Repeated addition - finding groups of 2, 5 and 10Quick View

Repeated addition - finding groups of 2, 5 and 10

<p>When introducing children to multiplication, they first need to recognise that they are adding repeated amounts. In this activity, children will identify how many groups of a certain, equal amount there are. These amounts will be in groups of 2, 5 and 10 as this is the first three mulitples they learn to count in (after 1s of course!). The stage following this may be to use arrays.</p> <p>Documents are in PDF and have 2 levels of challenge.</p>
Capacity resourcesQuick View

Capacity resources

<p>Resources to support children with identifying and describing, ordering and comparing capacity amounts using the language of quarter, half and three quarters full. Also includes a problem solving activity.</p> <p>These resources provide 3 levels of challenge.</p> <p>Documents in PDF format.</p>
Measuring length with lightsabersQuick View

Measuring length with lightsabers

<p>This activity includes 3 level of challenge:</p> <ol> <li>Measure the lightsabers using a ruler and record their length in the colour co-ordinated box.</li> <li>Cut out the lightsabers and put in order from shortest to longest or vice versa (brilliant for encouraging children to compare numbers).</li> <li>Sort the lightsabers into the correct box on the table (this is best printed on A3 paper, so that the cut out lightsabers fit better).</li> </ol> <p>Lightsabers are whole centimeters in length, so no need for children to round up, or read the ruler in millimeters.</p>