Felpham Community College
West Sussex, United Kingdom
About Felpham Community College
FCC is an 11-18 local authority, mixed comprehensive with 1600 students on roll and a successful sixth form. In October 2024, OFSTED confirmed our ‘Good’ status originally achieved in January 2016.
The school has a good record of academic outcomes and pastoral support and our core values of achievement, care and equality underpin our work, creating a happy and vibrant school.
Students who have joined us since 2020 have benefitted from fantastic modern facilities in our new three-storey block that replaced all of our older classrooms. Whilst great schools are about the people in them and not just the buildings, the enhanced facilities at Felpham have been a massive boost.
Suzanne Pike
Values and vision
Felpham Community College want all students to thrive in a nurturing and stimulating learning environment and follow three core values: achievement, care and equality. It hopes for all children to reach their full potential and identify their individual talents, allowing for them to have the confidence to succeed. The secondary school wants students to show compassion and kindness, and respect one another, regardless of their differences. Students are prepared for life after school and have plenty of opportunities to attend extra-curricular activities to broaden their experiences outside of the classroom. Felpham Community College holds an International School Award, where a global outlook is embedded into students. The school has also been recoginsed as a Healthy School and has received an Artsmark Award and Sportsmark England award.
“The school is a warm and welcoming place. Pupils’ welfare is a very high priority for staff and good systems are in place to offer help and support, sometimes involving external agencies when appropriate. A very high proportion of parents say that their child is happy in school and is well looked after here. One parent described how, ‘the staff have been excellent at looking after [their son’s] whole educational well- being. They have responded to any concerns immediately and have helped him as if he were their own’”.