K4. Schule ist klasse! 3. Lehrer und Lehrerinen!Quick View

K4. Schule ist klasse! 3. Lehrer und Lehrerinen!

<p>Descriptions of teachers’ qualities.<br /> Grammar points: related to describing people, using verbs like “sein” (to be) or “haben” (to have), practising different sentence structures.<br /> Exercises and activities: Including matching words with pictures, filling in the blanks and translations.</p>
Schuluniformen: Ja oder Nein? Work-sheet.Quick View

Schuluniformen: Ja oder Nein? Work-sheet.

<p>180-word-comprehension text in year 10 German on the topic school uniform, using adjectives for pros and cons on school uniform, giving opinions and justifications, using the present, perfect and future tenses. Then 10 comprehension questions, 8 grammar-tenses questions, 8 opinions and justification questions, 5 translation question and answers to all the questions.</p>