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Unit 3 Applied Sport Psychology A1-A4 Motivation resources
A resource created by multiple teachers to support the delivery of the 2016 BTEC Sport and Exercise Science specifications. It can also be used for other specifications and subject areas. The unit itself contains a range of PowerPoints that cover the unit contents. All lessons contain a starter activity (identify), main content (discover), activities/worksheets (apply) and plenary tasks (check).
This resource contains the following lessons:
A1 Types of Motivation
A2 Theories of Motivation
A3 Motivational Environment
A4 Signs and Symptoms of over-motivation
Unit 2: Functional Anatomy in Sport (Skeletal System)
A resource created by multiple teachers to support the delivery of the 2016 BTEC Functional Anatomy exam unit in Sport and Exercise Science. It can also be used for other specifications and subject areas. All lessons contains a starter activity (identify), main content (discover), activities and worksheets (apply) and plenary tasks (check).
This contains the following lessons:
*Bone structure, growth and remodelling
*Recap on bone structure
Location of skeletal bones
Types of bones
Functions of skeletal system
Classification of joints
Synovial joints and ligaments
Types of movements
Recap on joints and joint movements
End of topic revision
Skeletal joint analysis
Unit 3 Applied Sport Psychology C1-C4 Self confidence, self efficacy and self-esteem
A resource created by multiple teachers to support the delivery of the 2016 BTEC Sport and Exercise Science specifications. It can also be used for other specifications and subject areas. The unit itself contains a range of PowerPoints that cover the unit contents. All lessons contain a starter activity (identify), main content (discover), activities/worksheets (apply) and plenary tasks (check).
BTEC Sport Psychology: Worksheets only
A fantastic resource that contains worksheets to accompany Sports Psychology Units.
BTEC Sports Coaching (Full unit with PowerPoint, worksheets & Unit Plan)
A fantastic resource for those teaching BTEC Sport. This resource includes starter activities and plenary tasks, differentiated learning objectives, tasks with differentiation, employability tasks, Maths and English tasks included (where possible). The resource is very interactive and has been put together by a series of teachers to improve the consistency.
The main PowerPoint itself contains over 250 slides and there are attached worksheets which helps the delivery of the Unit.
The unit has been broken up into the following theory lessons:
Roles of a Sports Coach
Responsibilities of a Sports Coach
Skills of a Sports Coach
Techniques of a Sports Coach (3 lessons, observational, profiling and fitness assessment)
Planning effective lessons.
Risk assessments.
Delivery of practical sessions.
Practical delivery of sessions.
Reviewing practical lessons.
BTEC Sport: Research Methods inc SPSS (Full unit with PowerPoint, worksheets & Unit Plan)
A fantastic resource for those teaching BTEC Sport. This resource includes starter activities and plenary tasks, differentiated learning objectives, tasks with differentiation, employability tasks, Maths and English tasks included (where possible). The resource is very interactive and has been put together by a series of teachers to improve the consistency.
The main PowerPoint itself contains over 300 slides and there are attached worksheets which helps the delivery of the Unit.
The unit has been broken up into the following theory lessons:
*Key Issues
*Classifications of Data
*Ethical Issues
*Research Designs
*Qualitative Data Analysis
*Quantitative Data Analysis
*Graphs in Sport Science
*Independent t-test
*Chi-Squared t-test
Parents Evening Conversation Template
A template used to record conversations during Parents Evening. This document can be stored and updated for future evenings!
Preparation for University Presentation
A useful resource for those presenting University talks to students. These skills may help to prepare students for University life.
BTEC Sports Science: Nutrition (Full unit with PowerPoint, worksheets & Unit Plan)
A fantastic resource for those teaching BTEC Sport. This resource includes starter activities and plenary tasks, differentiated learning objectives, tasks with differentiation, employability tasks, Maths and English tasks included (where possible). The resource is very interactive and has been put together by a series of teachers to improve the consistency.
together by a series of teachers to improve the consistency.
together by a series of teachers to improve the consistency.
The main PowerPoint itself contains over 250 slides and there are attached worksheets which helps the delivery of the Unit.
The unit has been broken up into the following theory lessons:
*Eatwell Plate
*Common Terminology
*Energy Balance
*Eating Disorders
*Cultural differences
Level 2 Sport: Unit 11 Running a Sports Event (Full unit with PowerPoint, SOW & Worksheets)
A fantastic resource for those teaching Level 2 BTEC Sport. This resource includes starter activities and plenary tasks, differentiated learning objectives, tasks with differentiation, employability tasks, Maths and English tasks included (where possible). The resource is very interactive and has been put together by a series of teachers to improve the consistency.
The main PowerPoint itself contains 93 slides and there are attached worksheets which helps the delivery of the Unit.
Work Experience booklet
A resource that allows students to reflect on their Work Experience placement and improve their employability skills. The resource contains a skills audit, SWOT analysis, target-setting, multiple employer assessments and an hours logging sheet.
Coaching Worksheets
Various coaching worksheets to support the delivery of practical units.
SWOT Analysis
A resource that allows an individual to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats.
Client Analysis
A worksheet that can be used to analyse clients strengths and weaknesses.
BTEC Sports Science: Exercise Physiology (Full unit with PowerPoint, worksheets & Unit Plan)
A fantastic resource for those teaching BTEC Sport and Exercise Science. This resource includes starter activities and plenary tasks, differentiated learning objectives, tasks with differentiation, employability tasks, Maths and English tasks included (where possible). The resource is very interactive and has been put together by a series of teachers to improve the consistency.
The main PowerPoints themselves contain over 300 slides and there are attached worksheets which helps the delivery of the Unit.
Planning Outdoor Activities (Considerations)
A worksheet that allows individuals to analyse outdoor activities and the considerations that must be planned before commencement.
Weekly Planner
A resource that allows learners to plan their weeks.
Clients Recommendations
A worksheet that allows learners to analyse their clients information. This is suitable for personal trainers.
Risk Assessment Template
A template that can be used by students to create a risk assessment to meet assessment criteria.
Contingency Plan for a Sports Event
A worksheet which allows students to maintain health and safety.