ICT in business and Customer Services project. There are 4 lessons worth here in a nice project about customer services. The students watch the hilarious corporate videos on youtube, then try to make their own. Looking at what needs to be covered in customer service videos, why companies invest in this kind of training etc.
Has GCSE levelled criteria and lots of tasks.
Customer service, ICT, IT, filming, Videos, Business, Communication
<p>This is the accumulation of years of teaching and revision strategies and hours or tweaking. I have made a workbook with answers which will prepare any students for the J277 OCR COmputer Science Component 2 paper.</p>
<p>Each section has quick tasks aimed at getting students to recap their knowledge. This is currently used by all students to see where they need to spend time revising.</p>
<p>Then there are 10 much wider questions which is aimed at deepening the students’ understanding. The questions are tiered in difficulty. These all have model answers. There are then example exam questions with answers</p>
<p>There is also a coding section with tasks aimed at getting students to practice the programming skills they could be asked to demonstrate in the exam. Again each program has a model answer.</p>
<p>I’m happy to make any further amendments if there is something specific you need, please message me on here.</p>
<p>I will also be making a Paper 1 version.</p>
I used this for WJEC Business Studies. I gave this to a low ability class and they cut out each section and stuck them into their book.<br />
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Alternatively it could be used as a word map activity or a starter. This does have extensions for higher ability pupils too.
<p>I have now completed Component 1 and 2 workbooks. They have everything you need for successful teaching and learning, homework, flipped learning, study support or whatever you OCR J277 need may be.</p>
<p>This workbook is designed to be printed and given to each student. I currently use them as homework books for Y10 and Revision/Challenge booklets for Y11. The students love them and my colleague love how simple they are to use.</p>
<p>They are designed with teachers and students in mind. They prepare students for the exam and minimise impact on teacher time.</p>
<p>Each section has a simple student-friendly section which shows them what they need to know about this topic. Then there are quick tasks which can be starters or recaps. Then there are progressively harder questions which are not exam based but aimed at really pushing students to understand the content. Finally there are exam questions.</p>
<p>All tasks have model answers in the teacher’s workbook which make marking and feedback really easy.</p>
<p>At the end of each section there is a memory dump. For this I have my students write down everything they think they know about the topic. As we progress they correct this. There is then a space for metacognition/revision planning and key words for this topic. FInally a blank page. Use this how you like. My students use this as a knowledge organiser or positive doodler linked to the topic.</p>
<p>This is a simple workbook for students to track their progress. There are student friendly objectives to tick off for each topic of R093 as well as space for organising notes and making key terms. Fully editable and really engaging.</p>
<p>This is a workbook for students to use with OCR J277 GCSE Computer Science. There are student friendly objectives for each section and helpful key terms for them to use. I ask my students to add notes to each section and tick off the objectives and key terms as they complete them.</p>
<p>These are 15 questions per unit which move away from your typical exam style questions. They are a mixture of recall and higher order questions. The aim is to get students really thinking about the topics. I have found this really helps students. This is just for Component 1. There is a worksheet to give students or to put on the board, then teacher notes including a model answer with an explanation to support teachers.</p>
This is a lesson I have done for WJEC but could easily be used for any course needing to explain cash flow forecasting/statement. The lesson objectives are on the front of each challenge sheet and should be achieved over two 1 hour lessons. Clear progress can be shown using these. The challenges help all students achieve the objectives with 3 differentiated versions of the same lesson. Challenge 1 is aimed at A*-B grade students, I also gave this to C grade students who I thought should push themselves. Challenge 2 is for C grade students who should attempt to push for B grade. Challenge 3 is for all other students to attempt to achieve a C grade with support.
This will take at least 2 lessons to complete. It is aimed any Business Studies course which requires a knowledge of cash flow. This has 3 differentiated worksheets. Sheet 3 is aimed at C/D borderline students, sheet 2 is aimed at C/B students and sheet 1 focuses on pushing the A grade students in terms.<br />
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Students need to complete the assessment criteria on the front of the sheet by explaining the criteria to their partner. They then mark down a smiley face depending on whether they understand the criteria.<br />
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If your require any further information, please contact me on here and I will respond as soon as possible. Thank you.
This is a break even guide. There is a step by step guide to the contribution method. There are also 2 costs exercises which start with just costs and profit in output tables and progress to full contributioon method break even. The output tables can easily be turned into graphs on excel using the scatter graph function. Ideal for GCSE business studies and also covers some criteria t BTEC Business Studies, covering profits, costs and revenue. Break Even, breakeven, contribution, differentiation, finance, how to guide
I have combined the specification and blooms taxonomy to produce overview grids for 2 of the 3 modules on the OCR Computing GCSE course. My students print of the grid for their target then after each topic they check they have met all the criteria for that section. It is also useful to use the grades above and below the students targeted grade to see if they can push or need support with a given topic. To reiterate this is for OCR Computing GCSE (A451 and A453) POG or Progress Overview Grid which can be used as a tracker to show students what they should be able to do either before or after each topic. A8 to E grade in both modules.<br />
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This is not the most creative resource but it took me hours to produce and now has had a real impact on my students' progress.
This can be used for any business course which needs to look at Cash Flow. It is only the starter but I have a few lessons on the topic, feel free to contact me and I'll add them or email them over to you.
Exam with Mark Scheme on marketing, Place, Price, Promotion and Product. The PowerPoint get students identify a product of their choice then complete 4P's for it. Set a time limit and add an extension of making it unique for HAPs.
Marketing, customers business studies
This is not all my own work. The case study is from here already but the presentation is mine. I used this very successfully to illustrate M3 criteria in BTEC Business Studies. This covers cash flow.