Y6 History Investigating the Ancient MayaQuick View

Y6 History Investigating the Ancient Maya

Free PowerPoints to accompany full unit. This is a cross-curricular unit which links the children’s history learning with their skills and knowledge of computing. They will be introduced to the ancient civilisation of the Maya, investigating who they were, where and how they lived and also going on to investigate what happened to them. The children will then go on to use a range of tools, techniques and skills to create a teaching resource pack to be used in future history sessions. The children will manage their own projects and time to ensure they complete within the time allowed. The will need to continually monitor and evaluate their work for effectiveness and suitability.
Y3 History Investigating British History - Stone Age to Iron AgeQuick View

Y3 History Investigating British History - Stone Age to Iron Age

PowerPoints to accompany the full unit. In this unit the children will be introduced to the concept of pre-history. They will explore the changes in Britain from the Stone Age through the Bronze Age up to the end of the Iron Age. The children will gain a sense of wider history by creating timelines of major events. They will then go on to investigate each of the three periods, looking at daily live and homes, tools and farming as well as other key features of life. They will then go on to discuss those key features and how Britain has changed, discussing which time period would have been better to live in.
Year 3 Geography; Mountains, Volcanoes and Earthquakes unitQuick View

Year 3 Geography; Mountains, Volcanoes and Earthquakes unit

A complete set containing unit plan, teaching resources and notes, children's workbooks and assessment documents. In this unit the children will be introduced to three key physical geographical features – mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes. They will explore each feature, learning what they are, how they occur and where in the world we can find them. The children will increase their understanding of the concepts of physical geography, they will develop their mapping skills locating major physical features. They will build upon existing geographical knowledge and continue to develop their understanding of the planet Earth. This unit aims to develop the children’s curiosity and interest in the geography of our world and how our planet is constantly changing. The PowerPoints for this unit are available to download free of charge.
Y5 History Liverpool History 1900 - 2014Quick View

Y5 History Liverpool History 1900 - 2014

This unit continues on from the previous unit ‘Liverpool history 1207 – 1899’. The children will go on to explore the more recent historical events in Liverpool. They will further investigate the continuing expansion and development of Liverpool and the forces behind the changes. PowerPoints to accompany this unit are free to download.
Y5 History Changes in leisure and entertainment since 1837Quick View

Y5 History Changes in leisure and entertainment since 1837

In this unit the children will explore the main changes in leisure and entertainment between the start of Victorian era, 1837 and today. They will explore various themes including; holidays, film, radio and television, discussing how each theme changed during time and what impact these changes had on people’s lives. The children will then go on to research one theme and create an informative presentation exploring that theme and the effects of the changes. PowerPoints accompanying this unit are free to download.
Class noise level poster and cardsQuick View

Class noise level poster and cards

An A3 poster showing class noise levels, along with apple indicator and A5 cards. An attractive poster to show the class the suitable noise levels in class. Credit to http://zoepearndesigns.com/ for the scrapbook kit.
Year 4 Computing; Exploring ExcelQuick View

Year 4 Computing; Exploring Excel

A complete set of unit plan, teachers resources, activities and assessment documents. In this unit the children will be introduced to the concept of spreadsheets, they will explore their features and real life applications. The children will learn that spreadsheets can handle data, be used to model and explore simulations and present data efficiently. They will enter and manipulate data, use formulae and create charts and graphs to present their data.
Y1 History Neil Armstrong and the moon landingQuick View

Y1 History Neil Armstrong and the moon landing

In this unit the children will be introduced to the life of Neil Armstrong and his role in the world changing events surrounding the space race and the first moon landing. They will explore who Neil Armstrong was, the reasons behind the decision to go to space and the key events in the moon landing, The children will explore key historical concepts such as creating timelines, studying historical sources and understanding the effect key events have on our lives. PowerPoints to accompany this unit are available to download free.
Neil Armstrong and the moon landingQuick View

Neil Armstrong and the moon landing

Free PowerPoints to accompany full unit. In this unit the children will be introduced to the life of Neil Armstrong and his role in the world changing events surrounding the space race and the first moon landing. They will explore who Neil Armstrong was, the reasons behind the decision to go to space and the key events in the moon landing, The children will explore key historical concepts such as creating timelines, studying historical sources and understanding the effect key events have on our lives.
Year 1 History The Great Fire of LondonQuick View

Year 1 History The Great Fire of London

Complete unit containing planning, teachers resources, differentiated activity books and assessment documents. This unit will introduce the children to the events and facts surrounding the Great Fire of London. They will explore the events of the past and compare to life today. The children will discover how the fire started, how it spread and how it was eventually put out. They will begin to think what it would have been like to be alive during that period and how they would have felt to be in the fire. The children will begin to develop their interest in key historical events and how they have affected our lives. They will be introduced to the concept of eye witnesses and primary and secondary sources and how they can help us to discover our past. The PowerPoints for this unit are available to download free of charge.
Exploring Bee-bot planningQuick View

Exploring Bee-bot planning

A scheme of work exploring the use of algorithms and programming with Reception children. This unit introduces the concept of programming and then builds upon skills, exploring creating algorithms, debugging and evaluating their work.
Y6 History Investigating the Ancient MayaQuick View

Y6 History Investigating the Ancient Maya

This is a cross-curricular unit which links the children’s history learning with their skills and knowledge of computing. They will be introduced to the ancient civilisation of the Maya, investigating who they were, where and how they lived and also going on to investigate what happened to them. The children will then go on to use a range of tools, techniques and skills to create a teaching resource pack to be used in future history sessions. The children will manage their own projects and time to ensure they complete within the time allowed. The will need to continually monitor and evaluate their work for effectiveness and suitability. PowerPoints to accompany this unit are free to download.
Y5 History Liverpool History 1207 - 1899Quick View

Y5 History Liverpool History 1207 - 1899

In this unit the children will be introduced to Liverpool between 1207 AD and 1899. They will investigate the key historical events that occurred and how they shaped the city. The children will research key landmarks and when they were created/built, how the city changed and why. They will explore the transatlantic slave trade, Liverpool’s role in it and its lasting impact on the city. The children will evaluate how Liverpool changed and the key reasons for that change. PowerPoints accompanying this unit are free to download.
Year 6 Geography and Computing The Rainforest EnvironmentQuick View

Year 6 Geography and Computing The Rainforest Environment

Complete set of unit plans, teachers resources and PowerPoints. In this unit the children will explore the rainforest environment and eco-system. They will combine both geographical and computing skills to investigate the complex issue of rainforests and their impact on the world. The children will locate rainforests of the world and discuss their climate. They will explore the various layers of the eco-system and the creatures that live in those habitats. They will explore the issue of deforestation, creating a mini documentary to inform or persuade people. The PowerPoints for this unit are available to download free of charge.
Y1 Geography Mapping the UKQuick View

Y1 Geography Mapping the UK

In this unit the children will explore the United Kingdom and it’s four countries. They will explore the key geographical features of each country, including; mountains, rivers, lakes and major cities. The children will study a range of maps and go on to create their own basic maps displaying the key geographical features. PowerPoints to accompany this unit are available to download free.