Holidays Speaking CardsQuick View

Holidays Speaking Cards

I originally made these cards to be used for a snakes and ladders game but they could be used in any language in any tense in speaking activities
Reading Revision for GCSE GermanQuick View

Reading Revision for GCSE German

<p>A series of tasks which should be printed onto card. The first task is to order the text and the following tasks are based around the text. Students should work in small groups and the aim is to be the first to finish all tasks. They may only move onto the next one once the teacher has checked that all answers are correct. I gave the winning group a small chocolate bar and they were very motivated, makes a change from normal text comprehension questions.</p>
Classroom languageQuick View

Classroom language

A sheet which students can stick into the front of their exercise books to help with classroom language in German lessons
Spanish Grammar TestQuick View

Spanish Grammar Test

A test which could be used at the end of KS4 or at the beginning of KS5 to test students' knowledge of Spanish grammar
Internet oder Handy?Quick View

Internet oder Handy?

Text where Helga talks about what she uses her mobile and internet for. The other sheet has a list of uses for mobile and internet which students should match to the correct technology.
AS Revision - German TensesQuick View

AS Revision - German Tenses

<p>A worksheet to revise all the tenses needed for AS German. I numbered and lettered them so the students could record the correct answers but my group decided to cut and stick them in the correct order and thoroughly enjoyed it!</p>
Past Tense ChallengeQuick View

Past Tense Challenge

Designed for revision with year 9 German but could also be used in KS4. 7 activities which get progressively more diffcult. Students should complete one task before moving onto the next. One task requires Logo 2 for reference but you could adapt it if you don't have access to this textbook.
Un dia en el institutoQuick View

Un dia en el instituto

A description of a school day where some words have been replaced by pictures. Students should replace the pictures with the correct word.
Internet DatingQuick View

Internet Dating

<p>ppt and profiles to put round the classroom which can be used with Logo 4 module 1 to revise descriptions and personal information.</p>
Subjunctive RelationshipsQuick View

Subjunctive Relationships

Cards which allow students to talk about family relationships whilst practising the subjunctive. They need to match two cards to make a sentence then conjugate the verb which is given in the infinitive.
Der Vorleser HANNAQuick View

Der Vorleser HANNA

Resources to supplement A2 studies of Bernhard Schlink's Der Vorleser. This lesson looks at Hanna's personality.
Yo en el futuroQuick View

Yo en el futuro

A gap fil text which the students should complete using the words below. About family and future plans
Opinions about jobsQuick View

Opinions about jobs

Can be used as a worksheet or as cards for students to catagorise as positive or negative when used to describe part-time jobs