Wilmington Grammar School for Boys
Kent, United Kingdom
About Wilmington Grammar School for Boys
Welcome to Wilmington Grammar School for Boys where we offer an exceptional education for boys aged 11- 16 and an extensive post 16 programme which is co-educational for students in the sixth form.
Our aim is to produce well-rounded individuals with a passion for learning and an enthusiasm for personal development. Results are consistently of a high standard with the majority of students going on to study in some of the most prestigious universities, whilst a minority opt for the Higher Level Apprenticeship programme as an alternative stepping stone to career success.
Our motto is ‘forward thinking, traditional values’ and we strive to ensure that the best of the past is harnessed, developed and adapted to meet the changing requirements of the competitive, global world in which we now operate.
At WGSB, we recognise that our students need to be reflective and embrace challenges, to learn from mistakes and develop the resilience to seek continual improvement. This growth approach can lead to a happy and fulfilling school life and a willingness to accept change. It nurtures learners who value critique, support each other and feel empowered to drive their own learning.
The school has an Engineering specialism and has developed some exciting links with business sponsors to ensure the curriculum is current and relevant to the rapidly changing needs of the workplace. Visits from alumnae help to ensure our students benefit from aspirational role models and can learn about the various routes and pathways available to them.
Consistently oversubscribed, the school has grown over the past few years and now has over 900 students. Although the website and prospectus can give you a hint of our ethos, there is no substitute for a personal visit. You are welcome to attend one of our open events to discover the teaching quality, fun, friendship, hard work and determination to succeed which characterises WGSB.
Best wishes,
Mr Stuart Harrington
Head Teacher