Quick ViewdzamacolaIGCSE Travel and Tourism Syllabus presentation (0)<p>Clear and short presentation on syllabus, componets and Assessment objectives.</p>
Quick ViewdzamacolaAS and A2 Travel and Tourism syllabus presentation. (0)<p>Clear and short presentations on syllabus, components and assessment objectives.</p>
Quick ViewdzamacolaIGCSE Travel and Tourism annual plans for year 10 and year 11 (0)<p>IGCSE Travel and Tourism annual plans for year 10 and year 11. It includes relevant and up to date online resource links.</p>
Quick ViewdzamacolaTravel and tourism 0471 Unit 3_ Travel and Tourism Organisations (0)<p>Presentations based on the Cambridge textbook with activities and answers.</p>
Quick ViewdzamacolaTravel and tourism 0471 Unit 4_ Customer Service in Travel and Tourism (0)<p>Presentations based on Cambridge textbook with activities and answers.</p>
Quick ViewdzamacolaTravel and tourism 0471 Unit 1_ Key Concepts of Travel and Tourism (0)<p>Presentation based on Cambridge textbook, with activities and answers. You can also find online resources linked.</p>
Quick ViewdzamacolaTravel and tourism 0471 Unit 5_ Destination Marketing (0)<p>Presentations based on the Cambridge textbook with activities and answers.</p>
Quick ViewdzamacolaInternational A level Travel and tourism 9395. Units 3 and 4 mind maps (0)<p>Revision material, intended to give students an overview of the two units. Students can also use it to do active revision while completing the mind maps.</p>
Quick ViewdzamacolaTravel and Tourism (9305) Unit 3_ Destination Marketing (0)<p>Presentations based on Cambridge book with activities and answers.</p>
Quick ViewdzamacolaTravel and Tourism (9305) Unit 1_Travel and Tourism Themes and Concepts (0)<p>Presentations based on Cambridge textbook with activities and answers.</p>
Quick ViewdzamacolaTravel and tourism 0471 Unit 2_ Global tourism (0)<p>Presentations based on Cambridge textbook with activities and answers. Online links are also added as examples of application.</p>