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Clients Recommendations
A worksheet that allows learners to analyse their clients information. This is suitable for personal trainers.
Planning Outdoor Activities (Considerations)
A worksheet that allows individuals to analyse outdoor activities and the considerations that must be planned before commencement.
Nutritional Supplements Factsheets x 6
A document that summarises the nutritional supplements used by the general public. There are six factsheets.
1: Protein
2: Creatine
3: Energy drinks
4: Vitamins and minerals
5: Caffeine
6: Beetroot juice
SWOT Analysis
A resource that allows an individual to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats.
Key Issues worksheet (reliability, accuracy, precision & validity)
A worksheet that analyses the key issues that impact research.
Risk Assessment Template
A template that can be used by students to create a risk assessment to meet assessment criteria.
Performance Profile Wheel / Butler's Wheel
A performance profile wheel used to analyse performance levels. There are two options (single or comparison).
Erosion & Pollution in Sport
A PowerPoint & worksheet used to analyse erosion and pollution in sport.
Working in Sport (Can be adapted) Full Unit
A fantastic resource created by multiple teachers within a Further Education setting. There are a total of six lessons which cover Opportunities, Application, Interview Process, SMART targets and Reflection. Each lesson contains starter activites, content and tasks throughout.
Unit 8: Specialised Fitness Training (Sport - Full Unit inc. PowerPoint, SOW, worksheets).
A fantastic resource containing a full PowerPoint (with SOW and worksheets) for supporting the delivery of Unit 8: Specialised Fitness Training. Each lesson contains starter activities, content, tasks and plenary tasks.
It has been created by multiple tutors.
Principles of Nutrition for Healthy Individuals (Exam unit)
A fantastic resource created by multiple teachers. This is useful for teaching Personal Training Courses and is specifically designed for the exam unit. This resource contains the whole unit and involves plenary tasks, starter tasks and activities throughout.