Conjugation poster - how to cook a conjugated verbQuick View

Conjugation poster - how to cook a conjugated verb

<p>This is a 2 A4 page (or one A3) poster I created for KS3 French students to make them think about conjugation like cooking a cake, to make it less intimidating. The resource can be edited. There is a word document and a PDF.</p>
KS3 Mental Health PSHE lesson - one hour - emotional literacyQuick View

KS3 Mental Health PSHE lesson - one hour - emotional literacy

<p>I created this powerpoint resource for my then year 9 form after completing a Masters dissertation on the impact of emotional literacy on mental health. This resource addresses the fundamentals of maintaining mental wellbeing. I have taught this several times to KS3 and KS4. The lesson can be done from the screen or you can print the activities. The lesson would take at least one hour to do. My school, which is a teaching hub school, rolled this lesson out to all years groups as part of their PSHE curriculum.</p>
1st, 2nd and 3rd Person - What does that mean?Quick View

1st, 2nd and 3rd Person - What does that mean?

<p>This is a powerpoint with clear visual and written explanation of what it means to talk or write in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd person. Designed for language learners who need to know what these terms mean.</p> <p>The slides show people talking to each other, and asks students to think about which of the people in the picture is the subject of the verb in the sentence (I am hungry, We are hungry, she is hungry etc.). The slides teach the meanings of the following vocabulary using visual clues; ‘subject of the verb’, singular, plural, speaker, audience, 1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person.</p>