Understanding the world

Poppy Art – Remembrance Day, Memorial Day, Armistice Day, Anzac Day.
A ‘Fun with a Ruler’ art project for your students to complete leading up to Remembrance Day / Memorial Day / Armistice Day / Anzac Day.
This project involves your students ruling straight lines between 2 dots on a template, to create a poppy. Your students could write something in the petals before colouring (eg facts, opinons, a 4 line poem, etc). Display them together to make a 'poppy patchwork quilt'.
♦ Template – black dots
♦ Template – light grey dots
♦ Example – black/white
♦ Instructions
♦ Teacher notes
Level of Difficulty:
Your students need to be able to use a ruler to draw straight lines between 2 points (the curves are made with straight lines … it’s like magic!). The design looks more complicated than it actually is. Concentration is required, but the actual process is not difficult. A pattern is repeated 8 times.
Simple, clear, easy-to-follow instructions are provided. One instruction per page (image and a sentence). Display the instructions via a data projector if you have access to one. Otherwise print and enlarge them and/or demonstrate on an enlarged template.
You need a ruler and a pen (black works best). Something to colour with (eg coloured pencils, watercolours, felt tip markers, chalk pastels, dye, etc)
The artwork measures approximately 17cm x 17cm. Designed on A4 size paper.
Keywords: string art, parabolic curves, math, geometry, patterns, war, symbolism, veteran,
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Strategy Board Games for Critical Thinking
This is a set of 10 board games that work on STRATEGY rather than CHANCE.
The only equipment you need is counters/markers.
Provided in both colour and black/white.
Easy-to-follow instructions are written on the game boards.
All games are for 2 players.
These games develop skills such as:
♦ strategic thinking
♦ logical thinking
♦ spatial perception
♦ planning ahead
♦ social interaction (not played on a screen!)
♦ Spiralin’
♦ Slide it!
♦ Sandwich
♦ Choices
♦ Pretwa
♦ Block
♦ Len Choa
♦ Nine Holes
♦ Tapatan
♦ Nine Field Kono
Designed on A4 size paper.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Diwali - Word Search - FREEBIE
A word search to celebrate Diwali (Deepavali), the Hindu Festival of Lights.
♦ 18 words
♦ answers included
♦ words can be found in 8 different directions
*** More Diwali resources available in my store.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Matariki - Free Goal Setting Bunting
Matariki (the Māori New Year) is a time for reflecting on the past and setting goals for the coming year.
Students write or draw their goal on the bunting, then decorate, cut and hang. If you don't want to hang them, simply trim the flap off the top.
Provided with and without lines.
2 per A4 sheet of paper.
Enjoy this freebie!
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Christmas Art - Angels
A ‘Fun with a Ruler’ art project for your students to complete during the Christmas season. There are 3 different templates to create 3 slightly different angels.
This project involves your students ruling straight lines between 2 dots on a template. When they have finished drawing all of the lines they can give the head some detail (hair, eyes, mouth, etc) and give their artwork some colour.
♦ 3x templates – black dots
♦ 3x examples – black/white
♦ 3 x instructions
♦ Teacher notes
Level of Difficulty:
Your students need to be able to use a ruler to draw straight lines between 2 points (the curves are made with straight lines … it’s like magic!). The designs can look more complicated than they actually are. Concentration is required, but the actual process is not difficult.
Simple, clear, easy-to-follow instructions are provided. One instruction per page (image and a sentence). Display the instructions via a data projector if you have access to one. Otherwise print and enlarge them and/or demonstrate on an enlarged template.
You need a ruler and a pen (black works best). Something to colour with (eg coloured pencils, watercolours, felt tip markers, chalk pastels, dye, etc)
Keywords: parabolic curves, math, geometry, patterns, string art, Xmas
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Poppy Art – ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day, Memorial Day, Armistice Day, etc (Design C)
A super-fun art project for your students when celebrating special days such as:
♦ Remembrance Day
♦ Memorial Day
♦ Armistice Day
This project involves your students ruling straight lines between 2 dots on a template, to create poppy inspired art work. This is Design C (medal).
♦ Template
♦ Example – black/white and colour
♦ Instructions
Level of Difficulty:
Your students need to be able to use a ruler to draw straight lines between 2 points (even the curves are made with straight lines … it’s like magic!). The designs look more complicated than they actually are. Concentration is required, but the actual process is not difficult.
Simple, clear, easy-to-follow instructions are provided. One instruction per page (image and a sentence). Display the instructions via a data projector if you have access to one. Otherwise print and enlarge them and/or demonstrate on an enlarged template.
Equipment Needed:
You need a ruler and a pen (black works best). Something to colour with (eg coloured pencils, watercolours, felt tip markers, chalk pastels, dye, etc)
The artwork measures approximately 17cm x 17cm. Designed on A4 size paper.
This is Design C (medal). Other designs are also available in my store:
Design A - wreath
Design B - cross
Design D - poppy
Keywords: string art, parabolic curves, math, geometry, patterns, war, symbolism, veteran
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Poppy Art – ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day, Memorial Day, Armistice Day, etc (Design B)
A super-fun art project for your students when celebrating special days such as:
♦ Remembrance Day
♦ Memorial Day
♦ Armistice Day
This project involves your students ruling straight lines between 2 dots on a template, to create poppy inspired art work. This is Design B (cross).
♦ Template
♦ Example – black/white and colour
♦ Instructions
Level of Difficulty:
Your students need to be able to use a ruler to draw straight lines between 2 points (even the curves are made with straight lines … it’s like magic!). The designs look more complicated than they actually are. Concentration is required, but the actual process is not difficult.
Simple, clear, easy-to-follow instructions are provided. One instruction per page (image and a sentence). Display the instructions via a data projector if you have access to one. Otherwise print and enlarge them and/or demonstrate on an enlarged template.
Equipment Needed:
You need a ruler and a pen (black works best). Something to colour with (eg coloured pencils, watercolours, felt tip markers, chalk pastels, dye, etc)
The artwork measures approximately 17cm x 17cm. Designed on A4 size paper.
Other designs are also available (in my store):
* Design A - wreath
* Design C - medal
* Design D - poppy
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Anzac Day -'Battleshots' game
A super-fun game that your students will love! Particularly suitable for New Zealand and Australian classrooms that are looking for learning activities based around Anzac Day.
You’re in a trench above Anzac Cove. You receive a coded message from your Commander. Decipher the code and then prepare for battle against a classmate …
The game is based on the popular game of ‘Battleships’ but this game has an Anzac theme. Players give co-ordinates to destroy enemy targets in the area across from ‘No Man’s Land’.
Vocabulary used in this game will prompt further research to develop a deeper understanding of the time soldiers spent in Gallipoli (eg, bivvy, jam tin bomb, stores, field gun, trench, etc).
This resource contains 3 different levels of the code breaking task and the game templates. It will suit a range of abilities, allowing you to differentiate your student’s learning. I believe it suits students from approximately Year 4 upwards (age 8/9 yrs+).
♦ Pre-game codebreaking task – decipher the message that is written in Morse Code (3 different levels). Optional task (it doesn't affect the game).
♦ Game instructions
♦ Game templates (3 different levels)
♦ Post-game activity – write a Morse code message back to your Commander informing him of the outcome of the battle.
Math Learning Objective:
Geometry (position and orientation): Communicate and interpret location using grid references.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Anzac Art
Make some great ANZAC art with this set of paper. Create an Anzac image on top of the National Anthem or the Ode of Remembrance.
♦ New Zealand National Anthem - English
♦ New Zealand National Anthem – Te Reo Māori
♦ Australian National Anthem – English
♦ The Ode of Remembrance - English
3 Different Formats:
♦ Circle with frame
♦ Plain white paper
♦ Parchment paper
Each set of paper is provided in 4 different fonts to give you and your students plenty of choice.
Coloured pencils or watercolour paints are recommended as they will allow the text to still show through.
A great thing about this set of paper is that it can be used within other studies … not just Anzac Day. For example, a unit on Kiwiana / national identity.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Star Art - using parabolic curves
Fun With Lines. Templates to create 4, 5, 6 and 8 point stars. Draw straight lines connecting the dots on the templates and curves will magically appear … such fun! (Parabolic Curves).
♦ 4x student templates – 4, 5, 6 and 8 point stars
♦ Example stars
♦ Easy-to-follow instructions (with images)
The Process:
♦ Draw the lines.
♦ Colour your artwork.
♦ Cut the artwork out around the circle.
♦ Display the stars.
The Instructions:
I have provided 7 steps to complete the artwork. Each step is on one page with concise instructions and an image. Print them out or display via a data projector – a great way for your students to self-check and manage their own learning. (Plus it will save you from having to answer millions of “Is this right?” questions!)
The Practise Part:
At the bottom of each template there is a section to practise ruling the lines and getting the hang of making parabolic curves before attempting it on the actual template.
The artwork looks tricky …. but it is actually very simple!
Skill enhancement: ruling straight lines with precision.
Keywords: parabolic curves, string art, line art, geometry, math, ruler, straight lines, star, space, galaxy,
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Anzac Day Craft and Quiz
A craft activity and a quiz in all one! Quiz questions are written on the ‘poppy petal fold’ template. Lift each petal up to write your answer.
Great for students with access to the internet so they can research the answers independently. Glue the template onto a blank piece of paper or a page in an exercise book.
Two Options:
♦ Use the template with the quiz questions.
♦ Use the blank template. Students write their own quiz questions.
♦ Teacher notes (instructions).
♦ Template – with quiz questions.
♦ Answers to the quiz questions.
♦ Template – blank (write your own quiz).
The Quiz Questions:
♦ What does each letter in the word ANZAC stand for?
♦ When did World War One start and finish?
♦ The last surviving ANZAC soldier died on 16 May 2002. What was his name?
♦ What is the name of the man who became famous for using a donkey to transport injured men from the battle field to the beach at Anzac Cove?
♦ What is the 35th word in the ‘Ode of Remembrance’?
♦ Apart from the poppy, what other plant is associated with remembering those that have fought for our country?
Answers are included.
Suitable for classrooms in Australian and New Zealand.
Made on A4 size paper.
Approximate size: 18cm wide and 20cm high.
Display suggestion: make a giant class wreath with the poppy quizzes that your students make.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Diwali – Make a Salt Dough Diya
A fun, easy craft activity for celebrating Diwali (The Festival of Lights).
Follow the instructions to make a diya out of salt dough and leave it to air dry for a few days. Decorate before drying (like the images provided), or dry and then paint/decorate.
Resources to assist with making the diya include:
♦ Teacher notes (with lots of ideas and hints).
♦ Recipe for your students to follow (makes 1 diya).
♦ Sequencing Cards – use as a recipe or as a sequencing task before making. These include pictures and text.
Two writing tasks are included as a follow-up to the craft activity.
♦ procedural / instructional writing (3 different templates).
♦ newspaper report writing (2 different templates plus an example).
One of the newspaper reports is a fill-in-the-blanks template which is suitable for junior students.
The instructions state to air dry the diya (takes a few days) but you could choose to dry it in the oven to speed up the process (details included in the teacher notes).
Flour, salt and water. Things to decorate it with (buttons, beads, shells, glitter, paint, etc).
If you have junior students, this is a great activity for you to do with a buddy class who are a bit older.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Birthday Train - wall display
A birthday train for your classroom wall.
♦ place photos of the children in their birthday month carriage.
♦ children write their name in their birthday month carriage.
♦ make ‘birthday wish gifts’ and pop them up the top of the carriage.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Diwali - Paper lantern craft
Celebrate Diwali (The Festival of Lights) by making these paper lanterns. Fun, easy to make and they look great hanging in the classroom.
♦ 10 x different templates
♦ Handle template (just cut paper strips if you want to cut down on printing)
♦ Construction instructions
♦ One substitute template for the spelling of the word colour/color
A variety of templates to suit what you are looking for. Some are plain (so your students can add their own patterns/designs) while others are already decorative and just need colouring.
Designed on A4 size paper.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Poppy Art – ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day, Memorial Day, Armistice Day (Design D)
A super-fun art project for your students when celebrating special days such as:
♦ Remembrance Day
♦ Memorial Day
♦ Armistice Day
This project involves your students ruling straight lines between 2 dots on a template, to create poppy inspired art work. This is Design D (poppy).
♦ Template
♦ Example – black/white and colour
♦ Instructions
Level of Difficulty:
Your students need to be able to use a ruler to draw straight lines between 2 points (even the curves are made with straight lines … it’s like magic!). The designs look more complicated than they actually are. Concentration is required, but the actual process is not difficult.
Simple, clear, easy-to-follow instructions are provided. One instruction per page (image and a sentence). Display the instructions via a data projector if you have access to one. Otherwise print and enlarge them and/or demonstrate on an enlarged template.
Equipment Needed:
You need a ruler and a pen (black works best). Something to colour with (eg coloured pencils, watercolours, felt tip markers, chalk pastels, dye, etc)
The artwork measures approximately 17cm x 17cm. Designed on A4 size paper.
This is Design D (poppy). Other designs are also available in my store:
Design A - wreath
Design B - cross
Design C - medal
Keywords: string art, parabolic curves, math, geometry, patterns, war, symbolism, veteran
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Mother’s Day Flower Art Activity
A fun, effective art activity for your students to complete and give to their mother on Mother’s Day.
It looks tricky …. but it is very simple! The artwork involves drawing a number of straight lines between the dots on a template. Your students will get a thrill when the curves just appear!
♦ dotty template.
♦ template with lines (this can be used to show the completed design, or for a ‘colouring only’ activity).
♦ example of finished, coloured artwork.
♦ simple, clear instructions (with images).
I have provided 8 steps to complete the line art. Each step is on one page. The instructions are suitable for displaying via a data projector so all of your students can refer to it and self-check.
The Process:
♦ Draw the lines.
♦ Draw a stem, leaves, flower pot, etc.
♦ Write words/phrases in the petals that describe your Mother.
♦ Colour/decorate.
♦ Give to your Mother.
This activity is also suitable as a general art activity. You don’t have to use it for Mother’s Day.
Have a student that doesn’t celebrate Mother’s Day? No problem. They can make the flower and decorate it in a different way.
Skill enhancement: ruling straight lines with precision.
Keywords: parabolic curves, string art, line art, geometry, flower, math, ruler, straight lines.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Poppy Art – ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day, Memorial Day, Armistice Day, etc (Design A)
A super-fun art project for your students when celebrating special days such as:
♦ Remembrance Day
♦ Memorial Day
♦ Armistice Day
This project involves your students ruling straight lines between 2 dots on a template, to create poppy inspired art work. This is Design A (wreath).
♦ Template
♦ Example – black/white and colour
♦ Instructions
Level of Difficulty:
Your students need to be able to use a ruler to draw straight lines between 2 points (even the curves are made with straight lines … it’s like magic!). The designs look more complicated than they actually are. Concentration is required, but the actual process is not difficult.
Simple, clear, easy-to-follow instructions are provided. One instruction per page (image and a sentence). Display the instructions via a data projector if you have access to one. Otherwise print and enlarge them and/or demonstrate on an enlarged template.
Equipment Needed:
You need a ruler and a pen (black works best). Something to colour with (eg coloured pencils, watercolours, felt tip markers, chalk pastels, dye, etc)
The artwork measures approximately 17cm x 17cm. Designed on A4 size paper.
These designs are also available (in my store):
* Design B - cross
* Design C - medal
* Design D - poppy
Keywords: string art, parabolic curves, math, geometry, patterns, war, symbolism, veteran
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

St Patrick's Day Art - Shamrock
A ‘Fun with a Ruler’ art project for your students to complete on St Patrick’s Day. There are 2 different templates to choose from.
This project involves your students ruling straight lines between 2 dots on a template. When they have finished drawing all of the lines they can give their artwork some colour.
There is space at the bottom of each template for a writing task that you may wish to set (eg ‘If I found a pot of gold I would …’). If you don’t want this, simply cut the artwork out when finished.
♦ Shamrock with pot of gold.
♦ Shamrock without pot of gold.
♦ Shamrock – draw your own stem, without pot of gold.
♦ Practise template.
♦ Example of the completed design.
♦ Instructions.
The templates are provided in both black and light grey dots.
Level of Difficulty:
Your students need to be able to use a ruler to draw straight lines between 2 points. The designs can look more complicated than they actually are. Concentration is required, but the actual process is not difficult.
Simple, clear, easy-to-follow instructions are provided. One instruction per page (image and a sentence). Display the instructions via a data projector if you have access to one. Otherwise print and enlarge them and/or demonstrate on an enlarged template.
Practise Tempate:
A practise template is included for your students to practise ruling the pattern before you give them the actual template.
You need a ruler and a pen (black or green works best for this project). Something to colour with (eg coloured pencils, watercolours, felt tip markers, chalk pastels, dye, etc)
Keywords: string art, math, geometry, patterns, Ireland, Irish, luck.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Waitangi Day - Flag Craft
A simple craft activity for your students to make to celebrate Waitangi Day.
1. Colour the flag on the front and the writing on the back.
2. Cut around the outside border.
3. Fold in half. Place a wooden skewer (or similar object such as a drinking straw) at the half-way point.
4. Glue the inside so the two halves stick together.
Templates for these 4 Flags:
* Flag of the United Tribes of NZ – the first national flag, adopted in 1834.
* Union Jack – NZ’s flag after the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.
* New Zealand Flag – formally adopted in 1902.
* Tino Rangatiratanga (National Māori Flag) – launched shortly before Waitangi Day in 1990.
Refer to the images above to see 3 of these flags.
2 templates per A4 page.
Sharp colouring pencils or fine-tip markers are best to use in this activity (especially for the NZ flag as the areas to colour are quite small).
Approximate size: 13.5cm x 7cm when finished.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

New Zealand Flags - Activity Templates
A variety of templates that can be used when learning about topics such as …
♦ Waitangi Day / The Treaty of Waitangi / Te Tiriti o Waitangi
♦ New Zealand
♦ New Zealand history
♦ Flags
The 4 Flags Included in this Resource:
♦ Flag of the United Tribes of NZ – the first national flag, adopted in 1834.
♦ Union Jack – NZ’s flag after the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.
♦ New Zealand Flag – formally adopted in 1902.
♦ Tino Rangatiratanga (National Māori Flag) – launched shortly before Waitangi Day in 1990.
The Activity Templates:
♦ Large templates (on A4 size paper)
♦ Flag on a Stick – colour the flag on the front and write/draw on the back (or leave it blank). Attach to a stick (eg wooden skewer or drinking straw) by folding in half and gluing the front and back together.
♦ Flag Booklet – colour the flag on the cover and write on the 3 pages. Staple together.
♦ Trifold – colour the flags and write about them. Does not include the Union Jack.
♦ Diorama – colour the flag and write about it.
♦ Flip-Flap – colour the flags and heading, cut and fold, glue to a blank piece of A4 paper, lift the flag flaps and write underneath.
♦ Writing template – colour the flag and write about it.
♦ Graphic organiser – colour the flag and write about it.
♦ Blank templates – for the activities mentioned above but your students will draw the flag themselves. These templates could also be used for designing a new NZ flag or a flag for your classroom or school.
*** Each activity comes with templates for all 4 flags (except for the Trifold).
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources