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Teacher of English as an additional language (EAL)

Teacher of English as an additional language (EAL)

St. Louis School - Caviglia


  • New
Job type:
Full Time, Permanent
Apply by:
24 January 2025

Job overview

Inspired Education is the leading global group of premium schools, with a portfolio of 118 premium private schools spanning 6 continents which utilise proven educational practices from every corner of the globe, ensuring over 90,000 students receive a world-class learning experience from Kindergarten to Year 13.


In 27 countries, Inspired schools are individually developed and anchored in the vibrant cultures of their respective locations. They collectively form an international family of schools that nurtures each student's academic and personal development in a progressive, dynamic, and innovative learning environment.


By joining our award-winning team of over 13,000 employees, you can work in state-of-the-art facilities alongside industry-renowned educators and leaders in some of the world's most desirable locations. We invest heavily in our team members who enjoy industry-leading professional development, exceptional career opportunities, and mobility across our group.


Start Date: negotiable (as soon as possible)


​​​​​​​St Louis School Caviglia are seeking a whole school EAL teacher to coordinate and implement the English language support provision across the school. The successful candidate will be required to  The successful candidate will be experienced in teaching and supporting children who have very little or no English, individually, in groups and in a classroom setting; ensuring that planning, preparation, recording, assessment and reporting meet the varying learning and social needs of the children in accordance with the school requirements.


  • Promote an ethos and culture that supports the inclusion of all students
  • Determine  and lead the strategic development of  EAL  provision throughout the school
  • Be responsible for specific provision to support individual pupils with EAL
  • Provide professional guidance to colleagues, working closely with staff, parents and other agencies as appropriate to ensure best in class support
  • Train teachers in the most effective strategies to support individuals and groups of students with language acquisition, development and promoting fluency.



  • Creating Engaging Lessons: Plan and deliver lessons that inspire and challenge all students and are in line with the school's curriculum, policies, and assessment requirements. You will individualise and differentiate learning, ensuring each student is stretched, supported, and makes outstanding progress.
  • Supporting and Assessing Progress: Regularly assess students' in-class and at-home learning, providing targeted feedback to drive progress and ensure all students are challenged and supported in reaching their potential.
  • Building a Positive Learning Environment: Establish a classroom and school environment where students are invested in each other's flourishing, feel valued and supported, and are ready to take risks in their learning.
  • Collaborating and Sharing Best Practices: Work closely with colleagues as an active member of our learning community, sharing best practices, collaborating with colleagues, and dedicating yourself to your own professional development to ensure the highest standard of education for our students.
  • Contributing to School Life: Play an active role in the school's co-curricular programme, helping to create a well-rounded, enriching educational experience. From leading clubs to contributing to whole school initiatives, you will help shape the broader life of the school.
  • Collaborating with Parents: Maintain open and constructive communication with parents, building strong partnerships that support students' progress so that each child feels like an individual, well-known and respected.
  • Mentoring and Developing Staff: Provide guidance and professional development opportunities to colleagues, fostering a collaborative and growth-oriented environment where the notion that “every teacher is an EAL teacher” can become a reality
  • Strategic Planning and Management: Lead the strategic direction of the department, managing resources efficiently, and ensuring alignment with the school's academic goals and broader vision.


  • Enhanced disclosure from the DBS or equivalent, and who are committed to the welfare of all children     
  • A degree and PGCE or B.Ed or the equivalent, with a minimum of two years post-qualification teaching experience. The degree must be in the subject taught or a closely related subject     
  • Experience delivering English language lessons to learners in the Primary and key Stage 3 phases
  • Confidence with the use of ICT in teaching     
  • High expectations and aspirations for all students     
  • A commitment to the overall development of young people     
  • An open-minded approach to their work, are willing to learn and develop     
  • A demonstrable love for what they do and a proven track record
  • Previous teaching experience in a high-performing international school is an advantage.


How to apply

  • Supporting Statement which clearly outlines why you are interested in the role and in the school;
  • CV (as an attached supporting document);
  • Contact details of three referees (within the box provided), one of which must be the Head/Director from current/most recent appointment.

We will begin interviewing strong applicants as soon as possible and reserve the right to make an appointment prior to the closing date.


Closing date for applications:

Interviews will be ongoing with the intention to recruit the most suitable candidate in the shortest possible time frame. 

 London Career Event:

In addition to your interest in this role, you might also be interested in our annual in-person global career event, taking place in London on Saturday 18th January 2025. This school and up to 35 other schools from across the UK and international Inspired Education network will be attending and looking to speak to people seeking a new teaching role from August 2025. For more information and to register your interest in the event, please click here:


Inspired Education Group is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, volunteers and other third parties to share this commitment. Safer recruitment practices and pre-employment background checks will be undertaken before any appointment is confirmed. 

About St. Louis School - Caviglia

Our School is part of the Inspired Education Group

Inspired Education is the leading global group of premium schools, with over 119 premium private schools spanning six continents providing premium education to over 85,000 students ensuring they all receive a first-class learning experience from Kindergarten to Year 13.

We offer you the chance to work/live in an exciting new location, collaborate with passionate educators, develop your skills, and grow in a role that inspires you.

Please visit our careers site for further information and to see our latest opportunities -


The Primary School fol­lows a broad and bal­anced cur­riculum with the Brit­ish Na­tional Cur­riculum as its core.

Most im­port­antly, the whole school pro­gramme en­riches the chil­dren's learn­ing ex­per­i­ences and provides them, with the aca­demic, so­cial, lin­guistic and tech­no­lo­gical tools ne­ces­sary for the mod­ern world. The chil­dren are as­sessed us­ing tests as used in Brit­ish schools.

The Italian Cur­riculum is taught to pu­pils throughout the Primary School. Their level of spoken Italian is as­sessed and “Italian as an Ad­di­tional Lan­guage” teach­ing is provided for non-nat­ive speak­ers.

The chil­dren have spe­cial­ist teach­ers for P.E. and Mu­sic.
The staff in the Primary School are highly com­pet­ent, qual­i­fied teach­ers with ex­per­i­ence of teach­ing in the U.K. and Italy. The staff work closely to­gether as a team to cre­ate a pos­it­ive, caring but pur­pose­ful en­vir­on­ment for the chil­dren. There are clear ex­pect­a­tions for the chil­dren but the em­phasis is on be­ing en­thu­si­astic and mo­tiv­ated.  Our happy, academically successful students are a testament that balancing both the pastoral and curricular elements of learning is imperative.

The chil­dren have the op­por­tun­ity to go on edu­ca­tional vis­its, linked to the top­ics they are study­ing, dur­ing the year. These vis­its in­clude trips to art gal­ler­ies, theatres and mu­seums, mak­ing the chil­dren's learn­ing ex­per­i­ence a broader one. We also have vis­it­ors to the school provid­ing work­shops for the chil­dren.


The Middle School Cur­riculum aims to sup­port the edu­ca­tional and so­cial trans­ition form Primary to Sec­ond­ary School for stu­dents in year groups 7 – 9 us­ing mod­ern teach­ing tech­niques and spe­cial­ist teach­ers. The Core Cur­riculum is fo­cused dir­ectly upon the re­quire­ments of the Brit­ish Na­tional Cur­riculum.
For flu­ent Italian speak­ers, there is a spe­cial Italian stream in which Italian Lan­guage and cul­ture are provided and stu­dents may take the Middle School Italian state ex­am­in­a­tions.

In Mid­dle School, the stu­dents make use of lap­top com­put­ers for all their lessons and at home. St. Louis pro­vides the soft­ware and as­sis­tance needed. The in­tro­duc­tion of the laptop pro­gramme has dra­mat­ic­ally altered how pu­pils learn and how teach­ers teach. Dy­nam­ics within the classroom have changed and levels of stu­dent achieve­ment have in­creased sub­stan­tially. Most im­port­antly, the stu­dents have be­come ef­fect­ive in­de­pend­ent learners and this is one of the key aims of our school.

High School

The St. Louis High School, loc­ated in the heart of Milan is a Cam­bridge In­ter­na­tional Ex­am­in­a­tions (CIE) Centre and an IB World School. The school pro­gramme cov­ers 4 years, com­pris­ing CIE's In­ter­na­tional GCSE (IGCSE) ex­am­in­a­tions for Years 10 and 11, and the In­ter­na­tional Bac­ca­laur­eate Dip­loma (IB) for Years 12 and 13.
The IGCSE pro­gramme provides firm aca­demic found­a­tions to study the IB Dip­loma pro­gramme.

IGCSE and the IB Dip­loma are used by schools in over 100 coun­tries throughout the world and have been re­cog­nised by Uni­versit­ies in the UK, USA, Italy and around the world.

The laptop pro­ject in high school ad­opts Apple Mac laptops that are used throughout the school on our wire­less in­ter­net con­nec­tion and are an in­teg­ral part of our mod­ern IGCSE and IB Cur­ricula.

Ca­reers and Higher Edu­ca­tion

St. Louis provides ex­tens­ive uni­versity coun­selling and ca­reer guid­ance, in­clud­ing stu­dent work ex­per­i­ences with local busi­nesses in Years 10 and 12. Many of St. Louis School stu­dents par­ti­cip­ate in pre-uni­versity courses, in­tern­ships and vo­lun­teer pro­jects loc­ally and abroad dur­ing the sum­mer.

The St. Louis School of Milan is a private International school catering for 1200 pupils from 2 to 18 years old. Our curriculum is based on the British National Curriculum with the option of an Italian stream for children fluent in Italian.

Since its foundation in 1996 the St. Louis School has grown to take its place amongst the leading international schools in Italy with year-on-year growth and a strong placement record for students transferring to other educational establishments abroad.  We have three separate sites within Milan - our original campus in Via Caviglia for students from 2-14.  In 2017, we opened a parallel campus in Via Colonna.  Our High School, founded in 2015, will be located in Palazzo Archinto from September 2019.

The St. Louis School strives to offer all its students the best start in their education by providing a friendly, caring and inspiring academic atmosphere. In a safe, happy and nurturing environment, students develop a genuine love for learning, quality and academic success.

The St. Louis School is a Cambridge International Examinations Centre(CIE) and an IB World School.  The school has also been granted the Italian official status of Parità (Scuola Primaria) and is the first International school in Italy to achieve Eco school status.

St. Louis School also cultivates individual enrichment in music, arts, language, sports and drama; reinforced by the superior technology and resources provided by the school’s facilities and taught by highly-qualified teachers. Although the school firmly believes in the importance of traditional values and standards, we are committed to embracing the opportunities of modern educational methods and technological advances, preparing students to face today’s world with confidence and competence, wherever their future educational endeavours may take them. The students in the Upper School make use of laptop computers for all their lessons and at home. St. Louis provides the software and assistance needed.

A visit to the school is highly recommended to experience the unique atmosphere of the school. We look forward to welcoming you to St. Louis School.

Build a career with Inspired Education

Inspired schools remain anchored in the vibrant cultures of their respective locations, and collectively, they form an international community that nurtures each student's academic and personal development in a progressive, dynamic, and innovative learning environment.

Specialist-led, extracurricular activities and exchange programmes are woven into the fabric of Inspired's approach to schooling, resulting in a well-rounded, diverse student population of engaged, active learners who confidently apply their wide-ranging skills within a global context.

Students benefit from a robust, holistic, international curriculum formed around the Inspired three pillars of modern education: academic excellence, sports, and performing & creative arts, with dedicated, highly qualified teachers who demonstrate Inspired's exemplary methodology. In the application of a student-centred teaching model, Inspired schools achieve outstanding examination results and, importantly, nurture happy, multi-skilled individuals who have faith in their abilities. Inspired students are empowered to fulfil their potential and are fully equipped to thrive in a modern world.

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