total Pages 4 pages
Irregular yo verbs mixed fill in practice (Present tense)

Irregular yo verbs mixed fill in practice (Present tense)

Irregular yo verbs mixed fill in practice Verbs included: Hacer, Poner, Salir, Caer, Decir, Tener, Venir, Traer, Oir, Saber, Conocer Part 1: Complete each sentence with the correct conjugation from the word bank. (11 total) Sample: Word bank: conozco: I know / hago: I do / sé: I know (how to) / salgo: I leave / oigo: I hear / caigo: I fall / tengo: I have (to) / traigo: I bring / pongo: I put / vengo: I come / digo: I say Yo _______________ mi tarea. Yo _______________ de la escuela a las tres. Yo _______________ en el suelo (floor) cuando corro rápido. Part 2: Conjugation practice: Write the correct conjugation using the word bank. *Students will write the 6 conjugations for all 11 infinitives in the template provided. Example: Hacer: to do, to make Word bank: hago / haces / hacen / hacemos / hace / hacéis Yo: _____ Tú: _____ Él / Ella / Ud.: _____ Nosotros: _____ Vosotros: _____ Ellos / Ellas / Uds.: _____ Answer key is included on pages 5-8. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Irregular preterit mixed fill in practice

Irregular preterit mixed fill in practice

Irregular preterit mixed fill in practice Part 1: Complete each sentence with the correct conjugation using the word bank. (15 total) Note: All sentences are in the Yo conjugation. Verbs included: Dar, Ir, Ver, Hacer, Querer, Venir, Andar, Estar, Tener, Saber, Poner, Poder, Decir, Traer, Conducir Sample: traje: I brought / di: I gave / tuve: I had to / hice: I did / estuve: I was / conduje: I drove / anduve: I walked / quise: I tried to / supe: I found out / puse: I put / pude: I managed to / dije: I said / fui: I went / vi: I saw / vine: I came Yo ______________ un regalo (gift) a mi amigo. Yo ______________ mi tarea ayer. Part 2: Conjugation practice: Write the correct preterit conjugation using the word bank. *Students will write the 6 conjugations for all 15 irregular infinitives in the template provided. Sample: Ir: to go / Ser: to be Word bank: fui, fueron, fuimos, fue , fuisteis, fuiste Yo: _____ Tú: _____ Él / Ella / Ud.: _____ Nosotros: _____ Vosotros: _____ Ellos / Ellas / Uds.: _____ Answer key is included on pages 6-10. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Realidades 1 Para empezar vocabulary matching practice

Realidades 1 Para empezar vocabulary matching practice

Realidades 1 Para empezar vocabulary matching practice Write the correct letter of the translation for each word. Sections / Number of vocabulary words Page 1 To greet someone (12) To ask and tell how someone is (9) Page 2 To say good bye (4) To tell time (3) To talk about the classroom (10) Page 3 To say the date (10) Other useful words (4) To ask for help (6) Page 4 To talk about the weather (7) To talk about the seasons (5) Answer key is included on pages 5-8.
Present tense regular verbs easy intro practice

Present tense regular verbs easy intro practice

Present tense regular verbs easy intro practice For each infinitive type (-ar, -er, -ir) write the correct stem and the appropriate verb endings. Then, complete the 10 sentences with the correct present tense conjugation. Page 1: -AR infinitives / Page 2: -ER infinitives / Page 3: -IR infinitives Sample: Hablar: to speak (STEM: habl) Write the stem in the first blank and the appropriate verb ending in the second blank. Yo: ___________ / ___________ Tú: ___________ / ___________ Él / Ella / Ud.: ___________ / ___________ Nosotros: ___________ / ___________ Vosotros: ___________ / ___________ Ellos / Ellas / Uds.: ___________ / ___________ Complete with the correct present tense conjugation. *To get the stem, take off the -ar from each infinitive. Yo _________________ con mi amigo. (hablar) Tú _________________ un libro. (comprar) Él _________________ en la sala. (bailar) Answer key is included on pages 4-6. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, study guide, entry / exit slip.
Preterit v Imperfect sentence fill in practice (-AR, -ER, -IR verbs)

Preterit v Imperfect sentence fill in practice (-AR, -ER, -IR verbs)

Preterit v Imperfect sentence fill in practice (-AR, -ER, -IR verbs) Write the translation of each clue word using the word bank provided. Then, complete each mini conversation with the correct conjugation of the preterit and imperfect. Use the same tense in both blanks. *For each infinitive type (-ar, -er, -ir) there are 8 sentences (4 Preterit and 4 imperfect), and 8 clue words (ayer, cada dia etc). *A table with preterit and imperfect tenses endings for -ar, -er, -ir verbs is included. Sample: Clue words (Write the translation for each clue word using the word bank) Word bank: The day before yesterday / Last night / Yesterday Ayer ________ / Anoche ________ / Anteayer________ -AR verbs ¿Con quién ___________________ tú ayer? Yo ___________________ con mi amigo. (hablar) ¿Con quién ___________________ tú cada día? Yo ___________________ con mis padres. (hablar) ¿Qué _____________ Marcos en la tele anoche? Él _____________ las noticias. (mirar) Answer key is included on pages 4-6. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz / test, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Imperfect tense yes / no questions practice (Regular verbs)

Imperfect tense yes / no questions practice (Regular verbs)

Imperfect tense yes / no questions practice (Regular verbs) Answer each question with a yes (Sí) and a no (No) in the imperfect tense using the template provided. (12 questions total). Example: ¿Jugabas tú con tus amigos cada día? (Jugar: to play) Template for yes: Sí + Subject + Conjugated verb + Rest Template for no: No + Subject + No + Conjugated verb + Rest On the last page there is a matching section with 10 clue words ( cada tarde etc). A table with -ar, -er, -ir imperfect tense endings is included for reference. Answer key is included on pages 5-8. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip. The practice can be used when students are first learning the imperfect tense can also be done orally.
Go verbs with Tener que and Ir a infinitive practice

Go verbs with Tener que and Ir a infinitive practice

Go verbs with Tener que and Ir a infinitive practice Part 1: Complete the table with the present tense Yo conjugation of each infinitive. (9 total) Infinitives included: hacer, poner, salir, traer, caer, decir, tener, venir, oir Part 2: Complete each set of sentences with the correct present tense conjugations of the -Go verb, Tener (first blank), Ir (first blank), and the infinitive (-ar, -er, -ir) in the second blank . *There are 9 sets with 3 sentences each (27 sentences total). *Note: All sentences are structured the same as the example below. Only the subjects and infintives will be different. Sample: Yo ________________ mi tarea. (hacer) Yo ________________ que ________________ (infinitive)mi tarea. (tener, hacer) Yo ________________ a________________(infinitive) mi tarea.(ir, hacer) Answer key is included on pages 4-6. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip.
Preterit tense all verbs paragraph

Preterit tense all verbs paragraph

Preterit tense all verbs paragraph Complete each blank with the correct preterit conjugation of the verb. Make spelling and stem changes, as indicated. *There are 25 sentences total with 25 different verbs. *Note: All sentences are in the Yo conjugation. Verbs included in the paragraph: Hablar, Aprender, Salir, Buscar, Jugar, Empezar, Leer, Constuir, Pedir, Dormir, Ir, Ver, Dar, Hacer, Venir, Querer, Andar, Estar, Saber, Poner, Poder, Tener, Decir, Conducir, Traer Sample: Yo (1) _________________ con mis amigos. (hablar) Yo (2) _________________ los nuevos verbos hoy. (aprender) Yo (3) _________________ de mi casa temprano. (salir) Yo (4) _________________ un libro en la biblioteca. (buscar> c-qu) Yo (5) _________________ con mis amigos en el parque. (jugar>g-gu) Yo (6) _________________ a hacer mi tarea anoche. (empezar >z-c) Pages 3-5: Students will conjugate 15 infinitives from the paragraph for all 6 persons in a template provided. Infinitives included: Hablar, Aprender, Salir, Buscar, Jugar, Empezar, Leer, Pedir, Dormir, Hacer, Andar, Decir, Ir, Ser / Ver, Dar Answer key is included on pages 6-10. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz / test, study guide, or sub plans.
Present tense all verbs paragraph

Present tense all verbs paragraph

Present tense all verbs paragraph Complete with the correct conjugation of each infinitive. Make stem changes and spelling changes, as indicated. For reflexive verbs, write the reflexive pronoun “me” before the conjugated verb. *There are 36 sentences with 36 different verbs. Verbs are a mix of regular, irregular, stem change, and spelling change. *Note: All verbs will be conjugated in the Yo form. *A table with the infinitives and their English translation is included for reference. Verbs used in the paragraph: Hablar, Comer, Vivir, Hacer, Salir, Poner, Venir, Traer, Tener *Decir, Saber, Conocer, Oir, Ir, Estar, Ser, Dar, Ver *Empezar, Querer, Preferir, Jugar, Almorzar, Poder, Dormir, Pedir, Repetir Despertarse, Vestirse, Acostarse, Desayunarse, Contribuir, Conducir, Seguir, Corregir, Escoger Sample Yo (1) _________________ con mis amigos. (hablar) Yo (2) __________________ en la cafetería. (comer) Yo (3) _________________ en una casa grande. (vivir) Yo (4) _________________ mi tarea después de la escuela. (hacer) Yo (5) _________________ de la escuela a las tres. (salir) Yo (6)_________________ la mesa antes de comer. (poner) Yo (7)_________________ a la clase con mis materiales. (venir)… Pages 3-5: Conjugation practice *Students will conjugate 15 of the infinitives from the paragraph for all 6 persons in a template provided. *Infinitives included: Hablar, Hacer, Jugar, Empezar, Poder, Tener, Oir, Pedir, Despertarse, Vestirse, Acostarse, Contribuir, Corregir, Escoger Answer key is included on pages 6-10. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz / test, review, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Realidades 2 Chapter 1A matching and fill in practice

Realidades 2 Chapter 1A matching and fill in practice

Realidades 2: Chapter 1A matching and fill in practice Part 1: Matching: Write the correct letter of the translation. (32 total) Sample: p. to answer / r. to memorize _____ 1. aprender de memoria _____ 2. contestar Part 2: Complete each blank using the correct vocabulary word from the word bank. (This section is split into two parts) Sample Hints: N: Noun/ C: Conjugated verb Word bank for #1-13: laboratorio / aprendo / asientos / tijeras / informe / contestan / carnet / materiales / identificación / discurso / explica / grapadora / discuten / cinta adhesive Yo _________________________ de memoria el nuevo vocabulario. © Hints: N: Noun/ I: Infinitive / C: Conjugated verb Word bank for #14-25: sacar / armarios / nota / prohíbe / proyecto / palabras / entregan / respetar / tiempo / llegar / pido /prestar / reglas Mis amigos y yo ponemos nuestros libros en nuestros (our) _________________________. (N) Answer key is included on pages 5-8. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, review, entry / exit slip. *If not using with Realidades 2, this practice can be used with the theme of classroom activities.
Present tense mini conversations fill in practice (-AR, -ER, -IR verbs)

Present tense mini conversations fill in practice (-AR, -ER, -IR verbs)

Present tense regular verbs mini conversations fill in practice (-AR, -ER, -IR verbs) Complete each mini conversation by choosing the correct infinitive from the list and conjugating it in the present tense. *For each verb type: -ar, -er, -ir, there are 8 mini conversations. *A table with -ar, -er, -ir verb endings is included for reference. Page 1: -AR verbs / Page 2: -ER verbs / Page 3: -IR verbs Sample: Hablar: to speak / Comprar: to buy / Mirar: to watch ¿Con quién _________________________ tú? Yo _________________________ con mi amigo. ¿Qué _________________________ Ud. en la tele? Yo _________________________ las noticias (news). ¿Qué _________________________ él de la tienda (store)? Él _________________________ los dulces (candies). Answer key is included on pages 4-6. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, test, review, entry / exit slip.
Future tense and subjunctive with professions (Spanish)

Future tense and subjunctive with professions (Spanish)

Future tense and subjunctive with professions (El futuro y el subjuntivo con los trabajos) Part 1: For each sentence: Write the future tense of Ser in the first blank, the present tense conjugation of the introductory verb in the first blank, and the present subjunctive conjugation of the verb in the last blank. *10 sentences total Note: Sentences are all structured the same as the example below. In each sentence, subjects , professions, introductory and present subjunctive verbs will be different. Yo ______________ médico después de graduarme de la universidad. (ser) Mis padres _____________________ que yo _____________________ en un hospital cerca de nuestra casa. (preferir > e-ie, trabajar) Part 2: Students will write a short paragraph in the future tense about their future profession using the guidelines provided. Answer key is included on pages 3-4 for part 1 only. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, quiz, added to a test, or as part of your sub plans. It can also be used with chapter 6A of Realidades 3.
Reflexive verbs easy reading (Spanish)

Reflexive verbs easy reading (Spanish)

Reflexive verbs easy reading Read about Marcos’s daily routine and complete each blank with the correct present tense conjugation of the infinitive in parenthesis. For reflexive infinitives, write the reflexive pronoun “me” in the first blank. *Students will conjugate 16 verbs (reflexive and non reflexive) all in the Yo conjugation except one. A table with infinitives used in the paragraph and their English translation is included. Sample: Me llamo Marcos. Mi rutina diaria no cambia (change) mucho durante los días escolares. 1. Yo _______ / ______________________ a las seis y media de la mañana los días escolares. (despertarse>e-ie) 2. Primero, yo ______________ mi cama. (hacer). 3. Segundo, yo _______ / ______________________ la cara (lavarse) y yo _______ / ______________________ los dientes. (cepillarse)… Comprehension questions: For each question, write A or B. (10 total) _____ 1. ¿Cuándo se despierta Marcos? A. a las ocho B. a las seis y media Pages 1-2 are the paragraph with fill in the blanks. Pages 3-4 are the comprehension questions. Answer key is included on pages 5-8. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz, entry / exit slip, or sub plans.
Present tense regular verbs personal questions (choose and fill in practice)

Present tense regular verbs personal questions (choose and fill in practice)

Present tense regular verbs personal questions (choose and fill in practice) Answer each question in a complete sentence by writing the correct verb conjugation, and by choosing the appropriate phrase from the word bank. *For each verb type (-ar, -er, -ir), there are 8 questions. (24 total) *Note: The subject for the answer is filled in for the students. *A table with -ar, -er, -ir verb endings is included for reference. Pages 1-2: -AR verbs / Pages 3-4: -ER verbs / Pages 5-6: -IR verbs Sample: Word bank: un teléfono / con mi amigo ¿Con quién hablas tú? (hablar: to speak) Template: Subject (Yo) + Conjugation of hablar + Rest ¿Qué compra Ud.? (comprar: to buy) Template: Subject (Yo) + Conjugation of comprar + Rest Answer key is included on pages 7-12. This practice can be used for classwork, homework, review, quiz / test , entry / exit slip, or sub plans.