<p>You just need a dice! Fantastic to consolidate vocabulary through pictures (mixed shapes, fruits, body parts, animals, means of transport…)<br />
Enjoyable one-to-one lessons for children from beginners to intermediate, the game consist on having to say the word that you fell into, otherwise you start again (the rules can be made up really!)<br />
Available in PDF for easy printing & Power Point so it can be amended, the pictures can be replaced when played a few times. Perfect for a fun end of lesson game.<br />
My pupils 6 to 11 years old love it!</p>
<p>colour cards. Both in pdf for easy printing and cutting and power point so it can be amended.<br />
coloured and uncoloured combination of backgrounds and names for practising exercises (linking, matching, display plus a colouring exercise)</p>
<p>Spanish drinks, bebidas en español.<br />
Table with different drinks exercise to fill name, when to have them and with what food + memory pairs game to cut out and play one to one or in groups.<br />
Perfect for vocabulary reinforcing, recycling and extension.<br />
Game presented in PDF for easy printing and Power Point so it can be modified if needed.<br />
Table display in excel so it can also be modified if needed.</p>
<p>Board game, you just need a dice!<br />
Picture naming and question answering to continue to throw the dice.<br />
Great for consolidating mixed vocabulary (relatives, clothes, food, days of the week, months, parts of the body).<br />
I love to play this with my pupils as they enjoy and learn so much.</p>