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Sparkle1978's Shop

Average Rating2.19
(based on 71 reviews)

A range of outstanding resources for across the primary age range. All the resources have been tried and tested and are in line with the new national curriculum. Enjoy!




A range of outstanding resources for across the primary age range. All the resources have been tried and tested and are in line with the new national curriculum. Enjoy!
RE Art in Christianity

RE Art in Christianity

This smartboard is an outstanding lesson. The lesson focuses on exploring the use of art in Christianity by knowing that art can be used to express religious beliefs and identifying art forms used in Christianity
KS2 Science Friction Investigation Lesson Plan

KS2 Science Friction Investigation Lesson Plan

This powerpoint is a lesson that focuses on identifying and explaining the effect of Friction. The lesson allows children to describe what Friction is and how it impacts my life and investigate the amount of Friction created on a variety of material surfaces.
KS2 - Science Earth and Planets  4 lessons

KS2 - Science Earth and Planets 4 lessons

These smartboards are a series of lessons based on the following learning: To explore the position and size of the planets. To be able to understand the Earth's ?movement Explore phases of the moon To investigate the positioning of the earth to get day and night (investigation lesson).
Tudor Times Religion

Tudor Times Religion

This smartboard explores Tudor Times and their religion. The lesson focuses on exploring a range of historical resources to know about the religious beliefs of the Tudors. The children will then compare the Tudor Times Religion to today.
KS1 Funny Bones Reading Lessons

KS1 Funny Bones Reading Lessons

This resource includes a two weeks worth of activities linked to Funny Bones and reading. The activities range from prediction, deduction and inferring about the character. It allows children to develop their reading for pleasure and meaning. Some activities link to the questioning at ks1 SATS. Ideal for year 1 and year 2 Some of the lessons have powerpoints included.
Year 2  Writing Instructions

Year 2 Writing Instructions

This smartboard had 2 weeks worth of lessons focusing on making a healthy sandwich. The smartboard focuses on following instructions, ordering instructions, finding the features, planning their own instructions before making and writing a recipe card.
Year 2 Maths Ordering Numbers

Year 2 Maths Ordering Numbers

This smartboard and resources is based on ordering numbers. The lesson has all the resources needed and the smartboard has all the activities for teaching this lesson included.
Year 2 Maths Comparing Numbers

Year 2 Maths Comparing Numbers

This range of resources including the smartboard is for teaching the children greater and less than between two numbers. The children are exposed to using < > in this lesson.
Year 5 Science Growth

Year 5 Science Growth

This smartboard focuses on children looking at factors that can affect growth such as food and exercise. Children will work in groups to begin an investigation to investigate this.
Year 5 Science Life cycles

Year 5 Science Life cycles

This smartboard is focused on understanding the life cycles of different animals such as frogs . The children will compare this life cycle to that of a human . They will also create their own life cycle of an animal. This resource only has the smartboard for class introduction and plenary.