Only Real Resources Or Real Solutions to the many challenges faced by teachers and students alike.
Science teacher since 93, AST since 2004. Experience on SLT, working with ITT's whole school and Faculty, delivered numerous CPD sessions on wide range of topics. Participated in materials produced by National strategies.
Only Real Resources Or Real Solutions to the many challenges faced by teachers and students alike.
Science teacher since 93, AST since 2004. Experience on SLT, working with ITT's whole school and Faculty, delivered numerous CPD sessions on wide range of topics. Participated in materials produced by National strategies.
These can be printed at A3 size and placed around the room. In addition I print 2 per A4 page and then students stick on the reverse of their exercise books. Using these codes has saved me around 70% of my marking time - better quality feedback but for far less time - win win!!
This can be used to test students' retention of key words from their glossaries.
This is best used as a starter to the lesson. 5 key words or phrases can be read from the appropriate glossary. Sheets can be collected in and the words marked for spelling. The definitions can be given a mark out of 2. Once returned the students can check and correct their answers and evaluate their performance using the scaffolded questions.
This resource can be used with any of the glossaries...
KS3 Year 7, KS3 Year 8, KS3 Year 9, GCSE Biology, GCSE Chemistry, GCSE Physics, AS Biology or A2 Biology.
This also works well when used regularly in conjunction with Quick quiz templates.
Best printed A4, 2 per side and back to back. They can then be cut in half. If folded the section including name and date can then be stuck down into exercise books at a later stage. (Far quicker to mark these loose rather than pre-stuck into books!)
Contains full GSCE AQA glossaries. Also includes quick quizzes, quiz quiz trade cards, display posters and much more - all these resources are cross matched and numbered so they can be used in conjuntion with each other. Materials are for Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Includes both trilogy and separate science materials - Separate materials are indicated on each resource to allow students to access the relevant course information.
This is a modified version of a note taking scaffold based around the Cornell model. Students should initially complete the title and objectives. They should then add processed information into the main notes section - this can be in the form of prose, bullet points or even mind maps. Simultaneously they should add key terminology and most importantly fill in the left hand column. This is a reflective section, basically is a record of their inner voice. After the note taking is complete then students should write a short summary (3-4 sentences) and then do the M.I.P. M.I.P. stands for most important point - this should be no more than 3 words (ideally 1).
This scaffold can be used with any subject, any age and for any form of input; e.g. video, teacher talk, written information, Internet research.
Best printed 4 per page of A4. Useful for student self assessment and also provide quick feedback for the teacher. Great for evidence for work scrutinies / lesson observations.
This is based on the SOLO taxonomy system. It encourages the students to progress their learning.
I have found having a selection of various exit passes preprinted means I always have the right one at the right time!
Best printed 4 per page of A4. Useful for student self assessment and also provide quick feedback for the teacher. Great for evidence for work scrutinies / lesson observations.
This is based around the SOLO taxonomy system and is designed to support student’s learning through that organisational structure.
I have found having a selection of various exit passes preprinted means I always have the right one at the right time!
Best printed 4 per page of A4. Useful for student self assessment and also provide quick feedback for the teacher. Great for evidence for work scrutinies / lesson observations.
I have found having a selection of various exit passes preprinted means I always have the right one at the right time!
These are blank quiz quiz trade cards. They are best printed back to back. Students can be given these to write their own questions with answers - on the reverse they have to be able to justify their question; e.g. choice of topic, level of difficulty etc.
PowerPoint to support presentation on Challenge in the secondary school classroom. Includes references to SOLO taxonomy and Socratic questioning.
Great resource to support ITTs, NQTs and RQTs who are looking for suggestions on how to improve the level of challenge within their classroom.
QED = Quality Efficiency Demonstrable (my own term!). This was a presentation I used to encourage staff to consider the 3 key issues when designing assessment strategies for students. Basically - all resources and strategies should always ensure quality feedback to the learners. All must ensure efficiency and whenever possible reduce current work load rather than add to it. Finally, as monitoring is always an aspect of our role as teachers, the resources and strategies should provide demonstrable evidence of quality feedback to a third party, be that Middle leaders, SLT or OFSTED. If you download and want further information then please contact me.
Use these slides to scaffold students' use of mindmapping to consider level of learning. Growth mindset expandabubble (my own name!) is used to show the importance of effort etc to achieve success and what happens if complacency sets in. Processing image is used to encourage students to use various strategies to process (and consequently learn) information, i.e. reduction, expansion, transformation etc.
I have this resource printed and displayed in my classroom.
Students are allocated teams as part of a seating plan - they are each given a number 1-4. Each number is then allocated a role.
Teams move tables each lesson (indicated by a box with their team name on it).
Teams are re-organised every half term.
Roles and numbers are also changed half termly - as many students may retain the same number but in a different team!
Hope that all makes sense. I will probably put together a help sheet to go with this resource at some point.
Please let me know how useful you find these.
Includes 2 different versions of 7 steps. These can be used as poster displays and/or into students' exercise books. Allows for explicit reference when challenging students abut their behaviours and efforts.
This contains all the glossaries for the AQA A-level Biology Scheme. All words and definitions are numbered.
These can be used in conjunction with the following resources…
Quick quiz templates
Definition templates
SOLO hexagons
Quiz quiz trade cards
The same numbering system is used for the hexagons and quiz quiz trade cards.
This spread sheet is to be used in conjunction with glossary definition templates. It can be used to record students' progress as they learn key definitions for any subject at any Key stage.
It allows for easy analysis of individual students and also identifies patterns with particular key words.
I have used this successfully to help monitor and improve students' retention and spellings of key words and their definitions. The information produced has also allowed for timely intervention.
This is a scaffold for providing students with regular no-stakes testing of their Chemistry glossaries. As such it is best used in conjunction with the GCSE Chemistry AQA Glossaries.
It is best printed A3 size; 2 per page and back to back. It also includes my own marking system codes to allow students to fully analyse their own performance. To reduce the stakes to zero then results should not be collected. This allows students to maximise their long term retention.
I have use this type of resource with great effect at KS3, 4 and 5 with small adaptations to suit the relevant glossaries. Excellent method for developing long term retention.
This is a scaffold for providing students with regular no-stakes testing of their Biology glossaries. As such it is best used in conjunction with the GCSE Biology AQA Glossaries.
It is best printed A3 size; 2 per page and back to back. It also includes my own marking system codes to allow students to fully analyse their own performance. To reduce the stakes to zero then results should not be collected. This allows students to maximise their long term retention.
I have use this type of resource with great effect at KS3, 4 and 5 with small adaptations to suit the relevant glossaries. Excellent method for developing long term retention.
These exit passes are linked to the 4 pillars of Independence, Collaboration, Creativity and Communication. They can be used by students to assess their levels against the 4 pillars criteria (see other resources). We use them in the Learn to Learn scheme that we teach in Y7. I also intend to use them in my science lessons. Please let me know if you find these of any use.
These are best printed 4 to a page and back to back. You then get 2 sided A6 size sheets with teacher feedback on one side and student response (MRI=my response is) on the other side.
I use these when student's work needs assessing but it would be difficult to write comments directly onto their work, e.g emailed presentations, models, verbal presentations or hard copies that would be spoiled with comments being written on them.
If printed correctly then they can be stuck into students books or files and can flip up to reveal student's responses.
As usual please give me any feedback, suggested improvements or just simply how you have used these.