Taunton Preparatory School
Somerset, United Kingdom
About Taunton Preparatory School
TPS is situated in its own grounds but is adjacent to the Pre-Prep and the Senior School creating a unique sense of family, community and providing access to outstanding shared facilities.
At TPS we are passionate about a holistic education. We believe that an on-going commitment to breadth creates a life-long love of learning and prepares children to take their place in the world as responsible, caring adults who will demonstrate kindness to others. Academically, we combine modern teaching methods with the best of traditional values to create a climate where every child can flourish, and find where their particular talents lie. We are ambitious for all our children, unearthing potential and celebrating success in all its forms.
We aim to support and challenge our children. We recognise that children need to be guided but also given the freedom to think for themselves and to develop a true sense of self. Individual achievements, and the importance of team efforts, are both highly valued. Wrapped around this is the welcoming and friendly atmosphere, and the added buzz created by our thriving boarding house.
All pupils are encouraged to engage in the breadth of what we offer and to achieve their best in academic, sporting, and creative fields, while at the same time developing their interpersonal skills: a respect for each other and those around them, kindness, and a willingness to participate for the benefit of others.
To find out more, please read our prospectus: