Moseley School and Sixth Form
Birmingham, United Kingdom
About Moseley School and Sixth Form
Our school
Moseley School and Sixth Form is an inspirational place to learn, where teachers with a passion for teaching and learning, nurture the curiosity, creativity and imagination of students. The school’s systems are geared to support the progress of all students. The curriculum, assessment, staffing, timetable, technology and a wealth of other resources enable each student to receive personalised support to achieve ambitious goals. A global perspective, that celebrates diversity and respect for individual rights, pervades the school and helps us to nurture responsible citizens and independent thinkers.
At Moseley all staff are provided with a level of guidance and training which enables them to develop as leading professionals in order that they can make a significant contribution to the educational community in Birmingham and nationally. Staff and students receive support and guidance to prepare them for the next step in their careers. At Moseley, we provide a safe and healthy school environment that enables students to thrive. We want staff and students to work in an emotionally intelligent school where we acknowledge the fallibility of human beings and recognise the impact our actions and words have on others.
Our pastoral system ensures that each student is cared for and their needs are met through effective partnerships with all our stakeholders, especially parents and carers. All students have opportunities to broaden their social and cultural horizons. The school provides a clear moral framework based on shared values in which the students feel safe and can flourish. Students are encouraged to reflect on their own beliefs, appreciate different views and develop understanding of their own identity and their own self-worth. Moseley School and Sixth Form is a place where staff and students are aware of how personal and political decisions affect the future of the environment and of their responsibility to help to sustain our planet.
We are a caring community where positive personal relationships have a civilising influence. We recognise the potential in everyone and we support and challenge everyone to achieve their potential. We provide opportunities for our students to develop leadership and resilience, to demonstrate initiative and to improve their personal communication skills. All of the School’s diverse communities share the vision and purpose of the school and through developing character and scholarship we are striving to achieve excellence.