GCSE Computer Science Python ProgrammingQuick View

GCSE Computer Science Python Programming

<p>An entire 70+ slide PowerPoint covering Python Programming topics as stated in the OCR GCSE J277 Computer Science Specification.</p> <p>This set of slides includes theory, examples, coding tasks and answers as well as starter activities for the following topics:</p> <ul> <li>Variables</li> <li>Comments</li> <li>Data Types</li> <li>Casting</li> <li>Operators</li> <li>User Input</li> <li>Strings</li> <li>String Methods</li> <li>Concatenation</li> <li>Booleans</li> <li>Built in functions</li> <li>Conditional Statements</li> <li>FOR and WHILE loops</li> <li>Lists</li> <li>2-D Arrays</li> <li>Functions and Procedures</li> </ul> <p><strong>Worksheet for strings and string methods included</strong><br /> WORKSHEET HAS NOW BEEN ADDED TO FILES.</p> <p>Table of contents is linked to relevant slides to save you as much time as possible!</p>
App Development Practical Assessment (App Lab)Quick View

App Development Practical Assessment (App Lab)

<p>This practical assessment is an excellent option to assess students after completing the teachcomputing Applab unit found here:</p> <p><a href="https://teachcomputing.org/curriculum/key-stage-3/mobile-app-development" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://teachcomputing.org/curriculum/key-stage-3/mobile-app-development</a></p> <p>It includes:</p> <ul> <li>An assessment brief with a real-life scenario. Students are asked to create a game app.</li> <li>4 tasks which assess the students design and programming skills.</li> <li>A help sheet for lower ability students.</li> <li>A link to the completed game.</li> </ul> <p>This is designed for live-marking to reduce your workload.</p>
OCR GCSE J277 Computer Science Revision Booklet Paper 1Quick View

OCR GCSE J277 Computer Science Revision Booklet Paper 1

<p>A revision booklet with a mixture of paper 1 topics to prepare for mocks or the final exam.</p> <p>This booklet has some theory as well as a variety of questions for students to complete.</p> <p>Complete with a table of contents. Feel free to update it and add your own questions.</p>