Physical education
BTEC Sport Research Methods: Worksheets
Worksheets to help with the delivery of Research Methods in Sport!
Performance Profile Wheel / Butler's Wheel
A performance profile wheel used to analyse performance levels. There are two options (single or comparison).
BTEC Sport Psychology: Worksheets only
A fantastic resource that contains worksheets to accompany Sports Psychology Units.
BTEC Sport: Research Project Worksheets
A series of worksheets that accompany the Research Project lessons!
Nutritional Supplements Factsheets x 6
A document that summarises the nutritional supplements used by the general public. There are six factsheets.
1: Protein
2: Creatine
3: Energy drinks
4: Vitamins and minerals
5: Caffeine
6: Beetroot juice
Christmas Quiz (multiple rounds)
A Christmas themed quiz that contains multiple rounds.
Round One: Christmas Films using pictures.
Round Two: Christmas Songs using pictures.
Round Three: Christmas crossword.
Round Four: Scattergories.
Round Five: Xmas drawing in pairs.
This resource was created by a range of teachers and was first used in Xmas 2018 with success.
Planning Outdoor Activities (Considerations)
A worksheet that allows individuals to analyse outdoor activities and the considerations that must be planned before commencement.
BMR and calories ratio calculator
An excel spreadsheet that works out :
*BMR using the Hans-Benedict calculator for both males and females!
*Total calories needed by calculating PAL x BMR.
*Carbs, fats and protein requirements in grams (ratio 5,2,3).
Clients Recommendations
A worksheet that allows learners to analyse their clients information. This is suitable for personal trainers.
Home-made Fitness Testing
A resource created by multiple teachers to support the delivery of the 2016 BTEC Specialised Fitness Training unit. It can also be used for other specifications and subject areas. The lesson allows students to complete fitness tests from their own homes with minimal equipment.
Anatomy booklet (introduction to the skeletal system)
A worksheet created for Anatomy units. The resource itself focuses on the skeletal system.
Normative Fitness Testing Data (Poster)
A useful resource to allow students to compare fitness testing data to normative data.
Grade calculator for Sport & Exercise Science Foundation Diploma
An excel spreadsheet that automatically calculates the grade achieved for the Foundation Diploma in Sport and Exercise Science Foundation Diploma using complex formulae. You can change the unit names if required.
Hypothesis Lesson
A resource created by multiple teachers to support the delivery of the 2016 BTEC Research Methods Unit. It can also be used for other specifications and subject areas. The lesson contains a starter activity, main content, activities and plenary tasks.
Grade Calculators (2010 syllabus): Sport & Public Services
A useful resource to work out overall grade achieved throughout Sport and Public Services courses. This can also be useful for monitoring and tracking student performances.