The Ultimate Relief/ Supply Teacher Resource BookQuick View

The Ultimate Relief/ Supply Teacher Resource Book

<p>Introducing my new supply/ casual relief teacher resource book that I have poured my heart into. I am an experienced relief teacher (I have seen it all) and this book is ideal for all the casual/ relief/ supply/ substitute teachers out there who need fun no-prep ideas/activities! You all work so hard and you rule! Never forget it. The book contains a huge collection (250+) of go-to activities for all KLA’s and year levels. They require very little to no resources or preparation. This all you need resource will ensure you feel more confident coming in each day -ready for anything.</p> <p>The resource book contains:</p> <ol> <li> <p>Behaviour Management Tips</p> </li> <li> <p>What to bring.</p> </li> <li> <p>Topics/Themes</p> </li> <li> <p>The Holy Grail Picture Book</p> </li> <li> <p>Picture Book Ideas</p> </li> <li> <p>Picture Book Ideas 2</p> </li> <li> <p>Writing + Picture Template</p> </li> <li> <p>‘The Lost Thing’ by Shaun Tan (quick ideas and comprehension questions)</p> </li> <li> <p>‘The Lost Thing’ event sort</p> </li> <li> <p>Giraffes Can’t Dance (quick ideas and comprehension questions)</p> </li> <li> <p>Writing Prompts (for a month)</p> </li> <li> <p>Spelling Activities</p> </li> <li> <p>Spelling Activities 2</p> </li> <li> <p>Dice Games</p> </li> <li> <p>Dice Games 2</p> </li> <li> <p>Card Games</p> </li> <li> <p>Card Games 2</p> </li> <li> <p>Lunch Time Videos</p> </li> <li> <p>Afternoon Session Ideas</p> </li> <li> <p>5 Minute Fillers</p> </li> <li> <p>Brain Teasers/ Riddles</p> </li> <li> <p>Indoor/ Outdoor Sport Games (K-2)</p> </li> <li> <p>Indoor/ Outdoor Sport Games 2 (3-6)</p> </li> <li> <p>Go-to Literacy Ideas</p> </li> <li> <p>Go-to Literacy Ideas 2</p> </li> <li> <p>Go-to Literacy Ideas 3</p> </li> <li> <p>Chatterbox Origami Instructions</p> </li> <li> <p>Persuasive Writing Prompts</p> </li> <li> <p>Numeracy Activities</p> </li> <li> <p>Numeracy Activities 2</p> </li> <li> <p>Art Activities</p> </li> <li> <p>Art Activities 2</p> </li> <li> <p>Circle Art Template</p> </li> <li> <p>Drama Games</p> </li> <li> <p>Science Activities</p> </li> <li> <p>History and Geography Activities</p> </li> <li> <p>History and Geography Activities</p> </li> <li> <p>Go-to Research Tasks</p> </li> <li> <p>Educational Websites</p> </li> <li> <p>Graphic Organizers</p> </li> <li> <p>Fast Finisher Task Cards</p> </li> <li> <p>Fast Finisher Task Cards 2</p> </li> <li> <p>Fast Finisher Task Cards 3</p> </li> <li> <p>Classroom Detective Activity</p> </li> <li> <p>Outdoor Detective Activity</p> </li> </ol> <p>I started relief teaching with no ideas at all and was nervous/anxious to answer calls. However, I am now always complemented by teachers/principals on my adaptability. This book is full of all my go-to activities that I have developed over the years and I know work with kids. This resource will make answering that last minute phone call so much easier :)</p> <p>© Teach Super 2019</p>
FAMOUS LANDMARKS - Cut and Paste, Reading Comprehension + Research ActivitiesQuick View

FAMOUS LANDMARKS - Cut and Paste, Reading Comprehension + Research Activities

This packet contains activities that help students learn about famous landmarks around the world. Included are cut and paste worksheets, reading comprehension activities and research writing tasks. These differentiated activities are a great to use in the classroom and are super fun way to get students interested in world history while also improving comprehension skills.<br /> <br /> Landmarks and information included:<br /> <br /> Sydney Harbour Bridge<br /> The Leaning Tower of Pisa<br /> The Great Wall of China<br /> Uluru- Ayres Rock<br /> Eiffel Tower<br /> <br /> For any questions, email me at<br /> <br /> I hope you enjoy!<br /> Teach Super
Book Review Activities + 'How to Write a Great Blurb' PosterQuick View

Book Review Activities + 'How to Write a Great Blurb' Poster

This packet contains foldable book review templates where students can create their own front cover. Also included is a book report activity. The foldable book review provides space for students to create their own blurb with writing lines. When folded in the middle, students write their favourite part of the book/story. I have also provided a poster that explains how to write a great blurb (clear steps).<br /> <br /> This is a fun, little project great for any age. It's important for students to reflect on what they have been reading. Recreating a book and offering their own interpretation can encourage creative thinking and help boost students comprehension/writing skills.<br /> <br /> Spelling alternatives are considered in this packet. <br /> <br /> Thank you and I hope you enjoy!<br /> Feel free to email me at for any questions.<br /> <br /> ©Teach Super
'The Lost Thing' Activities (Interactive SMARTboard Notebook + Worksheets)Quick View

'The Lost Thing' Activities (Interactive SMARTboard Notebook + Worksheets)

<p>This is a SMARTboard Notebook file with interactive activities for ‘The Lost Thing’ by Shaun Tan. Some of the activities have linked worksheets as part of the study of the amazing book! I have included activities that cover the different reading strategies (predicting, questioning, summarizing, visualizing). This notebook contains interactive activities and is the perfect companion to have as you explore the picture book.</p> <p>Included in notebook file:</p> <p>Predictions about the book<br /> Describing the lost thing (Option 1)<br /> Describing the lost thing WORDLE (Option 2)<br /> The Boy vs The Lost Thing SMART LAB Sorting Activity<br /> Comprehension Questions<br /> Events in the Book - Whole-class Sort<br /> LOST Poster<br /> LOST Poster Document (+pdf link)<br /> Create your own Book Review<br /> Write a Book Summary (+ pdf link)<br /> Describe the Lost World in the book.<br /> Create your own Lost World Task<br /> Describe the Scene (Whole-class)<br /> Describe the Scene 2 (Whole-class)<br /> Independent Describe the Scene Task<br /> The Lost Thing Animation Trailer<br /> Shaun Tan drawing The Lost Thing Video.</p> <ul> <li>Teach Super</li> </ul>
Word Problem Scoot Task Cards (Maths Game) 19 pagesQuick View

Word Problem Scoot Task Cards (Maths Game) 19 pages

*FREE USING CODE FOR NEW ACCOUNTS* 24 Scoot/ task cards to help students review and practice solving math word problems involving basic operations. I have added a few scoot cards that require higher levels of problem solving.<br /> <br /> There are are 2 sets of 24 Scoot Cards. The first contains word problems with multiple choice answers. The second second set does not. The set you use depends on classroom skill level. <br /> <br /> Also, you have a choice of 2 recording sheet styles. One sheet contains spaces from 1-24. The other is split into 2 pages with one sheet from 1-12 and the other from 13-24. This will allow you to also use the task cards for small groups/centres as opposed to a whole-class activity. The 1-12 and 12-24 recording sheets has enough space for working out if needed.<br /> <br /> I have also provided an answer sheet with guided answers.<br /> <br /> How to play scoot as a whole-class:<br /> Distribute Scoot cards across the room. Students can work in pairs and are allocated a scoot card from 1-24. Answers + working out are recorded on the recording sheet. When the teacher calls out &quot;scoot&quot;, students move to the next card in order. <br /> <br /> Thanks and I really hope you enjoy !<br /> <br /> -Teach Super!
MEGA PACK of Literacy Unit Activities: Narrative, Persuasive Writing, Spelling and GrammarQuick View

MEGA PACK of Literacy Unit Activities: Narrative, Persuasive Writing, Spelling and Grammar

*FREE USING CODE FOR NEW ACCOUNTS* This is a ready-to-print mega literacy packet (bundle) featuring units of work for Narrative Writing, Persuasive Writing, Spelling and Grammar. These units would be perfect those in Australia who are preparing their students for NAPLAN. However, all these resources are suitable for any teacher requiring resources including rubrics, worksheets and handouts to teach narrative writing, persuasive writing, spelling and grammar.<br /> <br /> I have listed the contents of the packet for your own benefit: <br /> <br /> What is a Narrative? Teacher/ Student Notes Handouts<br /> Pre-Writing Task: All about the five senses<br /> Descriptive Narrative Task (Fill-in)<br /> Magic Adjectives Task 1<br /> Magic Adjectives Task 2<br /> Planning your Narrative Task: Brainstorming <br /> Narrative Writing Prompts Rubrics<br /> Character Profile Sheet<br /> Narrative Writing Structure<br /> Narrative Editing Checklist<br /> <br /> What is Persuasive Writing? Teacher and Student Notes Handouts<br /> Pre-writing Task: For and Against Template<br /> Persuasive Writing Prompts Rubrics<br /> Persuasive Writing Word Mat<br /> Persuasive Letter Task<br /> Persuasive Writing Student Sample<br /> Persuasive Writing Structured Burger<br /> Persuasive Writing Editing Checklist<br /> <br /> Find-a-spelling Word Task<br /> Roll-and-Spell Task<br /> Also, there are worksheets on the following topics: <br /> Nouns<br /> Abstract Nouns<br /> Verbs<br /> Adverbs<br /> Adjectives<br /> Pronouns<br /> Articles<br /> Conjunctions<br /> Compound Words<br /> Homophones<br /> Tenses<br /> Modal Verbs<br /> Synonyms<br /> Antonyms<br /> Grammar Test<br /> <br /> Thank you for checking this product out! Please feel free to follow my store for more products and freebies :) <br /> <br /> Cheers, Teach Super
Making Compound Words (48 Picture Word Cards and Worksheets)Quick View

Making Compound Words (48 Picture Word Cards and Worksheets)

FREE WITH CODE. This product contains two sets / lists of compound word picture cards and bonus worksheets / activities. There are 8 compound words in each set. There are 3 cards for each compound word. 2 cards are for each part of the word and the other card is the complete word. Each set contains a &quot;making compound words&quot; worksheet where students create compound words using words in a word bubble and note them down. Also, there is a worksheet where students identify the compound words in given sentences. (They include the same compound words + extra) <br /> <br /> The images and fonts used are in the public domain.<br /> <br /> Set 1 contains the following cards:<br /> <br /> cup, cake, cupcake<br /> sand, paper, sandpaper<br /> cow, boy, cowboy<br /> tooth, brush, toothbrush<br /> butter, cup, buttercup<br /> dog, house, doghouse<br /> butter, fly, butterfly<br /> sun, flower, sunflower<br /> <br /> Set 2:<br /> <br /> rain, coat, raincoat<br /> wheel, chair, wheelchair<br /> basket, ball, basketball<br /> foot, ball, football<br /> lady, bug, ladybug<br /> book, worm, bookworm<br /> fire, man, fireman<br /> chest, nut, chestnut<br /> <br /> Thanks and I hope you enjoy!
Year 4 Australian Maths Curriculum ChecklistsQuick View

Year 4 Australian Maths Curriculum Checklists

FREE WITH CODE. This beautiful set of checklists will save you a lot of time when planning the Year 4 Maths Australian Curriculum. <br /> <br /> Included are the content descriptors for 'Number and Algebra', 'Measurement and Geometry' and 'Statistics and Probability'. Each strand also contains the elaborations for the content descriptors. Each page contains a checklist box with numbers 1-4 to show the terms of the school year.This resource allows you to organise your year and helps you keep track of what you have covered. This is an easy to use, ready to print resource that you will use all your teaching life.<br /> <br /> Hope you enjoy!<br /> Please leave a comment :)<br /> <br /> Teach Super.
DECIMALS Secret Message Tasks/Printables (covers rounding and adding)Quick View

DECIMALS Secret Message Tasks/Printables (covers rounding and adding)

FREE WITH CODE. In this product, you will get 3 'Solve the Secret Message/ Mystery Message' tasks based on decimals and rounding to whole numbers as well as adding. Students must round the decimals to the nearest whole number or add. They use the key to solve the secret/hidden message.<br /> <br /> The messages are both positive quotes. <br /> <br /> The first activity: rounding decimals that end with 1 digit (e.g. 2.5)<br /> The second activity: rounding decimals that end with 2 digits (3.48)<br /> Third activity: adding decimals (e.g 8.2+3.3)<br /> <br /> These activities are great for maths centers/ centres/ stations.<br /> This would also be a great differentiation activity or for extension students/ fast finishers. It is fun and students are always eager to work out the message first. <br /> <br /> Feel free to leave feedback. Each feedback you give earns you 1 TpT credit point which saves you money on your next purchase.<br /> <br /> Thanks, Teach Super.
Monthly Writing Prompts + Supporting Activities - FREE WITH CODEQuick View

Monthly Writing Prompts + Supporting Activities - FREE WITH CODE

<p>FREE WITH CODE. This packet includes writing prompts for every day of the school year. A total of 210 daily writing prompts. 20 themed writing prompts for EVERY month of the school year! Print and laminate every months prompts for durability during the school year.</p> <p>Also included in the download are supporting activities for Persuasive Writing, Narrative Writing and Grammar. Included are word mats, writing checklists,templates, structured samples and worksheets that can be used during the year.</p> <p>Included are Opinion Writing Prompts, Persuasive Writing Prompts and Narrative Writing Prompts. Some prompts involve creating To-do Lists and Instructions (emergent writers) as well as other creative formats to express writing such as recipes, designing and describing etc.</p> <p>Every month includes themed prompts that encourage students to write. For example, February includes prompts that are for back to school are aimed at building social skills and friendships as well as developing writing skills.</p> <p>Prompts celebrate the start of different seasons. Prompts also cover Celebrations/Holidays during the Australian year. For example, Mothers day, Fathers day, Easter, Earth Day, Queens birthday, Halloween and Christmas.</p> <p>The prompts are suitable for the Australian school calendar and curriculum. However, these prompts could be definitely used worldwide.</p> <p>Also provided in the packet are writing paper with different styles, writing lines and illustration boxes.</p> <p>Thank you for checking this product out!</p> <p>Teach Super :)</p>
Similes - ALL YOU NEED Resources, Activities, Game Board and SMART Notebook FileQuick View

Similes - ALL YOU NEED Resources, Activities, Game Board and SMART Notebook File

FREE WITH CODE. This packet covers the entire topic of Similes and includes:<br /> <br /> - A no-prep, easy to navigate Notebook file ( or PDF presentation) that introduces students to Similes and contains a range of supporting activities.<br /> <br /> -“I am” Similes Activity (Lesson/Worksheet)<br /> <br /> - TWO Simile Character Writing and Drawing Tasks<br /> <br /> - Large set of 36 Mix &amp; Match Simile cards to laminate and keep!<br /> <br /> - Simile Narrative Tasks<br /> <br /> - Roll-a-Simile Game Board<br /> <br /> - Connect the Similes Printable<br /> <br /> The Mix and Match cards requires students to combine similes. This is a great literacy center or class circle game. There are 18 Simile combinations and 36 cards (both “as” and “like).<br /> <br /> This bundle of activities will keep your students engaged and learning!<br /> <br /> I hope you enjoy! Please feel free to leave feedback and follow for future products :)<br /> <br /> Cheers, Teach Super<br /> <br /> <br /> © Teach Super
How to Make Addition Fun? Number Sentence Games/WorksheetsQuick View

How to Make Addition Fun? Number Sentence Games/Worksheets

FREE WITH CODE. This product features 6 fun maths games that help students practice their addition and multiplication number sentences. This activity is inspired by the popular 'Candy Crush' game and can be used for morning work or for substitute teaching!<br /> <br /> Students are required to find and create as many hidden number sentences from the grid by connecting 3 numbers (they need to be touching each other). I have created a range of possible results in each grid and space is provided for students to write down the number sentences. The set of 6 includes 3 multiplication grids and 3 addition grids.<br /> <br /> <br /> I've used this activity with my class and they really enjoy it. It's an engaging way for students to practice addition/multiplication facts. This can be a great maths station or independent learning activity. <br /> <br /> I hope you enjoy using this activity in your classroom. Check out my other products in my TpT store. <br /> <br /> Thanks, Teach Super.
30 Classroom Reward Coupons + "I Spotted You" Behavior Cards!Quick View

30 Classroom Reward Coupons + "I Spotted You" Behavior Cards!

FREE WITH CODE. These are 24 rewards coupons/cards that are used as incentives for positive behavior. These are free rewards that have proven to work great in my K-3 classes. However, these rewards are relevant to all years and are designed to be adapted to classroom style and management situation. They are also easy-to-cut and can be reprinted as many times as needed.<br /> <br /> I have also added 6 different &quot;I spotted you&quot; cards which are provided to students when they have shown positive behavior. This acts as motivation for students to repeat their positive behavior.<br /> Card 1: making a good decision<br /> Card 2: being kind<br /> Card 3: working hard<br /> Card 4: being safe<br /> Card 5: being polite<br /> Card 6: helping others<br /> <br /> Thanks... I hope you enjoy using these in your classroom!! :)
MEGA Literacy/ Writing Packet (guided lessons) AND ALSO Monthly Writing Prompts + Narrative/Persuasive Writing and Grammar + Compound Words BUNDLEQuick View

MEGA Literacy/ Writing Packet (guided lessons) AND ALSO Monthly Writing Prompts + Narrative/Persuasive Writing and Grammar + Compound Words BUNDLE

3 Resources
A HUGE Bundle that you will definitely use year after year! <br /> <br /> It includes my MEGA Literacy packet which includes activities/ guided lessons for Narrative Writing, Persuasive Writing + Spelling, Grammar Worksheets & a test.<br /> I have also included my Monthly Writing Prompts Packet which includes daily writing prompts! It also includes writing paper with and without space for pictures.<br /> Also included is my Making Compound Words unit activities packet which include worksheets and matching cards!<br /> <br /> This bundle is a definite must-have for teachers! Huge value for money.<br /> <br /> (C) Teach Super<br /> <br /> Feel free to contact me at
App Store Maths Activity! - NO PREP & SUPER ENGAGING LESSONQuick View

App Store Maths Activity! - NO PREP & SUPER ENGAGING LESSON

FREE WITH CODE. This product contains a mathematics activity that requires students to solve word problems involving money. <br /> <br /> Students are provided with an image of a phone app store and work to solve the given problems.<br /> <br /> This creative activity requires students to add or subtract the cost of games in the app store provided to solve the given problems. I have provided 12 questions which range from lower-level to higher-level questions. This allows for differentiation within the classroom.<br /> <br /> This activity will develop students financial Maths skills and is a fun task whether working in collaborative groups or individually. This could definitely be a great end of the year activity.<br /> <br /> I have also provided coloured and black and white copies.<br /> <br /> Hope you enjoy :) Feel free to provide feedback <br /> <br /> Thanks, Teach Super
My Alphabet Writing Book - Trace and Colour (letters + sentences) Free for first time customersQuick View

My Alphabet Writing Book - Trace and Colour (letters + sentences) Free for first time customers

Use these Handwriting worksheets/ mats for a fun, calming way to help early learners practice letter recognition and writing. Included is every letter in the alphabet. On each worksheet, students trace over the letters (upper case and lower case) and trace over words starting with the letter and the simple sentence. Each worksheet also contains a colouring in picture/image of a letter and a word beginning with the letter. Each worksheet also includes a clip art, black and white image of an animal starting with that letter that students can also recall and colour. This is great for rotations, or daily practice.<br /> <br /> Have Fun! Feel free to give feedback if downloaded.<br /> <br /> © Teach Super
The Ultimate Literacy BundleQuick View

The Ultimate Literacy Bundle

6 Resources
<p>A bundle of my Literacy products suitable for early-childhood and primary students.</p> <p>I am confident you will love this bundle.<br /> You can use 90NOVEMBER to 90% OFF with a new account. Not to be missed!</p> <p>$36 AUD worth of products - a 52% discount.</p> <p>I hope you enjoy!</p>
Telling the Time: Dominoes Cards, Matching Cards, Task Cards and more!Quick View

Telling the Time: Dominoes Cards, Matching Cards, Task Cards and more!

FREE WITH CODE. Use these card games to help students to tell the time! Just Print and go! These cards will help students practice half hour and hour times. There are 5 sets of card activities which can be differentiated. The Mix and Match, Dominoes and Fill-it-in Task Cards cover both hour and half hour clocks as well as mixed. <br /> <br /> I recommend laminating these cards for durability during the school year. <br /> <br /> Included:<br /> Card Set 1: Match the HOUR clocks with the digital time (24 Cards)<br /> Card Set 2: Match the HALF HOUR clocks with the digital time (Students could use the cards to play a Memory Match Game or SNAP) (24 Cards)<br /> Card Set 3: Domino Cards (hour). Students connect the hour clocks to the digital times and form a domino pattern until completed. Students tend to find this game super fun and engaging. (You could make this competitive and students could time how fast they match all the clocks) (12 Cards)<br /> Card Set 4: Domino Cards (contains a mix of hour and half hour clocks) (18 Cards)<br /> Card Set 5: Fill-it-in Digital/Analogue Clock Task Cards that contain empty spaces. Students must <br /> either work out the digital time or draw hands with a marker). (10 Practice Cards)<br /> <br /> Also included are empty analogue clocks and digital clocks. They are enlarged and are a great way for you to assess students individually on their concept of time. Just laminate and use a marker to add either a digital or analogue time.<br /> <br /> These cards are great for maths centers/stations or as a whole class.There are so many ways to use these cards. <br /> <br /> Feel free to leave a comment :)<br /> <br /> Thanks and I hope you enjoy!<br /> <br /> Teach Super