Bishop Justus Church of England School
Bromley, United Kingdom
About Bishop Justus Church of England School
Bishop Justus Church of England School seeks to serve its community in the name of the Church by ensuring excellent education in a Christian setting.
This 21st century school is a stimulating learning environment that prepares students for living and working in a rapidly changing world and encourages them to value the rich diversity of cultures they will encounter. Students and staff are empowered to achieve their highest possible in academic, creative and sporting achievement both as members of a community and as individuals. The school provides students and staff with many opportunities to explore the significance of Christian faith and values to their own lives and the issues facing people locally, nationally and globally. The school is committed to ensuring that the learning, vocational, and personal needs of all its students are met by its curriculum and extra-curricular activities.
The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of the students is set in the context of Christian faith as taught and lived in the Church of England.
The school’s distinctive ethos and approach are offered to all members of the school community. Christian students find their faith affirmed and valued, and they meet and work with people who hold to other faiths and philosophies. All students encounter, in the lives of Christians in the school and in the school’s ethos, a living Christian witness which is neither coercive nor assertive but which welcomes and affirms. All members of the school’s community are equally valued and are encouraged to contribute their understandings and abilities to the school’s work and ethos. The beliefs of those from other religious traditions are treated with respect and openness.
We recognise that God is at the heart of the school, and so collective worship has a high priority in the school’s daily life. Collective worship is of high quality and planned to engage all members of the school’s community. The school is a place in which students and staff are cared for and where they learn to care for one other.
Bishop Justus Church of England School seeks to achieve its aims and develop its life and ethos….
“Through Faith and Learning”