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Changing Spaces, Making Places AS Level Geography OCR B exam questions
75 hand written exam questions all about the CSMP AS Level OCR B topic. Includes everything from 2 markers up to 20 markers. Includes questions relating to the Birmingham Case Study, Barcelona, Social/spatial inequality, perceptions of place, globalisation, economic change and players/rebranding.

A Level geography notes - Arctic tundra, earth's life support systems
This 5 page document details everything AS/A Level OCR B geography students would need to know about the water and carbon cycles in the Arctic tundra. Includes case study info and facts, physical and human factors impacting both cycles, management strategies and oil and gas drilling in Alaska.

GCSE Geography - Coastal Landforms mind map
A handwritten mindmap based around coastal landforms such as beaches, spits, headlands and caves. Also focuses on longshore drift and includes handy diagrams and key notes as well as the Lulworth Cove case study. Designed for Year10/11 students on the OCR B: Geography for enquiring minds course. Perfect for last minute exam revision! Note: the cover image is not my own.

Explore how Shakespeare presents Beatrice as a strong female character GCSE English Lit model essay
A few analysed quotes and paragraphs from Much Ado about Nothing around the topic of Beatrice as a strong female character. This question came up in the 2019 AQA GCSE English Lit Paper 1, so is definitely worth practicing! Detailed word analysis and use of developed points.

A Level Geography case study - India and Gender Inequality (Human Rights OCR B)
These 5 pages of notes contain everything an A/AS Level student studying the OCR B Geography course would need to know about the India/gender inequality case study. Includes useful facts and a mindmap, as well as organisations working in the country with short and longer term strategies.

A Level geography global migration notes - USA case study with Mexico border
This 6 page document outlines the dependence created between the US and Mexico due to economic/social/geographical etc factors, as well as the history and current migration trends in the US. This is perfect for AS/A Level students studying the OCR B geography course, as it includes migration policy, challenges and opportunities created by migration and many facts and statistics.

The Kite Runner Timeline A Level English Lang and Lit
This handy timeline includes all the key events from Khaled Hosseini’s the Kite Runner, as studied at AS/A Level AQA English Language and Literature.

A Level geography Earth's Life Support Systems exam questions (carbon and water)
This resource contains 101 mixed-length exam questions, designed specifically for the OCR B AS/A Level geography course. Please note: the exam questions are not numbered.

A Level geography notes - Amazon rainforest, earth's life support systems
This 8 page document contains everything AS/A Level geography students studying the OCR B course would need to know about the water and carbon cycles in the Amazon rainforest. Includes statistics, physical and human factors affecting both the water and carbon cycles and strategies to manage these.

A Level economics theme 1 key terms and phrases
This 7 page document contains all the keywords needed for year 12 and 13 Edexcel economists, from the nature of economics to government failure and demand and supply. A vital revision tool.

GCSE Geography - Distinctive landscapes key terms and processes mind map
A revision mind map specifically designed for the OCR B GCSE Geography topic of distinctive landscapes. Includes some key terms, case studies and examples. Defines terms like Geomorphic process and rotational slumping as well as describing the formation of waterfalls. Great for last minute revision for years 10-11. Can be used at school or for private revision. A perfect tool for helping students succeed in their exams. Note: i do not own the cover image.

GCSE GEOGRAPHY - OCR B- Global Atmosphere Circulation system
A handwritten guide to the GCSE Geography topic for students on the OCR B course. Perfect fro revision or use in class

Explore how Shakespeare presents Benedick’s attitudes to love
This is a model answer (at least high band 5) that answers the questions: “Explore how Shakespeare presents Benedick’s attitudes to love”. This also accompanies an extract from the play. Perfect for AQA GCSE English Lit 9-1 course.

GCSE English Lit Jekyll and Hyde revision sheet chapter 1
A simple revision sheet for AQA GCSE English lit Jekyll and Hyde - Chapter 1. Has space at the bottom for students to make their own notes/comments/language analysis whilst reading. Great revision tool for outside the classroom or homework.

GCSE English Lit Jekyll and Hyde revision sheet chapter 2
A simple revision sheet for AQA GCSE English lit Jekyll and Hyde - Chapter 2. Has space at the bottom for students to make their own notes/comments/language analysis whilst reading. Great revision tool for outside the classroom or homework.

A Level geography Hookworm case study fact sheet disease dilemmas
This 4 page fact sheet goes into the causes, treatments, incidence and preventions of hookworm, a case study familiar to AS/A Level students studying the OCR B geography course. It is colour-coded and includes images, impacts and efforts at eradication.

A Level microeconomics theme 3 - labour markets notes
This 7 page document details everything Edexcel A Level economists need to know on the topic of labour markets, including examples and a graph. Includes info about the mobility of labour.

AS Level religious studies the Cosmological argument criticisms and support
This document contains the thoughts of key scholars about the Cosmological argument, for example Hume, Russell and William Lane Craig. Also conatins weaknesses specific to Aquinas’s version of the Cosmological and a conclusion.

AS Level religious studies the Cosmological argument notes
This contains everything you need to know about the Cosmological for the Edexcel AS/A Level religious studies (2016) specification. Includes info about it’s key features, causation, the Kalem argument, the 1st 2nd and 3rd ways as well as scholars like Leibniz and Copleston.

AS Level economics (macro) - Keynes v. Classical and "animal spirits"
This sheet describes what animal spirits are, including a real-world example. On the second page there is a table that compares the views of Keynes vs. Classical economists surrounding human behaviour and the role of governments within an economy.