Nova Education Trust

Nottingham, United Kingdom

Location: Nottingham, United Kingdom

About Nova Education Trust

The Nova Education Trust (NET) is a dynamic and growing Multi Academy Trust Group based in the East Midlands. Our Trust Group is committed to providing high quality education to all of our students, regardless of their backgrounds.

With a range of schools in the trust serving a variety of different communities, opportunities for career progression and wider professional experiences are extensive. We have outstanding CPD provision across our schools, supported by our Teaching School Alliance, which links 23 schools together, sharing effective practice and developing new models for staff development. We also have a unique programme designed to provide middle and senior leaders with all the skills required to develop their careers.

As an employer we offer an enhanced benefit package to all staff that includes help with healthcare and a fully-funded MA programme for all teaching staff. We can also offer help with relocation in certain circumstances. The Trust also has a policy of wider engagement for main-scale, middle and senior staff. In recent years, employees have visited schools in America, Canada, Finland, Singapore and South Africa as part of their professional development.

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Address: Room C09–C11, The Sir Colin Campbell Buildin, University of Nottingham Innov, Triumph Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 2TU, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 115 807 7777
Positions available at Nova Education Trust
Members of Nova Education Trust