Love Island booklet - end of year activity FRENCH
<p>Intended to link to the new GCSE spec and gain some interest at the end of the year, I have created this ‘Love Island’ booklet, that can be completed independently or teacher led. The activities include exam style writing, role-play prep, reading and translations.</p>
La géo, tu aimes?
<p>From Allez 2! Approximately 4 lessons which are linked to the 2nd unit of the 1st module. This powerpoint goes into depth with adjectives and comparisons and contain starters, mains and plenaries with some differentiation.</p>
AQA Theme 1 vocabulary challenge
<p>All of the key vocabulary from Theme 1, for students to complete. A good ‘go-to’ revision exercise or homework.</p>
<p>Vocabulary is in Spanish, pupils are to write the English. They could highlight the words that they did not know as a way of knowing what to revise.</p>