Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Catholic Primary School
Nottingham, United Kingdom
About Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Catholic Primary School
At Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Catholic Academy you are guaranteed a warm welcome. First and foremost, we are a Catholic school, rooted firmly in the gospel values of love and respect. We put the interests and needs of our children first and we strive to do all we possibly can to encourage them to fulfill their full potential and develop a lifelong love of learning. We seek to live out our school motto – ‘Learn to Love and Love to Learn’ in all we do.
We want our children to learn and flourish in an environment where they are inspired to take on challenge, build upon successes and learn from mistakes. We celebrate individual achievements and talents. High standards of behaviour and learning are maintained at all times to ensure every child makes substantial progress during their time with us. We are ambitious for all our pupils and there is a determination to succeed in all aspects of our work. Our children have excellent educational experiences during their time at Our Lady’s and these help equip them for the next stage of their education and their longer term futures.
Our school is part of the Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Multi-Academy Trust which brings together the 36 Catholic Primary and Secondary schools in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire. Our priority is to ensure the very best Catholic Education for all young people in our community, whatever their circumstances. We will achieve this together, through a strategic approach to sharing best practice, effective challenge and support from a central standards and performance team and opportunities for high quality Continuing Professional Development offered by the CMAT’s teaching school, The Nottingham Initial Teacher Training Hub.
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