Murder Mystery English LessonQuick View

Murder Mystery English Lesson

<ul> <li>Full Murder Mystery lesson, full bespoke storyline</li> <li>Based loosely around Inspector Calls, and would work well with a Sherlock Holmes Scheme of Work</li> <li>Includes PowerPoint explaining how 10-clues lead to the suspect being identified</li> <li>Worksheet included, and full explanation of the mystery itself included in the PowerPoint notes to assist teachers</li> <li>Could work for Year 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 pupils</li> </ul>
Oliver Twist Scheme of WorkQuick View

Oliver Twist Scheme of Work

<ul> <li>46 Lesson Scheme of Work for Oliver Twist</li> <li>Aimed at Year 5/6/7/8</li> <li>Extensive PowerPoints and Worksheets included</li> <li>Incoroporates lessons on poetry and non-fiction</li> <li>Includes typed up version of text (Oliver Twist Retold)</li> <li>Adapted from Mastery Scheme of Learning, in parts</li> </ul>
Gothic creative writing lessonQuick View

Gothic creative writing lesson

<ul> <li>Perfect for a cover lesson</li> <li>Aimed at Year 5/6/7/8 pupils</li> <li>Guided writing lesson, using a gothic picture, which could be adapted for any image and using numerous times</li> <li>Ideal preparation for Language Paper 1 Question 5, for KS4</li> </ul>
Macbeth Bird Motif ResourcesQuick View

Macbeth Bird Motif Resources

<p>Higher ability resources, tracking and analysing the use of the Bird Motif in Macbeth.</p> <p>Includes:</p> <ul> <li> <p>A 14-slide PowerPoint detailing the use of the use of bird imagery, throughout Macbeth. Analyses the imagery of an ‘eagle, owl, falcon, hell-kite and chicken’ in close detail.</p> </li> <li> <p>A printable worksheet, to be glued into the students’ margins, to allow them to make notes on in their books.</p> </li> <li> <p>Skeleton paragraph structure, for students to follow to assist with the building of the paragraph.</p> </li> </ul>
Macbeth, Christmas Carol, Blood Brothers Mega QuizQuick View

Macbeth, Christmas Carol, Blood Brothers Mega Quiz

<ul> <li>Huge 149-slide quiz entitled ‘The Portly Quiz of the Year’</li> <li>Can fill a full weeks’ worth of lessons, if you complete it all</li> </ul> <p>Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Range of games, based on Richard Osman’s House of Games</li> <li>More higher ability games, based on Only Connect</li> <li>Chase-style final chase</li> <li>Tipping Point trivia round</li> <li>Who Wants to Be A Millionaire quiz</li> </ul>
A Christmas Carol Blockbuster quizQuick View

A Christmas Carol Blockbuster quiz

<ul> <li>32 question quiz, based on the old Blockbusters show</li> <li>Working PowerPoint with hyperlinks which take you back to the homepage</li> <li>Includes questions on plot/themes/characters/quotations/context</li> </ul>
Blood Brothers Gun Motif ResourcesQuick View

Blood Brothers Gun Motif Resources

<p>Higher ability-aimed resources, based on the tracking and analysis of the Gun Motif in Blood Brothers.</p> <p>Includes:</p> <ul> <li>A brief PowerPoint detailing the main points for the use of the Gun Motif.</li> <li>A worksheet for students to track the use of the Gun Motif, throughout the play.</li> <li>A full written model answer for students to unpick and to aid understanding of the use of the motif.</li> </ul>
Dual Narrative Poetry Writing LessonsQuick View

Dual Narrative Poetry Writing Lessons

<p>Four lessons entitled ‘Hunter v Hunted,’ where students are tasked with writing a dual-narrative poem.</p> <p>The lessons include:</p> <ul> <li> <p>Lesson 1: Planning a dual-narrative, with examples from Jaws and The Island of Dr Moreau for inspiration, and question prompts to aid planning.</p> </li> <li> <p>Lesson 2: Drafting lines and crafting the planned idea into the frameworks of a poem.</p> </li> <li> <p>Lesson 3: Writing up the poem, in full, collating the planning of the week.</p> </li> <li> <p>Lesson 4: Performing the poems, to the class.</p> </li> </ul>
Creative writing: creating a children's bookQuick View

Creative writing: creating a children's book

<ul> <li>Four lessons which involves pupils creating their own children’s stories</li> <li>Students will take inspiration from examples and plain their own story</li> <li>They will then be given time to plan and draft their stories</li> <li>A guided writing task will tell them what to place in each sentence</li> <li>By the end of the week, students will have written up their own stories and illustrated them to take home</li> </ul>
English display posters song lyricsQuick View

English display posters song lyrics

<ul> <li>14 Coloured posters including song lyrics, based on literature</li> <li>Can be printed in A3 or A4</li> <li>The list comprises:<br /> Alex Turner (Arctic Monkeys)<br /> Kate Bush<br /> Ed Sheeran<br /> Noel Gallagher<br /> Harry Styles<br /> Eminem<br /> Taylor Swift<br /> Tupac<br /> Stormzy<br /> Kanye West<br /> Nicky Minaj<br /> Ariana Grande<br /> Lana Del Rey<br /> Lorde</li> </ul>
Blood Brothers Revision GuideQuick View

Blood Brothers Revision Guide

<ul> <li>A4/A5 booklet</li> <li>GCSE Revision guide</li> <li>Extensive notes on context</li> <li>Exploration of key themes, characters</li> <li>Plot summary from start to end</li> <li>Key quotations explained</li> <li>Techniques and devices used explained</li> </ul>
Othello Revision GuideQuick View

Othello Revision Guide

<ul> <li>A4/A5 Othello Revision Guide</li> <li>Aimed at Year 9/GCSE</li> <li>Extensive notes on context</li> <li>Exploration of key themes, characters</li> <li>Plot summary from start to end</li> <li>Key quotations explained</li> <li>Techniques and devices used explained</li> </ul>
Storm on the Island BookletQuick View

Storm on the Island Booklet

<p>Fourteen tasks based on the poem Storm On The Island, one slide for each activity.</p> <p>Incorporates:<br /> Poetry analysis/annotation<br /> Creative writing<br /> Context<br /> Analytical writing</p>
Macbeth Revision GuideQuick View

Macbeth Revision Guide

<ul> <li>GCSE Macbeth Revision Guide</li> <li>A4/A5 Booklet</li> <li>Extensive notes on context</li> <li>Exploration of key themes, characters</li> <li>Plot summary from start to end</li> <li>Key quotations explained</li> <li>Techniques and devices used explained</li> </ul>
An Inspector Calls Revision GuideQuick View

An Inspector Calls Revision Guide

<ul> <li>A4/A5 GCSE Revision Guide</li> <li>An Inspector Calls</li> <li>Extensive notes on context</li> <li>Exploration of key themes, characters</li> <li>Plot summary from start to end</li> <li>Key quotations explained</li> <li>Techniques and devices used explained</li> </ul>
Extensive Macbeth context and character introductionQuick View

Extensive Macbeth context and character introduction

<ul> <li>25-slide PowerPoint introducing the context and characters of Macbeth</li> <li>Extensive information on the key events, surrounding the time period<br /> -Includes videos and fun activities for pupils to complete, including linking film titles to the text and choosing which celebrities would play each character</li> <li>Perfect for Year 11 Revision</li> </ul>
Blood Brothers Blockbuster quizQuick View

Blood Brothers Blockbuster quiz

<ul> <li>32 question quiz, based on the old Blockbusters show</li> <li>Working PowerPoint with hyperlinks which take you back to the homepage</li> <li>Includes questions on plot/themes/characters/quotations/context</li> </ul>
Social Media-themed English Literature resourcesQuick View

Social Media-themed English Literature resources

<ul> <li> <p>PowerPoint activity where children create a summary of a text, to look like a Twitter News Feed (designed as Othello but can be amended accordingly to suit any text)</p> </li> <li> <p>Instagram worksheet and PowerPoint where children make a profile of a character, from any text (designed as My Last Duchess and Ozymandias but can be amended accordingly to suit any text)</p> </li> </ul>
Macbeth Clothing Motif ResourcesQuick View

Macbeth Clothing Motif Resources

<p>Resources based around the Clothing Motif in Macbeth, tracking and analysing the use of clothing to symbolise Macbeth’s transforming character.</p> <p>Includes:</p> <ul> <li>Higher level model answer for students to unpick and assess</li> <li>A3 Sheet for students to plan an essay, based on the clothing motif</li> <li>Smaller A4 sheet, with all of the clothing motif quotations, for students to make notes on.</li> </ul>
A Christmas Carol Revision GuideQuick View

A Christmas Carol Revision Guide

<ul> <li>A Christmas Carol GCSE Revision Booklet</li> <li>A4/A5 Booklet</li> <li>Extensive notes on context</li> <li>Exploration of key themes, characters</li> <li>Plot summary from start to end</li> <li>Key quotations explained</li> <li>Techniques and devices used explained</li> </ul>
GCSE English Literature Revision GuidesQuick View

GCSE English Literature Revision Guides

5 Resources
<p>Includes full comprehensive booklets to the following texts:</p> <ul> <li>A Christmas Carol</li> <li>An Inspector Calls</li> <li>Blood Brothers</li> <li>Macbeth</li> <li>Othello</li> </ul>