Edexcel A-Level Geography PAPER 2 - Globalisation EQ2 Revision Work BookletQuick View

Edexcel A-Level Geography PAPER 2 - Globalisation EQ2 Revision Work Booklet

<p>Edexcel A-Level Geography Globalisation EQ2 Revision Work Booklet</p> <p>CAN BE ADAPTED TO ANY CASE STUDY</p> <p>PICTURES HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR COPYRIGHT PURPOSES - EASILY ADDED</p> <p>3.4 The impact of global shift on people and the environment</p> <ul> <li>What is the global shift?</li> <li>What factors accelerated the global shift?</li> <li>Problems of the global shift</li> <li>Costs and Benefits of the global shift on Asia</li> <li>Costs and Benefits of outsourcing to Asia</li> <li>Environmental challenges for developing countries</li> <li>Social challenges for developing countries</li> <li>Deindustrialisation and spiral of decline</li> <li>Rustbelt region</li> <li>Detroit and spiral of decline</li> </ul> <p>3.5 The increasing scale and pace of economic migration in an interconnected world</p> <ul> <li>Types of migrants</li> <li>Megacities</li> <li>Rural to urban migration</li> <li>Push and Pull factors</li> <li>Sustainable development</li> <li>Global hub</li> <li>Migration - low waged international migrants, elite international migrants, internal migrants</li> <li>Host and Source countries - benefits and costs</li> </ul> <p>3.6 The emergence of a global culture</p> <ul> <li>Culture, cultural traits, cultural diffusion, cultural imperialism</li> <li>Soft power, Americanisation, Westernisation</li> <li>Causes of a global culture</li> <li>Diets changing in China</li> <li>Changing diets impact on the environment</li> <li>Hyperglobalisation</li> <li>Cost of cultural erosion</li> <li>Preserving culture</li> <li>Groups against Globalisation</li> </ul>
Edexcel A-Level Geography PAPER 2 - Globalisation EQ1 Revision Work BookletQuick View

Edexcel A-Level Geography PAPER 2 - Globalisation EQ1 Revision Work Booklet

<p>Edexcel A-Level Geography Globalisation EQ1 Revision Work Booklet</p> <p>CAN BE ADAPTED TO ANY CASE STUDY</p> <p>PICTURES HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR COPYRIGHT PURPOSES - EASILY ADDED</p> <p>3.1 Globalisation and how it changes over time</p> <ul> <li>What is globalisation?</li> <li>Time space compression</li> <li>Shrinking world effect</li> <li>Types of globalisation</li> <li>Flows</li> <li>Transport and trade</li> <li>Spatial divison of labour</li> <li>Transport innovation and how they have changed over time</li> <li>ICT and telecommunications in the 21st Century - how have they accelerated globalisation?</li> </ul> <p>3.2 Political and economic factors in accelerating globalisation</p> <ul> <li>Bretton Woods institutions - what do they do and criticisms</li> <li>Foreign Direct Investment</li> <li>Types of FDI and definitions</li> <li>Protectionism and neoliberalism</li> <li>SAPs</li> <li>Free market liberalisation</li> <li>Trickle down theory</li> <li>Trade Blocs</li> <li>Special Economic Zones</li> </ul> <p>3.3 Uneven Globalisation</p> <ul> <li>What factors have caused uneven globalisation?</li> <li>How is globalisation measured?</li> <li>TNCs and how they grow</li> <li>Glocalisation</li> <li>Switched off places</li> </ul>
Edexcel A-Level Geography - PAPER 2 - Superpowers EQ1 Revision Work BookletQuick View

Edexcel A-Level Geography - PAPER 2 - Superpowers EQ1 Revision Work Booklet

<p>Edexcel A-Level Geography Superpowers EQ1 Revision Work Booklet</p> <p>CAN BE ADAPTED TO ANY CASE STUDY</p> <p>PICTURES HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR COPYRIGHT PURPOSES - EASILY ADDED</p> <p>7.1 Geopolitical power stems from a range of human and physical characteristics of superpowers.</p> <ul> <li>What is a superpower?</li> <li>Where did superpowers originate from?</li> <li>Who are the world’s biggest superpowers?</li> <li>Hyperpower/ Emerging power/ regional power</li> <li>Pillars of power (Economic, Military, political, cultural and resources)</li> <li>Comparing superpower status</li> <li>Weaknesses in Superpowers</li> <li>Hard and Soft Power (Strengths and weaknesses of each)</li> <li>Mackinder’s Heartland Theory</li> </ul> <p>7.2 Changing patterns and polarity</p> <ul> <li>Unipolar/ Bipolar and Multipolar world</li> <li>Colonialism and the British Empire.</li> <li>How was the British Empire justified? (Modernism, Evangelism and social Darwinism)</li> <li>What led to the collapse of the British Empire</li> <li>Post colonial era and neo-colonialism</li> <li>Cold War</li> <li>Spheres of Influence</li> <li>Hegemony and cultural hegemony</li> </ul> <p>7.3 Emerging powers</p> <ul> <li>Rostow Take off model</li> <li>Dependency Theory</li> <li>World Systems Theory</li> <li>BRICs and will China become the next superpower?</li> <li>Who are the MINT nations?</li> <li>What is the G20?</li> <li>What is the United Nations Climate Change Conference?</li> </ul>
Edexcel A-Level Geography PAPER 2 - Regeneration EQ1 Revision Work BookletQuick View

Edexcel A-Level Geography PAPER 2 - Regeneration EQ1 Revision Work Booklet

<p>Edexcel A-Level Geography Regeneration EQ1 Revision Work Booklet</p> <p>CAN BE ADAPTED TO ANY CASE STUDY</p> <p>PICTURES HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR COPYRIGHT PURPOSES - EASILY ADDED</p> <p>4.1 Variations in places and economies</p> <ul> <li>Place</li> <li>Rural to urban continuum</li> <li>How places change</li> <li>Regeneration and rebranding</li> <li>Economic activity</li> <li>Clark Fisher Model</li> <li>Employment types</li> <li>Socio economic inequalities in the UK</li> </ul> <p>4.2 Changes in characteristics and functions</p> <ul> <li>Function of place</li> <li>Different types of function</li> <li>Characteristics</li> <li>How have functional changes of a place affected different age groups</li> <li>Studentification</li> <li>Functional changes led to migration of different ethnicities</li> <li>Gentrification</li> <li>Reasons for functional and demographic changes</li> <li>How to measure change</li> <li>Quantitative and Qualitative data</li> <li>Index of Multiple Deprivation</li> </ul> <p>4.3 How have connections shaped the economic and social characteristics of places?<br /> Local place - Birmingham<br /> Contrasting place - Scarborough</p> <p>Can be changed to suit your own case studies</p>
Edexcel A-Level Geography - PAPER 2 - Regeneration EQ2 Revision Work BookletQuick View

Edexcel A-Level Geography - PAPER 2 - Regeneration EQ2 Revision Work Booklet

<p>Edexcel A-Level Geography Regeneration EQ2 Revision Work Booklet</p> <p>CAN BE ADAPTED TO ANY CASE STUDY</p> <p>PICTURES HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR COPYRIGHT PURPOSES - EASILY ADDED</p> <p>4.4 Inequalities and place perception</p> <ul> <li>What makes a place successful or unsuccessful?</li> <li>Sunbelt and rustbelt regions</li> <li>Postive and Negative multiplier effect</li> <li>Spiral of decline</li> <li>North-South Divide</li> <li>Reinventor city</li> <li>Replicator city</li> <li>Causes of rural decline</li> <li>Different groups of people have different perceptions of place</li> </ul> <p>4.5 Lived experiences and engagement with places</p> <ul> <li>Attachment to place</li> <li>Elections, community groups</li> <li>Lived experiences</li> <li>Rural and urban areas interdependence</li> <li>Conflicts amongst contrasting groups</li> </ul> <p>4.6 Evaluating the need for regeneration</p> <ul> <li>Case study specific examples for local and contrasting place</li> </ul>


<p>AQA GCSE Geography Rivers Revision Work Booklet Grade 9-1</p> <p>Coastal landscapes - Coasts revision booklet</p> <p>Booklet provides activities for students to work through to aid their learning and revision.</p> <p>ALL IMAGES HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR COPYRIGHT PURPOSES - EASILY ADDED</p> <ul> <li>Waves</li> <li>Weathering</li> <li>Mass movement</li> <li>Erosion</li> <li>Transportation</li> <li>Longshore Drift</li> <li>Deposition</li> <li>Concordant and discordant coastline</li> <li>Headland and Bay</li> <li>Cave, Arch, Stack, Stump</li> <li>Wavecut Platform</li> <li>Sand dunes</li> <li>Spit</li> <li>Bar formation</li> <li>Coastal Management</li> <li>Holderness Coast</li> </ul>
Edexcel A-Level Geography - PAPER 2 - Regeneration EQ3 Revision Work BookletQuick View

Edexcel A-Level Geography - PAPER 2 - Regeneration EQ3 Revision Work Booklet

<p>Edexcel A-Level Geography Regeneration EQ3 Revision Work Booklet</p> <p>CAN BE ADAPTED TO ANY CASE STUDY</p> <p>PICTURES HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR COPYRIGHT PURPOSES - EASILY ADDED</p> <p>4.7 The role of national government in regeneration</p> <ul> <li>Infrastructure</li> <li>Flagship regeneration projects</li> <li>Regional infrastructure projects</li> <li>National infrastructure projects</li> <li>Pump priming</li> <li>Planning laws and regulating markets</li> <li>Housing projects and policies</li> <li>Fracking</li> <li>Capital markets and deregulation</li> <li>Migration - arguments for and against</li> <li>Migration - open and closed door migration policies</li> </ul> <p>4.8 Local government policies</p> <ul> <li>How do governments attract investment?</li> <li>Local enterprise zones - encouraging business, benefits</li> <li>Science Parks - Cambridge Science park</li> <li>Local interest groups that can affect regeneration</li> <li>Tensions (London Olympics) and why there is conflict between groups</li> <li>Regeneration examples (enerprize zones, retail led plans, tourism and leisure, sports led, culture led, private rural diversification, public rural diversification)</li> </ul> <p>4.9 Rebranding</p> <ul> <li>Rebranding and reimaging</li> <li>Media influence of rebranding</li> <li>Urban areas and rebranding</li> <li>Rebranding deindustrialised places - Scotland with Style and Glasgow</li> <li>Post production countryside (Bronte Country, Kielder Water and Forest Park)</li> </ul>
AQA GCSE Geography Challenge of Natural Hazards Revision Booklet Grade 9-1Quick View

AQA GCSE Geography Challenge of Natural Hazards Revision Booklet Grade 9-1

<p>AQA GCSE Geography The Challenge of Natural Hazards Revision Work Booklet Grade 9-1</p> <p>The Challenge of Natural Hazards - Revision booklet</p> <p>Booklet provides activities for students to work through to aid their learning and revision. (Easily adaptable case studies)</p> <p><strong>ALL IMAGES HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR COPYRIGHT PURPOSES - EASILY ADDED</strong></p> <ul> <li>Natural hazard and hazard risk</li> <li>Factors affecting hazard risk</li> <li>Structure of the earth</li> <li>Characterisitics of the crust</li> <li>Plate boundaries</li> <li>Hotspots</li> <li>Tectonic plate movement</li> <li>Formation of earthquakes</li> <li>Primary and secondary effects</li> <li>Short term and long term responses</li> <li>Chile (2010) and Nepal (2015) earthquakes</li> <li>Why do people live near volcanoes?</li> <li>Risk management (monitoring, prediction, protection and planning)</li> <li>Risk management (Volcanoes and Earthquakes)</li> <li>How does latitude affect weather?</li> <li>High and low pressure</li> <li>How does air pressure affect the weather?</li> <li>Location of tropical storms</li> <li>Formation of tropical storms</li> <li>Typhoon Haiyan</li> <li>Monitoring, predicting, protection and planning (tropical storms)</li> <li>How might climate change affect tropical storms?</li> <li>What weather hazards does the UK experience?</li> <li>UKs weather</li> <li>UK extreme weather event (Boscastle)</li> <li>Evidence for climate change</li> <li>Causes/ effects of climate change</li> <li>Managing climate change</li> </ul>
AQA GCSE Geography Urban Issues and Challenges Revision Booklet Grade 9-1Quick View

AQA GCSE Geography Urban Issues and Challenges Revision Booklet Grade 9-1

<p>AQA GCSE Geography Urban Issues and Challenges Revision Work Booklet Grade 9-1</p> <p>Urban Issues and Challenges revision booklet</p> <p>Booklet provides activities for students to work through to aid their learning and revision. Easily adaptable case studies.</p> <p><strong>ALL IMAGES HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR COPYRIGHT PURPOSES - EASILY ADDED</strong></p> <ul> <li>Population growth (Natural increase and rural to urban migration)</li> <li>Urbanisation</li> <li>Push and Pull factors</li> <li>Mega cities</li> <li>Lagos Case study (opportunities, challenges and urban planning</li> <li>Birmingham Case study (opportunities, challenges and regeneration)</li> <li>Sustainability</li> <li>East Village case study (Sustainable city)</li> <li>Sustainable urban transport (London case study)</li> </ul>


<p>AQA GCSE Geography Urban Fieldwork Revision Work Booklet Grade 9-1</p> <p>Urban Fieldwork - Revision booklet</p> <p>Booklet provides activities for students to work through to aid their learning and revision.</p> <p>Adaptable to any case study</p> <p>ALL IMAGES HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR COPYRIGHT PURPOSES - EASILY ADDED</p> <ul> <li>Fieldwork title</li> <li>Suitability of location</li> <li>Risk assessment</li> <li>Sampling strategies</li> <li>Primary and secondary data</li> <li>Primary data collection - advantage, disadvantage, improvements</li> <li>Data presentation methods - advantage, disadvantage, improvements</li> <li>Maps - advantage, disadvantage, improvements</li> <li>Conclusions - how could they be improved?</li> </ul>
Edexcel A-Level Geography PAPER 2 - Globalisation EQ3 Revision Work BookletQuick View

Edexcel A-Level Geography PAPER 2 - Globalisation EQ3 Revision Work Booklet

<p>Edexcel A-Level Geography Globalisation EQ3 Revision Work Booklet</p> <p>CAN BE ADAPTED TO ANY CASE STUDY</p> <p>PICTURES HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR COPYRIGHT PURPOSES - EASILY ADDED</p> <p>3.7 Globalisation, development and the environment</p> <ul> <li>Development, development gap</li> <li>Absolute poverty, relative poverty</li> <li>Millennium Development Goals</li> <li>Development indicators - economic and social</li> <li>How is global inequality measured? - GINI Index and GINI Coefficient</li> <li>Envrionmental winners and losers</li> </ul> <p>3.8 Social, environmental and political tensions caused by globalisation</p> <ul> <li>Schengen Agreement</li> <li>Disasporas - deregulation and FDI</li> <li>Open borders, FDI and degregulation have created social and environmental tensions</li> <li>Legislatiosn against global flows</li> <li>Internet censorship, migration controls</li> <li>Resource nationalism and first nations in Canada</li> </ul> <p>3.9 Global sustainability and localism</p> <ul> <li>Natural resource</li> <li>Globalisation and the environment</li> <li>Ecological footprint</li> <li>Sustainability</li> <li>TNCs and Carbon footprint</li> <li>Ethical consumption - fair trade, supply chain monitoring, NGO action</li> <li>Food miles and local sourcign</li> <li>Costs and benefits of local sourcing</li> <li>Transition towns - Totnes</li> <li>Fair Trade</li> <li>UK position on waste and recycling - Malaysia</li> </ul>
AQA GCSE Geography Rivers Revision Booklet Grade 9-1Quick View

AQA GCSE Geography Rivers Revision Booklet Grade 9-1

<p>AQA GCSE Geography Rivers Revision Work Booklet Grade 9-1</p> <p>Physical Landscapes in the UK - Rivers revision booklet</p> <p>Booklet provides activities for students to work through to aid their learning and revision.</p> <p><strong>ALL IMAGES HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR COPYRIGHT PURPOSES - EASILY ADDED</strong></p> <ul> <li>Drainage Basin</li> <li>Cross Profile</li> <li>Long Profile</li> <li>Vertical and Lateral erosion</li> <li>Erosion</li> <li>Transportation</li> <li>Deposition</li> <li>V-Shaped valley and interlocking spurs</li> <li>Waterfall and gorge formation</li> <li>Meanders</li> <li>Oxbow lakes</li> <li>Floodplains</li> <li>Levees</li> <li>Estuary</li> <li>Causes of flooding</li> <li>Flood hydrographs</li> <li>River management (Hard and Soft engineering)</li> <li>Boscastle</li> </ul>
AQA GCSE Geography Living World Revision Booklet Grade 9-1Quick View

AQA GCSE Geography Living World Revision Booklet Grade 9-1

<p>AQA GCSE Geography Living World Revision Work Booklet Grade 9-1</p> <p>The Living World revision booklet</p> <p>Booklet provides activities for students to work through to aid their learning and revision (Easily adaptable case studies)</p> <p><strong>ALL IMAGES HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR COPYRIGHT PURPOSES - EASILY ADDED</strong></p> <ul> <li>What is an ecosystem?</li> <li>Biotic and Abiotic components</li> <li>Local and global scale ecosystems</li> <li>Food chain and Food webs</li> <li>Producers, consumers and decomposers</li> <li>Nutrient cycle</li> <li>Natural and human changes to ecosystems</li> <li>How can ecosystems be restored?</li> <li>Biomes and their distribution</li> <li>Distribution of tropical rainforests</li> <li>Why do tropical rainforests form at the equator?</li> <li>Water cycle</li> <li>Characteristics of the rainforest</li> <li>Plant and animal adaptations in tropical rainforest</li> <li>Deforestation in Malaysia</li> <li>Deforestation</li> <li>Why should tropical rainforests be protected?</li> <li>Sustainable management of the rainforests</li> <li>Hot deserts</li> <li>Distribution and formation</li> <li>Interdependence</li> <li>Soils in hot deserts</li> <li>Plants and animal adaptations in hot deserts</li> <li>Case study in deserts (suitable for any case study)</li> <li>Desertification</li> </ul>
AQA GCSE Geography Physical Fieldwork Revision Lesson Grade 9-1Quick View

AQA GCSE Geography Physical Fieldwork Revision Lesson Grade 9-1

<p>AQA GCSE GEOGRAPHY PHYSICAL FIELDWORK REVISION LESSON GRADE 9-1</p> <p>POWERPOINT LESSON WITH A3 WORKSHEET</p> <p>EASILY ADAPTABLE TO ANY FIELDWORK STUDY</p> <p>Fieldwork title<br /> Suitable location<br /> Risks and how they were controlled<br /> Sampling strategy - advantage and disadvantage<br /> Data presentation methods - advantage and disadvantage<br /> Primary data collection - advantage, disadvantage and improvements<br /> Evaluation of methods</p>


<p>AQA GCSE GEOGRAPHY URBAN FIELDWORK REVISION LESSON GRADE 9-1</p> <p>POWERPOINT LESSON WITH A3 WORKSHEET</p> <p>EASILY ADAPTABLE TO ANY FIELDWORK STUDY</p> <ul> <li>Fieldwork title</li> <li>Suitable location</li> <li>Risks and how they were controlled</li> <li>Sampling strategy - advantage and disadvantage</li> <li>Data presentation methods - advantage and disadvantage</li> <li>Primary data collection - advantage, disadvantage and improvements</li> <li>Conclusions - validity, accuracy and reliability</li> </ul>
AQA GCSE Geography Urban fieldworkA3 revision sheet Grade 9-1Quick View

AQA GCSE Geography Urban fieldworkA3 revision sheet Grade 9-1

<p>AQA GCSE GEOGRAPHY URBAN FIELDWORK REVISION A3 SHEET GRADE 9-1</p> <p>EASILY ADAPTABLE TO ANY FIELDWORK STUDY</p> <p>Fieldwork title<br /> Suitable location<br /> Risks and how they were controlled<br /> Sampling strategy - advantage and disadvantage<br /> Data presentation methods - advantage and disadvantage<br /> Primary data collection - advantage, disadvantage and improvements<br /> Conclusions - validity, accuracy and reliability</p>


<p>AQA GCSE GEOGRAPHY PHYSICAL FIELDWORK A3 REVISION SHEET GRADE 9-1</p> <p>EASILY ADAPTABLE TO ANY FIELDWORK STUDY</p> <p>Fieldwork title<br /> Suitable location<br /> Risks and how they were controlled<br /> Sampling strategy - advantage and disadvantage<br /> Data presentation methods - advantage and disadvantage<br /> Primary data collection - advantage, disadvantage and improvements<br /> Evaluation of methods</p>
GCSE Geography Resource Management Revision Booklet Grade 9-1Quick View

GCSE Geography Resource Management Revision Booklet Grade 9-1

<p>AQA GCSE Geography Resource Management Work Booklet Grade 9-1</p> <p>Resource Management - UK Energy focus revision booklet</p> <p>Booklet provides activities for students to work through to aid their learning and revision.</p> <p>ALL IMAGES HAVE BEEN REMOVED FOR COPYRIGHT PURPOSES - EASILY ADDED</p> <p>Easily adapted to any case study</p> <ul> <li>Key terms</li> <li>Well nourished regions, water scarcity, energy consumption - distribution</li> <li>Food, water and energy importance for social and economic wellbeing</li> <li>Renewable energy and non renewable energy</li> <li>UK’s energy mix</li> <li>Why has demand for energy increased in the UK?</li> <li>Coal and Gas in the UK</li> <li>Fracking</li> </ul>