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Ex Head Teacher in Special Education, now retired and doing things differently. My resources cover a wide range of school related topics that help to develop staff expertise and wider 'whole school development'. My resources also include numerous PSHE/Life Skill modules I have written and delivered in AP and SE.




Ex Head Teacher in Special Education, now retired and doing things differently. My resources cover a wide range of school related topics that help to develop staff expertise and wider 'whole school development'. My resources also include numerous PSHE/Life Skill modules I have written and delivered in AP and SE.
Support Staff/Teaching Assistant  Questionnaire

Support Staff/Teaching Assistant Questionnaire

An Extensive Questionnaire (22 Questions) that can be used for self evaluation within the LSA/TA Support teams or as part of wider school/staff evaluation that informs the school development plan or gives feedback to Senior/Middle Leadership.
The Role of the Form Tutor - Updated

The Role of the Form Tutor - Updated

Are you looking to review job descriptions or to re-define the role of your Tutor Teams? This resource identifies in full what are considered the key roles for the Form Tutor on a day-to day basis. This resource can be used by member of SLT to reinforce, or indeed re-invent the expectations for form tutors in your establishment. I originally wrote this for my school as the Tutor Period was re-introduced and it identified the guidance as to the expectations for the new role.
KS3 Curriculum Statement

KS3 Curriculum Statement

This is an extensive Curriculum Statement that I wrote for my KS3 Centre (PRU) in readiness for Ofsted; it also proved to be a great reflection tool that enabled us to look at all areas of the curriculum and to assess if it met the needs of our young people.
Anti-bullying Policy

Anti-bullying Policy

This is a ‘Bullying Policy’ that I had previously written for my Special School, where it was proven into guiding staff into making decisions around bullying incidents. It aims to give a comprehensive definition in real terms as to the kind of bullying that may be experienced by students in any educational provision.
Headteacher Application Letter - Special Education

Headteacher Application Letter - Special Education

This letter template is based on my previously well used Headteacher letter template that I used for applying for HT jobs; this one is specifically focused on roles for Headteacher/SLT positions in Special Education and Alternative Provision and gives examples of the kind of evidence you may need to provide that helps to catch the eye of prospective employers. I did indeed get an interview using this letter and ultimately got the job, which was my last substantive post before retirement.
Report Writing for Teachers/Teacher Report Comments

Report Writing for Teachers/Teacher Report Comments

Save valuable time when writing your reports Are you a teacher or Senior leader who wants to write excellent, personalised reports but also want to save some of your valuable time? This resource contains many exemplar paragraphs and sentences, that can be modified and adapted to add to any style of student mid term/end of term reports; they have originally been written for students in Special Education and some of them link to personalised targets, however much of the resource can be used by colleagues in all types of educational establishment.
Tasks for SLT Interviews

Tasks for SLT Interviews

Are you looking to interview for your new Senior Leaders or Assistant Heads and Deputies? If so, this resource will provide a range of tasks that can be administered for these interviews and give you a range of feedback to help you choose the best candidate for the role. I have used each of these tasks for SLT interviews in Special Education and they had proved invaluable. As a bonus I have also added a wide ranging number of interview questions that I feel sure you will find useful.
Student Voice - Whole School Survey

Student Voice - Whole School Survey

Getting the Thoughts of Your Students is important for ‘Whole School Development’. This is a 20 question survey encompassing all aspects of school life. I wrote and distributed this survey at the end of a term, where a new Behaviour and Teaching and Learning policy was introduced. The feedback was invaluable to help us assess how well these policies had started to be embedded; a similar survey was also distributed to the staff.
School Review and Senior Leadership Audit Tool

School Review and Senior Leadership Audit Tool

Are you a new headteacher or longstanding one, who needs to review practice in their school/provision? The following 7 page audit designed in diagrammatic format, asks questions of the practice undertaken in your provision so that you and your Leadership Team can reflect and review the current position of the areas identified…those areas for the purpose of this document are: Curriculum and curriculum development Teaching, learning and assessment Behaviour management Staffing Site and resources Other considerations - like staff and student voice/extra curricular etc. This is an authentic document that I wrote to help identify my initial priorities as I moved into a new position as head of a special school.