Python practice booklet for T-Level Digital Production Design and Development
<p>This booklet contains a complete set of information, exercises and challenges associated with the Core programming content of the T-Level in Digital Production. It’s primarily focused on application with a healthy dose of theory too. Use it for independent study or to supplement and guide your lessons.</p>
<p>Whilst it’s linked to the T-Level DPDD it’s easily applicable to all sorts of other applications from GCSE, A-Level BTEC and even HE. It includes the necessary data files and covers the following:</p>
<li>Data Types</li>
<li>Operations and handling numbers</li>
<li>Global and local variables</li>
<li>Arrays and Lists</li>
<li>Selection - If statements and logical operators</li>
<li>Iteration and loops</li>
<li>Turtle and sequences of instructions</li>
<li>Validation and Verification in Python</li>
<li>File Handling in Python</li>
<li>In Built Functions</li>
<li>Searching and sorting algorithms</li>
<li>Creating GUI apps in Python</li>
<li>Data Science</li>