E-ACT Royton & Crompton Academy
Oldham, United Kingdom
About E-ACT Royton & Crompton Academy
Royton and Crompton E-ACT Academy is a co-educational, non-denominational secondary in Oldham, Greater Manchester. As of the most recent inspection there were 1,166 students on the school roll. The school is located close to Blackshaw Lane Primary and Nursery School. The town of Oldham has a population of 97,000, and is less than ten miles from central Manchester. The school’s student council meet once a term to discuss important issues centred on school life and the local community.
Gemma Cottingham
Values and vision
“Honesty * Excellence * Aspiration”
As individuals, we value and respect:
Each individual self. We recognise that we are all capable of growth, change and development; we encourage self‐respect, self‐belief, courage, humour, honesty, integrity, dedication, commitment, flexibility, initiative, and healthy living.
In our community, through our professional relationships with each other, we value and respect:
All staff, whatever their role; we respect the unique contribution of different parts of the curriculum; we promote and practice effective communication and transparency; teamwork; good timekeeping; pride in our achievements; professional development; confidence in each other’s support.
In our relationships with our students, we value and respect:
The practice of natural justice; equality and mutual respect; we promote fairness, consistency, courtesy, high expectations, trust and achievement.
In the experience of learning, we value and respect:
All those who promote a joy in learning by developing creativity and a spirit of enquiry. We encourage measured risk‐taking and the exploration of new ideas. We share in confronting challenge and raising aspirations. We offer inclusion for all. We are committed to sharing the value of hard work. We celebrate achievement for all. We create situations where we are free to express ideas and views, by the promotion and practice of British values. We offer opportunities for reflection, inventiveness, independence, rigour, and we use making mistakes as means of learning more.
In our capacity as a community school, we value and respect:
Our partnerships with parents, governors and the wider community. We promote lifelong learning and the promotion of global human rights. We recognise that our role is to prepare young people to become effective, responsible citizens with the skills for life and for work.
On our school site, we value and respect:
People who create an atmosphere that is conducive to learning, and, which is safe. We choose to show respect for property, the buildings and the wider environment
“Since the last inspection, the headteacher, senior leaders and governors have developed a more ambitious vision for the school’s development. Decisive action by senior leaders and governors has led to a restructuring of the school’s leadership and management. There is now greater clarity of expectation in the roles of senior and middle leaders and of their accountability for the school’s improvement.”