St Philip Neri With St Bede Catholic Voluntary Academy
Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
About St Philip Neri With St Bede Catholic Voluntary Academy
St. Philip’s School is situated in the heart of Mansfield town, with a rich history spanning well over one hundred years. A large school we have over five hundred children from three years to eleven years of age. During our last Ofsted inspection, September 2017, we maintained our grading of Good. In our Diocesan inspection, October 2017, we were graded Good with Outstanding features, and for Catholic Life we were deemed to be Outstanding. In both inspections the children’s behaviour was described as exemplary. We have a long tradition of sporting excellence.
The school is large and spacious with thirteen classrooms, a library, a well-equipped computer suite, an enormous hall equipped with stage and lights, a separate dining room as well as the normal administrative and staff areas. We have our own playing field, while children are transported by bus to the nearby swimming baths. Whole School Masses, assemblies and liturgies are held in the hall, to which all parents and friends are invited.
After school, there are a number of clubs and activities organised by members of the teaching staff, parents and other providers. These include netball club, football, basketball and choir. We are very lucky to offer such a wide range of activities and would encourage all children to take an active role in these. Before and After-school care is provided by St. Philip’s Family Club. Launched in 2004 with neighbourhood renewal funding, qualified staff organise structured activities to keep the children occupied at the start and end of the school day. Further opportunities are also available during the holiday period.
We are a very busy school receiving many enquiries from parents desiring a Catholic Education for their children. We aim to provide children with the opportunity to strengthen and deepen their knowledge and practice of their faith as well as offering a broadly based curriculum with a wide variety of cultural, sporting and education opportunities. We work in partnership with our neighbouring schools and designated secondary school All Saints, to enrich the learning opportunities for our children.
Our school is part of the Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Multi-Academy Trust which brings together the 36 Catholic Primary and Secondary schools in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire. Our priority is to ensure the very best Catholic Education for all young people in our community, whatever their circumstances. We will achieve this together, through a strategic approach to sharing best practice, effective challenge and support from a central standards and performance team and opportunities for high quality Continuing Professional Development offered by the CMAT’s teaching school, The Nottingham Initial Teacher Training Hub.