<p>A resourse that is aimed at helping pupils structure their essay correctly. It provides lists of connectives that students can use to provide structure, sum up, compare or contrast, persuade or analyse in essays.</p>
<p>A selection of two differentiated worksheets on shopping for food and quantities. Includes translations into French with the support of a vocabulary grid on the worksheet. This will enable students to work independently on building sentences. Students can also practice conversational skills by writing out dialogues in French, which they can then practice in pairs.</p>
<p>A set of two worksheets to learn to understand and to tell the time in French.</p>
<p>Worksheet 1 (“Time”) includes a range of tasks to consolidate learning of ‘o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to’.</p>
<p>Worksheet 2 (“Time all”) includes tasks on more complex times such as ‘ten to, five to, ten past’ etc. Can be used as an extension worksheet for more able students.</p>
<p>A worksheet to consolidate comprehension of physical descriptions in French, namely hair and eyes. Students read each description and draw / colour in the correct details on the picture.</p>
<p>A powerpoint to introduce greetings, asking someone’s name and giving a reply, and ask how someone is feeling and giving replies. Key phonics are introduced and explained to enable students to understand basic pronunciation skills in French.</p>
<p>A bundle of four booklets (also sold separately) which include topics commonly studied at Key Stage 3. Each booklet contains 5-7 units of work along with a vocabulary page for each unit, thus enabling students to complete the tasks independently without any extra aid. This makes the booklets ideal to use as homework or cover work. You may use the booklets as they are or copy and paste different sections to create your own. Alternatively, you could use the tasks as individual worksheets.</p>
<p>Topics included in each booklet:</p>
<p>Famille et domicile</p>
<li>Je me présente</li>
<li>Les verbes ‘er’</li>
<li>Le temps</li>
<li>Au boulot</li>
<li>Où habitent-ils?</li>
<p>Les passes-temps</p>
<li>Le week-end</li>
<li>Sports et activités</li>
<li>La télé</li>
<li>Le week-end dernier</li>
<li>Les verbes ‘être’</li>
<p>Les sorties</p>
<li>Les invitations</li>
<li>Les excuses</li>
<li>Vouloir, pouvoir, devoir</li>
<li>Les vêtements</li>
<li>En ville</li>
<li>Faire les magasins</li>
<p>Manger et boire</p>
<li>Bon appétit</li>
<li>Le petit déjeuner</li>
<li>Le déjeuner</li>
<li>On fait des achats</li>
<li>Dialogues au restaurant</li>
<p>A worksheet and wordsearch on pets in French. Includes a variety of exercises to learn and consolidate vocabulary for pets. Ideal for year 7 or Key Stage 3.</p>
<p>A worksheet to learn places in town in French. Tasks range from word level comprehension to sentence level translations to say what there is and isn’t in town. Translations from French to English, then English to French. Includes use of connectives (and / but - et / mais).</p>
<p>A worksheet to practice the subjunctive in French. The worksheet has 25 sentences in French with a missing verb for students to conjugate and fill in using the subjunctive. More able students can then translate the sentences into English to consolidate their comprehension. Answers are included.</p>
<p>A printable board game to practise saying numbers in French. It can be played in pairs or small groups. A helpsheet on numbers 1-100 is also included. Dice and counters will be needed.</p>
<p>This resource is included in the ‘French numbers 1-100 bundle’.</p>
<p>A worksheet to consolidate comprehension of basic details in Spanish (name, age, birthday). It also enables pupils to practice writing out basic details and consolidate understanding of key verbs and sentences.</p>
<p>A worksheet to consolidate learning on jobs in French. Includes a match up, translations from French to English, and from English to French, as well as a wordsearch template to enable early finishers to make their own puzzle using the words that they have learnt.</p>
<p>A worksheet to practice talking about holidays in French. Includes a detailed writing frame to enable pupils to build sentences in the past, present and future tense. Also includes opinions.</p>
<p>A two page worksheet with answers) to practice adjectives and describing self and others in French. Suitable for year 7 or any key stage 3 group that needs to practice key verbs (je suis, il est, elle est), adjectives, connectives and basic intensifiers. Includes a vocabulary match, scaffolded translations from French to English and English to French. A wordsearch on French adjectives is also included.</p>