Presentation on Speechify Application
<p>The Speechify application is perfect for English language learners. This resource could be used with teachers at a CPDL event.</p>
Problem of Practice Presentation
<p>Problem of practice presentation on leveraging AI to enhance school security. Perfect for students and life long learners.</p>
E-Book on AI and School Security
<p>This e-book explores ways in which to use AI in order to enhance school security.</p>
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women Presentation
<p>Presentation on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Suitable for assemblies.</p>
How to Calculate a Percentage Decrease
<p>A presentation on how to calculate a percentage decrease.</p>
Social Studies Yearly Unit Calendar
<p>Yearly unit calendar for Social Studies. International Awareness Days included.</p>
Why Join Debate Club Presentation
<p>Presentation on debate club. Suitable for assemblies and Form time.</p>
Classroom Jobs
<p>List of classroom jobs. This list could be used alongside a class economy initiative.</p>