How to be more productiveQuick View

How to be more productive

It is a motivational presentation on How to be more productive ( students). It can be used in a classroom by any Secondary school teacher, Tutor, SLT or any college lecturer when they want to motivate their students. It is highly recommended on 8 th March 2021 where pupil will go back to schools in England. It is a must buy and save copy if you are a teacher. You can use it any number of times with any group of students you teach irrespective of what subjects you teach. There is some Covid related information is provided. Can be used globally.
Introduction to Financial Accounting- The Double Entry ModelQuick View

Introduction to Financial Accounting- The Double Entry Model

This resource covers a range of useful introductory topics in Financial Accounting such as Basic Accounting terms, Source Documents, Books of Prime Entry, Double Entry System, Ledger (T Accounts) and balancing of T accounts, and introducing of Cash book, Trial Balance and Errors accounting terms. This will provide a real kick starter for an Accounting teacher.
Adjustments to Financial StatementsQuick View

Adjustments to Financial Statements

This is a valuable resource for every Accounting teacher while teaching adjustments to Financial Statements. This presentation covers all the important terms used in adjustments along with the accounting treatment of the same. It is a must have resource while teaching financial accounting and preparing financial statements.