Bishop's Stortford College
Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
About Bishop's Stortford College
At Bishop’s Stortford College, we have built a wonderful, busy, cheerful, confident and highly successful community. Within this environment your child’s personal journey of discovery will begin the moment they join us.
Our school offers the whole package: breadth of opportunity, depth of academic enquiry, and quality of human values and skills.
Qualifications and Qualities
Academic qualifications are a prime focus for us, yet we know that qualifications alone will not suffice for a life fully lived. Human qualities of decency and kindness are also a large part of the ticket to success. Together, qualifications and qualities are what an education for today and tomorrow must deliver.
We provide specialist subject teachers throughout our Pre-Prep, Prep and Senior Schools and know that very good teachers at this very formative age have a very noticeable effect. We are selective based on academic ability, yet despite this, our value-added score is probably one of the best in the country. We are consistently in the top 7% nationally * meaning that our school makes the greatest difference.
Breadth and Balance
From whatever age your child joins us, life will be busy. They will be doing lots of different things, learning how to prioritise – to take charge of what they are doing and when. But even more importantly, your child will quickly find things they enjoy and become good at.
When they leave us, they will be well prepared for life beyond school, with a combination of abilities, some social, some academic and with choices – choices as to where to direct their efforts and enthusiasm. They will also have the confidence of knowing how to function in the new world that we are all going to embrace.
Community Spirit
We recognise the world your child will be entering and the skills they need. Learning to collaborate, to be a team player, to become friends with diverse, different people, will happen. Here there is a togetherness where none of us is as important as all of us.
The diversity of backgrounds, nationalities and ages of our pupils ensures horizons are expanded and everyone learns together and from each other.
We do not look like most schools of our type. We are different in some important ways. We are the modern face of independent education.
*based on three year average for A Level results