Literacy for early years

The 3 Little Pigs - stick puppet templates
‘The Three Little Pigs’ – stick puppet templates.
Black and White templates:
• Pig
• Wolf
• Pot on the fire
• House – straw, wood, brick
• House – blank (draw your own cladding)
• House – large templates (blank, straw, wood, brick)
Coloured templates:
• Pigs - different colours (no background colour)
• Pigs - different colours (with background colour)
• Pigs - pink 1
• Pigs - pink 2
• Pigs - grey/black
• Wolf (with background colour)
• Wolf (no background colour)
• Pot on the fire
• Houses - straw, wood, brick
• Houses - large templates (straw, wood, brick)
Laminate if desired.
Attach a craft stick and you’re ready to have loads of fun.
Great for story retell, oral language development, puppetry skills, imaginative play, etc
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Alphabetical Order - cut and paste activity - 3 levels
Alphabetical Order.
Worksheets for students to cut, group, order and glue words into alphabetical order.
3 different levels:
* all words have a different starting letter
* some words have the same starting letter
* all words have the same starting letter
2 different worksheets at each level.
2 A5 size worksheets on A4 paper.
Blank template included.
Answer sheets included.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Blends and Digraphs - Activity sheets
Worksheets for common blends and digraphs.
♦ write your name.
♦ colour the blend.
♦ trace and write the blend.
♦ find the blend 4 times and colour the circle.
♦ colour the picture.
♦ write the blend to make 4 words.
♦ write the 4 words in the letter boxes.
There is also an empty box in the bottom left corner. This is so you can design an activity for your students. For example:
• draw a picture of a word that has the blend.
• hunt for a word around the classroom (in a book, on the wall, etc) that has the blend and write it.
• write the blend as many times as you can.
• write the blend in fancy lettering.
• write a sentence using a word that has the blend.
♦ 40 worksheets
♦ Teacher notes (including a resource to help teach the ‘letter boxes’).
♦ Each worksheet is the same format.
♦ Made on A4 size paper.
♦ Made with the NZ Basic Script font so they are especially suitable for New Zealand classrooms.
List of blends and digraphs used: (36 beginning and 4 final)
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

The 3 Billy Goats Gruff - Stick Puppet Templates
3 Billy Goats Gruff - classroom resources
Stick puppet templates - goats, troll and bridge
Colour and black and white - Various options.
Attach to an ice-block stick and have fun!
Encourages story retelling and oral language development.
Label the goat worksheet (with answer sheet). 2 per A4 sheet.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Story Starters - third person - writing
Story Starters for writing lessons in the classroom.
They are all for writing in the third person (ie they all contain the names of other characters, rather than using 'I')
Print these out and laminate them back-to-back. Hand them out (or children can 'lucky-dip'). Students can then choose which story starter interests them the most and use that one to begin writing in their exercise book. Collect them in and use them again another time.
8 A4 sheets with 8 story starters on each page (total 64).

Label the Zoo Animals
A set of 26 zoo animals to label. Perfect for an animal study or as an activity pre/post a field trip to the zoo.
♦ Cut and glue the labels into the correct boxes.
♦ Use the word bank to write the words into the correct boxes.
The 26 Animals:
Polar Bear
There are 5 labels on each picture.
All pages are ‘landscape’ orientation and designed on A4 size paper.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Sentence Building - Zoo Animals
Sentence building worksheets for the New Zealand junior classroom. 25 worksheets in four different formats so you can easily differentiate your student’s learning.
4 Different Formats:
♦ Cut and glue the words.
♦ Cut and glue the words + trace the sentence.
♦ Cut and glue the words + write the sentence.
♦ Cut and glue the words + trace and write the sentence.
Also included are 25 sentence cards that you can use as a teaching aid. These cards contain a coloured picture and the sentence.
The font used is ‘NZ Basic Script’. The letter shapes are the same as those recommended in the NZ Ministry of Education Handbook – ‘Teaching Handwriting’.
The theme is ZOO ANIMALS. The pictures are gorgeous and your students will love adding colour to them.
All of the sentences use high frequency sight words together with the name of the animal. Two of the sentences are questions.
The Sentences:
Look at the lion.
Look at my lizard.
I see a crocodile.
I see the sloth.
Here is a snake.
Here is my tortoise.
Here is the tiger.
I like the flamingo.
We like the cheetah.
He likes the gorilla.
Mum likes her parrot.
Dad saw the elephant.
I saw a rhino.
She saw a peacock.
We saw the bear.
They saw the kangaroo.
This is my toucan.
This is a zebra.
That is a penguin.
That is my monkey.
Where is the walrus?
Where is my frog?
The hippo is big.
The koala is little.
The giraffe is tall.
A fun, effective literacy resource that your students will love.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

New Zealand Essential Spelling Lists - cards
New Zealand Essential Spelling Lists 1-8.
5 words on each card.
Can be used in a multitude of ways in your classroom.
Suggestions for use:
♦ Spelling activities (eg alphabetical order, words in sentences).
♦ Word study (eg how many syllables, how many vowels).
♦ Handwriting (The font on the cards is ‘NZ basic script’).
♦ Writing – make up a sentence/story using the words.
♦ Oral language – make up a story with a buddy. Use words and picture.
♦ Maths (eg if a=$1, b=$2, c=$3 etc, what is the most expensive word on the card?).
♦ Reading – read the words to a buddy
Different colour border for each list. List number (eg ‘List 6e) written at top of card.
List 8 is commonly misspelt words.
4 cards on each A4 page. 18 pages of cards.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Dolch Words - Activity Sheets - First Grade level
A set of 41 activity sheets for Dolch words at the First Grade level.
8 activities on each sheet:
♦ Read it
♦ Colour it
♦ Trace it
♦ Write it
♦ Clap it (how many syllables?)
♦ Spell it (write it in the ‘letter boxes’)
♦ Connect it (draw a line to connect the letters)
♦ Find it (find the word written 4 times)
There is also space on the top of each sheet for your students to write their name.
Made on A4 size paper
2 different sets of sheets for UK/USA spelling of the word colour/color.
Words Used:
First Grade:
after again an any as ask by could every fly from give going had has her him his how just know let live may of old once open over put round some stop take thank them then think walk were when
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Sentence Work – capital letters, full stops and question marks.
Activity sheets for learning about capital letters, full stops and question marks. The sentences contain high frequency sight words so they are suitable for junior students (early readers).
♦ READ the text.
♦ EDIT the text (capital letters, full stops, question marks).
♦ WRITE the edited text on the lines.
♦ DRAW a picture in the empty box.
Four Levels:
♦ 1 sentence
♦ 1 sentence (questions)
♦ 2 sentences
♦ 2 sentences (with questions)
Two Formats:
♦ A4 size paper (with NZ/AU/UK spelling)
♦ Letter size paper (with US spelling - mom)
Each level contains 5 different activity sheets. This resource contains a total of 20 worksheets. Each set of worksheets has a different ‘bee’ picture.
What needs editing?
♦ Punctuation - full stops and question marks.
♦ Capital Letters – beginning of sentences, I, proper nouns.
The font used is ‘NZ Basic Script’. The letter shapes are the same as those recommended in the NZ Ministry of Education Handbook – ‘Teaching Handwriting’. The lines are 14mm high with a 7mm dashed line.
A helpful resource for literacy stations, focused writing lessons or homework.
Level A – 1 sentence
Look at the little bird in the big tree.
Mum and Dad looked for my reading book.
I like to play on the slide when I go to the park.
I have a black cat and his name is Fluffy.
We are going to China with Grandma on Monday.
Level B – 1 sentence (question)
What would you like to eat for dinner?
Could you please help me look for my red ball?
When can I take the little puppy for a walk?
Would you like to play with Sam after school?
Where is my book about Mickey Mouse?
Level C – 2 sentences
Look at the pink pig. It is so happy in the mud.
I like Mr Brown’s car. It is long and black.
Dan put the book in his bag. He took it to school.
I saw Amanda run away. She is over there.
I can’t find Mum. I think I am lost.
Level D – 2 sentences (with questions)
Where is my bat? Will you help me look for it?
We like to skip and jump. Can I jump higher than Kim?
Was that a little mouse? I think it ran under the bed.
I saw Tom on the bus. Where is he going?
How fast can you ride your bike? I can go faster than Dad.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Māori Myths and Legends – How Māui Found his Mother
These are fun and engaging activity sheets for the story ‘How Māui Found his Mother. Plenty of activities to pick-and-choose from. Simply print and you’re ready to go! A great addition to a unit study on Māori Myths and Legends. Designed for New Zealand classrooms.
Most of the activity sheets can be used with any retelling of this story. There are a few activities that were made using the story written by Peter Gossage. These activities are marked with an asterisk (*).
♦ Cloze – fill in the missing words *
♦ Word search *
♦ Order events in the story *
♦ Drama – Freeze frame cards *
♦ Music – Sound effect cards *
♦ Storyboard – with words *
♦ Storyboard – without words
♦ Write a poem (noun, adjectives, verbs, thought, synonym)
♦ Acrostic poem
♦ 5 senses – what a character may see, hear, smell, etc
♦ Thought bubbles - what a character may be thinking
♦ Story outline – problem, response, action, outcome
♦ Trifold – beginning, middle, end (paper foldable)
♦ Vocabulary word match – cut and paste
♦ Newspaper article – write and draw
♦ Graph – tally chart and block graph
♦ Bookmark
♦ Character traits
♦ Wall ball – write and draw
♦ Diorama – write and draw (paper foldable)
♦ Art – decorate the topknot in the same style as the illustrator
♦ Pattern art - topknot
♦ Book cover – design a new one
♦ Book dust jacket
♦ Story review
♦ Flap booklet - write and/or draw. With and without headings.
♦ Holiday suitcases – needs and wants
♦ Postage stamp design
♦ Award design
♦ T-shirt design
♦ Flip-flap booklet – (paper foldable)
♦ Postcard
♦ Comic strip
♦ Reporter questions
♦ Email writing
♦ Letter writing – to the author
♦ Letter writing – to Māui
♦ Selfie photo drawing
♦ Text writing
♦ Gift giving – think and write
♦ Art – draw a picture in the topknot and write about it
♦ Is / Can / Has - brainstorm
♦ Binoculars – draw and write
♦ I-pad – draw picture
♦ Party plan
♦ Bedroom plan
♦ 30 second talks – oral language activity
♦ Bingo board templates
♦ Graphic organiser – mothers
♦ Graphic organiser – research facts about kereru
♦ List writing – things your mother/father have taught you
♦ Reading challenge
Answer sheets are provided for the word search, cloze, and ordering events activities.
Designed on A4 size paper.
The word search is also included in my Maori Myths and Legends Word Search resource.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Story Starters - first person - writing
Story Starters for writing lessons in the classroom.
They are all for writing in the first person (ie they all contain 'I')
Print these out and laminate them back-to-back. Hand them out (or children can 'lucky-dip'). Students can then choose which story starter interests them the most and use that one to begin writing in their exercise book. Collect them in and use them again another time.
8 A4 sheets with 8 story starters on each page (total 64).

New Zealand Essential Spelling Words - 'Unscramble it' mats
A fun, interactive activity for your students to practise their spelling words.
Print and laminate the mats. Students use alphabet letters such as magnetic letters, scrabble tiles, letters written on milk bottle lids or pieces of card. They gather the letters they need and manipulate them until they see the word.
Words used: NZ Essential Spelling Words lists 1-8 (list 8 = commonly misspelt words).
2 Different Formats:
♦ With a prompt – a dot under the starting letter
♦ Without a prompt
69 ‘Unscramble it’ mats in total
Just print the mats that suit the level of your students:
♦ List 1 – 2 mats
♦ List 2 – 4 mats
♦ List 3 – 6 mats
♦ List 4 – 10 mats
♦ List 5 – 10 mats
♦ List 6 - 14 mats
♦ List 7 – 12 mats
♦ List 8 – 11 mats
* This is the type of activity that your ‘hands-on learners’ will appreciate.
* Great for a learning station, early finisher activity, etc.
* This activity will reinforce both spelling and reading.
The font used is ‘NZ Basic Script’. The letter shapes are the same as those recommended in the NZ Ministry of Education Handbook – ‘Teaching Handwriting’.
5 words on each A4 page.
The level of each mat is written in the bottom right corner.
Answer sheets are not provided. If you can’t work out what the word is (particularly some of the longer words in list 7 and 8) just look at the starting letter and refer to a copy of the essential spelling list.
Please note that when making some of the longer words, the letter tiles will not fit in the allocated space on the page. These longer words will spread out onto the table/floor. Also, there are two words in List one that are only 1 letter long (a and I) so these will not require unscrambling.
The words are displayed in a different order to my other resource – Essential Spelling Words ‘Make it’ mats.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Māori Myths and Legends – The Giant of Lake Wakatipu
These are fun and engaging activity sheets for the story ‘The Giant of Lake Wakatipu’. Plenty of activities to pick-and-choose from. Simply print and you’re ready to go! A great addition to a unit study on Māori Myths and Legends.
Most of the activity sheets can be used with any retelling of this story. There are a few activities that were made using the story written by Peter Gossage. These activities are marked with an asterisk (*).
♦ Cloze – fill in the missing words *
♦ Word search *
♦ Order events in the story *
♦ Drama – Freeze frame cards *
♦ Music – Sound effect cards *
♦ Creative drawing – 2 headed dog *
♦ Storyboard – with words *
♦ Storyboard – without words
♦ Write a poem (noun, verbs, adjectives, synonym)
♦ Acrostic poem
♦ 5 senses – what a character may see, hear, smell, etc
♦ Thought bubbles - what a character may be thinking
♦ Story outline – problem, response, action, outcome
♦ Trifold – beginning, middle, end (paper foldable)
♦ Newspaper article – write and draw
♦ Graph – tally chart and block graph
♦ Bookmark
♦ Creative thinking – giant killing plan and equipment needed
♦ Character traits
♦ Wall ball – write and draw
♦ Diorama – write and draw (paper foldable)
♦ Art – decorate the footprint in the same style as the illustrator
♦ Pattern art
♦ Book cover – design a new one
♦ Book dust jacket
♦ Story review
♦ Flap booklet - write and/or draw. With and without headings.
♦ Holiday suitcases – needs and wants
♦ Postage stamp design
♦ Award design
♦ T-shirt design
♦ Flip-flap booklet – 4 flaps (paper foldable)
♦ Postcard
♦ Comic strip
♦ Reporter questions
♦ Email writing
♦ Letter writing
♦ Selfie photo drawing
♦ Text writing
♦ Gift giving – think and write
♦ Missing poster
♦ Is / Can / Has - brainstorm
♦ 30 second talks – oral language activity
♦ Binoculars – draw and write
♦ I-pad – draw picture
♦ Party plan
♦ Bedroom plan
♦ Bingo board templates
♦ Water safety – write some rules
♦ Water safety – design a poster
♦ Reading challenge
Answer sheets are provided for the word search, cloze, and ordering events activities.
Designed on A4 size paper.
The word search is also included in my Maori Myths and Legends Word Search resource.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Māori Myths and Legends – Hinemoa and Tūtānekai
These are fun and engaging activity sheets for the story ‘Hinemoa and Tūtānekai’. Plenty of activities to pick-and-choose from. Simply print and you’re ready to go! A great addition to a unit study on Māori Myths and Legends.
Most of the activity sheets can be used with any retelling of this story. There are a few activities that were made using the story written by Peter Gossage. These activities are marked with an asterisk (*).
♦ Cloze – fill in the missing words *
♦ Word search *
♦ Order events in the story *
♦ Drama – Freeze frame cards *
♦ Music – Sound effect cards *
♦ Storyboard – with words *
♦ Storyboard – without words
♦ Write a poem (noun, verbs, adjectives, synonym)
♦ Acrostic poem
♦ 5 senses – what a character may see, hear, smell, etc
♦ Thought bubbles - what a character may be thinking
♦ Story outline – problem, response, action, outcome
♦ Trifold – beginning, middle, end (paper foldable)
♦ Newspaper article – write and draw
♦ Graph – tally chart and block graph
♦ Bookmark
♦ Character traits
♦ Wall ball – write and draw
♦ Diorama – write and draw (paper foldable)
♦ Art – decorate the heart in the same style as the illustrator
♦ Pattern art
♦ Book cover – design a new one
♦ Book dust jacket
♦ Story review
♦ Flap booklet - write and/or draw. With and without headings.
♦ Holiday suitcases – needs and wants
♦ Postage stamp design
♦ Award design
♦ T-shirt design
♦ Flip-flap booklet – 4 flaps (paper foldable)
♦ Postcard
♦ Comic strip
♦ Reporter questions
♦ Email writing
♦ Letter writing
♦ Selfie photo drawing
♦ Text writing
♦ Gift giving – think and write
♦ Missing poster
♦ Is / Can / Has - brainstorm
♦ 30 second talks – oral language activity
♦ Binoculars – draw and write
♦ I-pad – draw picture
♦ Party plan
♦ Bedroom plan
♦ Bingo board templates
♦ Water safety – write some rules
♦ Water safety – design a poster
♦ Reading challenge
Answer sheets are provided for the word search, cloze, and ordering events activities.
Designed on A4 size paper.
The word search is also included in my Maori Myths and Legends Word Search resource.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Māori Myths and Legends – How Māui Slowed the Sun
These are fun and engaging activity sheets for the story ‘How Māui Slowed the Sun’. Plenty of activities to pick-and-choose from. Simply print and you’re ready to go! A great addition to a unit study on Māori Myths and Legends.
Most of the activity sheets can be used with any retelling of this story. There are a few activities that were made using the story written by Peter Gossage. These activities are marked with an asterisk (*).
♦ Cloze – fill in the missing words *
♦ Word search *
♦ Order events in the story *
♦ Similes – write and draw 4 similes *
♦ Drama – Freeze frame cards *
♦ Music – Sound effect cards *
♦ Storyboard – with words *
♦ Storyboard – without words
♦ Write a poem (noun, adjectives, verbs, thought, synonym)
♦ Acrostic poem
♦ Jawbone – decorate and write
♦ List – write a list of possible jobs people had to do during the short days
♦ 5 senses – what a character may see, hear, smell, etc
♦ Thought bubbles - what a character may be thinking
♦ Story outline – problem, response, action, outcome
♦ Trifold – beginning, middle, end (paper foldable)
♦ Art – draw a face on the sun
♦ Newspaper article – write and draw
♦ Graph – tally chart and block graph
♦ Bookmark
♦ Character traits
♦ Wall ball – write and draw
♦ Diorama – write and draw (paper foldable)
♦ Art – decorate the sun in the same style as the illustrator
♦ Pattern art
♦ Book cover – design a new one
♦ Book dust jacket
♦ Story review
♦ Flap booklet - write and/or draw. With and without headings.
♦ Holiday suitcases – needs and wants
♦ Postage stamp design
♦ Award design
♦ T-shirt design
♦ Flip-flap booklet – 4 flaps (paper foldable)
♦ Postcard
♦ Comic strip
♦ Reporter questions
♦ Email writing
♦ Letter writing
♦ Selfie photo drawing
♦ Text writing
♦ Gift giving – think and write
♦ Is / Can / Has - brainstorm
♦ Binoculars – draw and write
♦ I-pad – draw picture
♦ Party plan
♦ Bedroom plan
♦ 30 second talks – oral language activity
♦ Bingo board templates
♦ Graphic organiser – staying safe in the sun
♦ Poster design – how to be sun smart
♦ Reading challenge
Answer sheets are provided for the word search, cloze, and ordering events activities.
Designed on A4 size paper.
The word search is also included in my Maori Myths and Legends Word Search resource.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

New Zealand Essential Spelling Words – Lists 1-4 – Cut, Glue, Trace & Write
Activity sheets for lists 1-4 of the NZCER Essential Words. A great way to reinforce spelling and handwriting at the same time!
110 activity sheets in total.
A5 size (two of the same activity sheet on each A4 size page).
♦ write your name at the top of the sheet.
♦ read the word.
♦ cut the letter tiles out and decide which ones you need to keep.
♦ glue the letter tiles in the empty boxes.
♦ trace the word written in the light grey font.
♦ write the word independently.
The lines for writing are 14mm high with a 7mm dashed line.
The font used is ‘NZ Basic Script’. The letter shapes are the same as those recommended in the NZ Ministry of Education Handbook – ‘Teaching Handwriting’.
List 1 – 10 words
List 2 – 20 words
List 3 – 30 words
List 4 – 50 words
Also available in my store: Lists 5-6.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Māori Myths and Legends – Rona and the Moon
These are fun and engaging activity sheets for the story ‘Rona and the Moon’. Plenty of activities to pick-and-choose from. Simply print and you’re ready to go! A great addition to a unit study on Māori Myths and Legends.
Most of the activity sheets can be used with any retelling of this story. There are a few activities that were made using the story written by Peter Gossage. These activities are marked with an asterisk (*).
♦ Cloze – fill in the missing words *
♦ Word search *
♦ Order events in the story *
♦ Order steps and draw pictures to make Rona’s hangi *
♦ Graphic organiser – research facts about fishing with a hīnaki *
♦ 30 second talks – oral language activity *
♦ Drama – Freeze frame cards *
♦ Music – Sound effect cards *
♦ Storyboard – with words *
♦ Storyboard – without words
♦ Write a poem (noun, verbs, adjectives, synonym)
♦ Acrostic poem
♦ 5 senses – what a character may see, hear, smell, etc
♦ Thought bubbles - what a character may be thinking
♦ Story outline – problem, response, action, outcome
♦ Trifold – beginning, middle, end (paper foldable)
♦ Art – draw Rona and the tree on the moon
♦ Newspaper article – write and draw
♦ Graph – tally chart and block graph
♦ Bookmark
♦ Character traits
♦ Wall ball – write and draw
♦ Diorama – write and draw (paper foldable)
♦ Art – decorate the moon in the same style as the illustrator
♦ Pattern art
♦ Book cover – design a new one
♦ Book dust jacket
♦ Story review
♦ Flap booklet - write and/or draw. With and without headings.
♦ Holiday suitcases – needs and wants
♦ Postage stamp design
♦ Award design
♦ T-shirt design
♦ Flip-flap booklet – write facts/fibs about the moon (paper foldable)
♦ Postcard
♦ Comic strip
♦ Reporter questions
♦ Email writing
♦ Letter writing
♦ Selfie photo drawing
♦ Text writing
♦ Gift giving – think and write
♦ Missing poster
♦ Is / Can / Has - brainstorm
♦ Binoculars – draw and write
♦ I-pad – draw picture
♦ Party plan
♦ Bedroom plan
♦ Bingo board templates
♦ Graphic organiser – what to do if you get upset
♦ Poster design – how to deal with anger instead of speaking unkindly
♦ Reading challenge
Answer sheets are provided for the following activities: word search, ordering the steps of Rona’s hangi, cloze, and ordering events in the story.
Designed on A4 size paper.
The word search is also included in my Maori Myths and Legends Word Search resource.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

New Zealand Essential Spelling Words – Lists 5-6 – Cut, Glue, Trace & Write
Activity sheets for lists 5 and 6 of the NZCER Essential Words. A great way to reinforce spelling and handwriting at the same time!
120 activity sheets in total.
A5 size (two of the same activity sheet on each A4 size page).
3 of the words are on an A4 size worksheet due to the length of the word.
♦ write your name at the top of the sheet.
♦ read the word.
♦ cut the letter tiles out and decide which ones you need to keep.
♦ glue the letter tiles in the empty boxes.
♦ trace the word written in the light grey font.
♦ write the word independently.
The lines for writing are 14mm with a 7mm dashed line.
The font used is ‘NZ Basic Script’. The letter shapes are the same as those recommended in the NZ Ministry of Education Handbook – ‘Teaching Handwriting’.
List 5 – 50 words
List 6 – 70 words
Also available in my store: List 1-4
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Māori Myths and Legends – The Fish of Māui
These are fun and engaging activity sheets for the story ‘The Fish of Māui’. Plenty of activities to pick-and-choose from. Simply print and you’re ready to go! A great addition to a unit study on Māori Myths and Legends.
Most of the activity sheets can be used with any retelling of this story. There are a few activities that were made using the story written by Peter Gossage. These activities are marked with an asterisk (*).
♦ Cloze – fill in the missing words *
♦ Word search *
♦ Order events in the story *
♦ Drama – Freeze frame cards *
♦ Music – Sound effect cards *
♦ Storyboard – with words *
♦ Storyboard – without words
♦ Write a poem (noun, adjectives, verbs, thought, synonym)
♦ Acrostic poem
♦ 5 senses – what a character may see, hear, smell, etc
♦ Thought bubbles - what a character may be thinking
♦ Trifold – beginning, middle, end (paper foldable)
♦ Newspaper article – write and draw
♦ Graph – tally chart and block graph
♦ Bookmark
♦ Character traits
♦ Wall ball – write and draw
♦ Diorama – write and draw (paper foldable)
♦ Art – decorate the jawbone in the same style as the illustrator
♦ Pattern art
♦ Book cover – design a new one
♦ Book dust jacket
♦ Story review
♦ Flap booklet - write and/or draw. With and without headings.
♦ Holiday suitcases – needs and wants
♦ Postage stamp design
♦ Award design
♦ T-shirt design
♦ Flip-flap booklet – 4 flaps (paper foldable)
♦ Postcard
♦ Comic strip
♦ Reporter questions
♦ Email writing
♦ Letter writing
♦ Selfie photo drawing
♦ Text writing
♦ Gift giving – think and write
♦ Is / Can / Has - brainstorm
♦ Binoculars – draw and write
♦ I-pad – draw picture
♦ Party plan
♦ Bedroom plan
♦ 30 second talks – oral language activity
♦ Bingo board templates
♦ Jawbone – what would you like to catch?
♦ Drawing – sea creature in the shape of the North Island
♦ Graphic Organiser – hīnaki fishing – research and write notes
♦ Graphic Organiser – traditional Māori fishing – research and write notes
♦ Graphic organiser – fishing rules
♦ Poster design – fishing safety
♦ Reading challenge
Answer sheets are provided for the word search, cloze, and ordering events activities.
Designed on A4 size paper.
The word search is also included in my Maori Myths and Legends Word Search resource.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources