GCSE Factors effecting Health and Well beingQuick View

GCSE Factors effecting Health and Well being

This a 140 slide power point covering all aspects of Health and Well being. Physical and lifestyle factors that can have positive or negative effects on health and wellbeing: Genetic inheritance, including inherited conditions and predisposition to other conditions Ill health (acute and chronic) Diet (balance, quality and amount) Amount of exercise Substance use, including alcohol, nicotine, illegal drugs and misuse of prescribed drugs Personal hygiene Social, emotional and cultural factors that can have positive or negative effects on health and wellbeing: Social interactions, e.g. supportive/unsupportive relationships, social integration/isolation Stress, e.g. work-related Willingness to seek help or access services, e.g. influenced by culture, gender, education Economic factors that can have positive or negative effects on health and wellbeing: Financial resources Environmental factors that can have positive or negative effects on health and wellbeing: Environmental conditions, e.g. levels of pollution, noise Housing, e.g. conditions, location The impact of life events relating to relationship changes and changes in life circumstances It also includes; exam style questions, all the learning outcomes for each topic and links to videos. Tasks for each topic are also covered in some of the topics. It could also be adapted for revision sessions for the exam