Mon petit château médiéval au Pays de GallesQuick View

Mon petit château médiéval au Pays de Galles

<p>A set of READING comprehension tasks, based on 2 texts:<br /> The first describes where the writer lives<br /> The second describes one of the rooms in detail.</p> <p>The vocabulary is a bit more sophisticated, but the tasks are kept fairly simple to help make the text reasonably accessible.</p> <p>It is aimed at pupils of medium to high ability, studying FRENCH for GCSE or IGCSE.</p> <p>As a follow-up activity, pupils could be asked to write a description of one of the other rooms in that period building.</p> <p>Or they could be invited to identify where to include more tenses / details…</p>
Au CampingQuick View

Au Camping

A powerpoint and matching worksheet to drill the Vocab for campsites, various types of activities possible.
FRENCH_Y10_TENSES_Cribsheet_Overview of Time described, Purpose, amount of verbs needed, etc.Quick View

FRENCH_Y10_TENSES_Cribsheet_Overview of Time described, Purpose, amount of verbs needed, etc.

<p>some of my year 10 were really confused again about the terminology used to refer to tenses, confusing &quot; Past tense&quot; and “perfect tense” and “the present” …not to speak of the “Conditional” - despite having been taught in the past, about individual tenses, their context etc., quite in detail. Anyway, I spontaneously proceeded to answer their questions and explain it on the board … and subsequently created this as a handout ( in case their notes are incomplete / not as legible.)<br /> It is intended as a crib sheet to keep an overview of the purpose and meaning of each tense, as well as key aspects / hints on it’s basic structure / components.</p> <p>It therefore doesn’t substitute other sheets with verb tables, but rather, complements them.</p>
Das FruhstuckQuick View

Das Fruhstuck

<p>powerpoint Intro of Breakfast vocab with a bit of perfect tense at the end</p>
Le défilé de modeQuick View

Le défilé de mode

KS4 - Describing what someone wears.<br /> This PPT allows for ample reading and reinforcement of key vocabulary and could be used for information gap activities as well (of PPT put on loop)<br /> It includes a homework task. <br /> The topic of fashion is a teen-favourite anyway, and the recognisable celebrities in it make it quite appealing to them.
Meine Stadt_ Es gibt + Man kann_Reading TasksQuick View

Meine Stadt_ Es gibt + Man kann_Reading Tasks

<p>3A4 sides of reading tasks to consolidate “Es gibt” and “Man kann” statements in the context of Describing one’s Town. The tasks start easy, then become a bit more difficult.</p> <p>FREE matching Powerpoint available.</p>
Deutsche Literatur - Homo Faber - Mann und  FrauQuick View

Deutsche Literatur - Homo Faber - Mann und Frau

6th form German literature (GCE / IBB / IBA ) <br /> A powerpoint to discuss the representation of man and woman in &quot; Homo Faber&quot; (by Max Frisch)<br /> Pupils to complete the last three slides, using their copy of the text for research.
Colours and Clothes - practice worksheetQuick View

Colours and Clothes - practice worksheet

I made this resource for a beginners class (where we have no textbook), as a follow up from teaching the colours, and intro to teaching clothes. Along with this we used Quizlet vocabulary lists that pupils could practice the words with and then play Quizlet live, we had a fashion show on the second day (they were wearing home clothes) . Then they wrote sentences into their exercise books about what they were wearing and what colour clothes were.<br /> I did not introduce the patterns or adjectival agreement other than by putting them on the sheet by way of extension for the observant and smarter pupils. (Note that I am revisiting Pets and styles of accommodation in order to practise use of colours)
Qui suis-je? - Introductory Unit for beginnersQuick View

Qui suis-je? - Introductory Unit for beginners

I created this for a very small class of beginners for whom there was no textbook. I felt it was important that pupils should learn quickly to speak / write about who they are as a person, before tackling other topics. This is designed to help pupils learn a lot (potentially - as I provide quite a bit of vocabulary) and learn independently (they can choose which words apply to their situation, and focus on learning those) whilt teaching all the core structures necessary. This serves both as a unit and a resource. It includes some short exercises, but should be supplemented with more tasks in class etc. to consolidate / practice, where necessary, especially if there are more pupils.
Double Worksheet-Where do you live and where do you come fromQuick View

Double Worksheet-Where do you live and where do you come from

Used after having introduced &quot; Wohnen&quot; and practiced types of accommodation and areas of living (auf dem Land, an der Küste, etc.) .<br /> This worksheet requires an eye for detail and relies on pupils using their other notes for reference. Pupils can tackle these on their own or in pairs (by way of differentiation) <br /> It also revisits pets and members of the family.<br /> It also practises &quot;kommen aus&quot;, since several of my students live in one country, but come from another one.
Double Worksheet -  Describing Pets / Animals - Physically + Personality +Quick View

Double Worksheet - Describing Pets / Animals - Physically + Personality +

This can be done in class or as a homework (for sharp learners) and presupposes acquisition of vocab for pets, physical description, personality and also a few clothes (&amp;colour) . It showcases the use of some longer sentences with conjunctions UND and ABER.<br /> The longer gapfill tasks offer a decreasing level of support and the last writing task is merely providing a picture prompt. (i.e. the task requires &quot;free writing&quot;)
Mindmap_En - Ville_Places in TownQuick View

Mindmap_En - Ville_Places in Town

For year 10 pupils or younger. A revision or reference sheet, providing a nice overview and colour coding of the nouns' genders, which could also be enlarged for a small classroom poster.


<p>A Powerpoint to be used to teach basic Vocab for talking about Football Matches and the EURO CUP. I used it for beginners, but it can be developed further to be suitable for y 8 - 9.</p>
Reading resource with incorporated worksheet -  Gîte "Beaurepos"Quick View

Reading resource with incorporated worksheet - Gîte "Beaurepos"

I tried to recreate an ad for privately organised self-catering accommodation in the style of those found on a certain website, but using the brochure format. This is good for GCSE classes, and there are many pictures to help understanding, though some vocabulary could be prepared beforehand (see my free resource &quot;on loue un gîte&quot;) This is mainly a set of reading comprehension activities, followed by a &quot;written response&quot; task, but could also be used to encourage the creation of a different brochure.<br /> There's a bit of a grammar focus (some simple future tense is used) as well, and via the (loisirs aux alentours) section, it is also culturally informative (about the Doubs region in the east of France)<br /> (Unfortunately, one garden photo on the front cover did not conform to the PDF creation, and looks more like an impressionist painting (and I could not fix it - the original photo is fine!) but you could just copy and paste another garden photo over it, if you wanted.)
Opinions posters (for the classroom wall)Quick View

Opinions posters (for the classroom wall)

two posters with positive and negative opinions (and associated pictograms) for the classroom wall. Could also be printed &quot;2 pages on 1 sheet&quot; for pupils to refer to when they are away from school.
IBB Armut und Hunger - Patenschaften: ZeugnisseQuick View

IBB Armut und Hunger - Patenschaften: Zeugnisse

As we were discussing causes and consequences of 'Armut und Hunger in Entwicklungsländern' Pupils started to mention they were sponsoring Children. I subsequently found and used a variety of source texts about sponsorships, not least a forum debate, and also this - two testimonies from formerly sponsored children, now adults. I felt it would lend itself to some good language work and help our discussions and source of ideas in a subsequent essay they would have to write ( about the solutions to poverty and hunger in the third world). It is fairly easy for Standard Level , as the texts are short (but we had had others which were longer, and this was just part of what was done one lesson.)
Les objets trouvésQuick View

Les objets trouvés

Use this to introduce and practice the vocabulary for lost property. (I made another follow up ppt to introduce and practice descriptive vocabulary)
healthy habitsQuick View

healthy habits

a starter or plenary activity to switch brains on... ( based on Encore tricolore 3 p76) get pupils to call out the sentence about the habit represented by each picture.
Shapes and MaterialsQuick View

Shapes and Materials

This is a follow up from my other ppt about lost property items. this one introduces vocab for shapes and materials, in preparation for the roleplay situation