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Tarsia puzzle- Travel and Tourism GCSE French
2 page cut out to make one tarsia puzzle!
Great plenary for the end of the Travel and Tourism GCSE French module.

A level French: La musique- Comment récompenser les artistes?
Reading comprehension on the phenomenon of streaming sites and how much harder it is now for musicians to earn a living.

GCSE French Tourism- Conti Worksheet on Hotels
Conti style worksheet with vocab for describing and reserving hotel rooms.

Les représailles French A level Worksheet
A worksheet on the reprisal massacre that took place in the French village of Oradour sur Glane.
Suitable for the French A level topic of l’occupation et la résistance.

'Depuis' and 'venir de' worksheet for A level French
‘Depuis’ and ‘venir de’ worksheet for A level French

Regular -er verbs conjugation worksheet French
Worksheet for practicing the conjugation of regular -er verbs in the present tense

Conti style activity templates
For some of the games to work (e.g. where’s wally), the powerpoint must be in ‘present mode’ and you click on the images

Worksheet- le monde du travail, A level French
Reading comprehension on ‘les jobs fly-in-fly-out’ in Québec, and gap-fill of the song ‘Fermont’ (about miners commuting to a remote town in northern Québec).

French numbers grid 1-100 'les numéros/les nombres'
Printable grid of the French numbers (p1= completed, p2= gap fill) to use as a support in a numbers lesson

Tarsia les structures familiales, a level french
Tarsia les changements dans les structures familiales, a level french (edexcel spec)

Song gap fill on l'éducation (GCSE version and A level version)
Students take 10 minutes to fill in the gaps (using the English translation to help). They then listen to the song to check if they got the gap fill correct or not!
GCSE version and A level version are both on the same doc, with answers.

l'Etranger model essay: Décrivez le style utilisé par Camus dans l'Etranger
Model essay and accompanying worksheet to help year 13 students to understand what is required of them in the essay.

Le système scolaire en France (Poster sur l'éducation en France)
Poster to print for students to keep in their folders detailing French education system

Entre les murs compréhension de lecture A level French
Extracts from the book ‘entre les murs’ with questions.
Interesting task for students studying the film ‘entre les murs’ for A level!

French Christmas lesson song gap fill (Last Christmas in French)
Easy and difficult printable gap=fills to go along with this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHxgHMXf4Tc

Three tenses auxiliary verbs revision sheet (past with avoir and être+ future with aller)
Quick revision exercise and then the sheet can be used as a cheat sheet when students are writing their 90 words

Worksheet on les tétraplégiques (for film Intouchables)
Worksheet linked to two youtube videos on quadraplegics: How they overcame daily frustrations and their life philosophy!
Useful as a homework when doing ‘Intouchables’ at A level

A2 How the gig economy affects workers rights
Powerpoint and Reading comprehension adapted from a Europe 1 article on the ‘ubérisation’ of the economy.