Townhill Junior School
Hampshire, United Kingdom
About Townhill Junior School
The school opened in 1972 and was Hampshire’s first purpose-built Middle School. In September 1994 it was reorganised to become a Junior School. The school caters for children from a variety of social backgrounds. The School’s Published Admission Number is 102. However, due to a low birth rate year and one of our feeder schools becoming a Primary School, our numbers over the past few years have fallen to below 300 and we have changed from a Group 3 to a Group 2. We do expect, however, our numbers to increase again over the coming years.
The school stands in its own grounds with a large playground, multi-use games area and playing fields.
The building provides excellent accommodation for learning and teaching. It has individual classrooms, shared areas, small group rooms and facilities for activities such as art, music and physical education. The school is well resourced and has an extensive library and a computer suite. The supportive Home School Association has provided funding for many learning resources and also for a new school minibus.
In 2010/11 there are approximately 290 children in the school and 13.8 f.t.e. teachers in addition to the Head. Children and staff are organised in Year Groups. We are a three form entry apart from one year group which only has 2 classes, giving us 11 classes. Each Year Group has a Year Leader, who along with the Head, Deputy Head and Finance Officer, make up a strong Senior Management Team. There are subject co-ordinators for each area of the curriculum and one for Special Educational Needs.
The School’s motto ‘Teamwork Means Success’ underpins all aspects of the school and helps us to move forward together. Both staff and pupils are committed to ensuring our school is inclusive and offers quality opportunities and experiences for all. Our aims encompass the best possible development of each child and the achievement of the highest possible standards. The pupils’ positive attitudes were highlighted in our last Ofsted report:
“Pupils have excellent attitudes to work and their behaviour is exemplary”
Ofsted Inspection 2009
Every effort is made to enhance the professional and career development of the staff at the school, to ensure they remain motivated and reflective. Training and information is then passed on to others through staff meetings, to allow all staff to benefit from the courses attended.
The school receives support from its governors and its families; both groups are involved in a variety of activities, throughout the year.