<p>A revision pack for Unit 2: Working in Health and Social Care, of Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Certificate in Health and Social Care. .</p>
<p>I created this pack following feedback from a number of students, explaining they didn’t know how to revise. The pack is 32 pages long and covers learning aim A, B and C. The pack contains a whole range of different resources, including:</p>
<li>Defining key terms</li>
<li>Revision Clocks</li>
<li>Matching professionals to roles</li>
<li>Recalling professionals and procedures</li>
<li>A breakdown of the unit on a whole</li>
<li>Exam questions</li>
<li>How to answer the different questions</li>
<li>Plus more!</li>
<p>Created to aid revision as part of the BTEC national foundation diploma by Pearson.</p>
<p>These are a great way to revise key theories and identify gaps in knowledge.<br />
5 minutes on each segment, encouraging students to write as much as possible. These could be paragraphs, bullet points or even images, to collate knowledge and test recall.</p>
<p>Unit 5 Individual Care and Support Needs for Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Certificate in Health and Social Care.</p>
<p>Series of lessons covering Learning Aim D, including a variety of activities (instructions included in the presentation notes)</p>
<p>Lessons cover:</p>
<li>CCGs / ICSc</li>
<li>Local Authorities</li>
<li>Health and Wellbeing Boards</li>
<li>Information Management : Legislation, Codes of Practice, Guidance</li>
<li>Research into multi agency failings</li>
<li>Care Planning Meeting Roles Play</li>
<li>x8 lessons total</li>
<p>A bundle of 9 poster linking to key subject areas within Health and Social Care to be downloaded and printed for classroom displays.<br />
Posters include:</p>
<li>Care Values</li>
<li>Communication Skills</li>
<li>Tuckman’s Group Dynamics</li>
<li>Argyle’s Communication Cycle</li>
<li>People Skills</li>
<li>Factors that make you Vulnerable to Abuse</li>
<li>Responding to Disclosure</li>
<li>The 6 C’s of Care</li>
<li>Types of Abuse<br />
Ideal of promoting unit 5 and unit 7 on the BTEC Extended Diploma in Health and Social Care, but also valuable on other HSC related courses</li>
<p>Tutorial where students can explore and research different progression routes, both apprenticeships and university.<br />
They then have an opportunity to start linking their course requirements to the information the will provide on their personal statements.</p>
<p>Learning Outcomes:<br />
Recall the entry requirements for specific university courses and apprenticeships.<br />
Interpret and explain the significance of entry requirements<br />
Analyze the relationship between entry requirements and career pathways.<br />
Evaluate the suitability of different progression options.<br />
Synthesize information to develop personalized progression plans.</p>
<p>A revision pack for Unit 1: Human Lifespan Development, of Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Certificate in Health and Social Care. .</p>
<p>I created this pack following feedback from a number of students, explaining they didn’t know how to revise. The pack is 34 pages long and covers learning aim A, B and C. The pack contains a whole range of different resources, including:</p>
<p>Defining key terms<br />
Revision Clocks<br />
Identifying Causes and Effects of Ageing<br />
Guided Evaluations<br />
A breakdown of the unit on a whole<br />
Exam questions<br />
How to answer the different questions<br />
Plus more!</p>
<p>Unit 5 Individual Care and Support Needs for Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Certificate in Health and Social Care.<br />
Series of lessons covering Learning Aim B, exploring ethical decision making</p>
<li>Lessons one - Ethical Theories</li>
<li>Lesson two- Ethical Dilemmas</li>
<li>Lesson three- Confidentiality</li>
<li>Lesson four- Legislation</li>
<p>** Updated 2024 with Jim and R case studies**</p>
<p>Health and Social Care Roles and Responsibilities of Professionals Activity for Unit 2: Working in Health and Social Care, of Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Certificate in Health and Social Care. Revision activity also looks at Holistic Care and Multi-Disciplinary working.<br />
Can be done as a whole class activity, or can be used as revision cards/ flash cards for individual student use.</p>
<p><strong>How to use:</strong><br />
<em>For this activity the whole group will need to get up and moving around the classroom.</em></p>
<li>Hand out each case study to 4 different students. Then hand out the rest of the cards, which will show roles and responsibilities of different health and Social care professionals, to the rest of the group. Everyone should have one card, if you need more then print duplicates of some of the professionals.</li>
<li>Have all students read and familiarise themselves with their cards.</li>
<li>The students with the case studies will then need to move around, talking to their peers to find which professionals can support them and how.</li>
<li>Once students have had an appropriate amount of time to find out how everyone can support each of the case studies, have the students return to their seats.</li>
<li>Lead a class discussion of each case studies holistic needs, and the different ways professionals can work together to meet these. ensure you use key terminology such as Multi-Agency / Multi-Disciplinary Working, Holistic Care Needs and Professional Roles and Responsibilities.</li>
<p>Revision checklist for Unit 2: Working in Health and Social Care, of Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Certificate in Health and Social Care, including learning aims and command words.</p>
<p>I print out and give these to students at the start of the unit, to have in the front of their folders to both see what to expect from the unit, and to support in organising their revision.</p>
<p>Health and Social Care Activity for Unit 2: Working in Health and Social Care, of Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Certificate in Health and Social Care.</p>
<p>Can be used as a research task in lessons or as a revision activity.</p>
<p>A collection of blank fact sheets, with the name of each setting titled on each page and some prompt questions for students to begin filling in information for each section.</p>
<p>Setting included:</p>
<li>Day care units/ centres</li>
<li>Domiciliary and Workplace Care</li>
<li>Residential Care</li>
<p>This activity can be done individually, but the way I do this this activity is split the class into 5 groups, each to be given an individual setting to complete. I will then photocopy and share amongst the whole class so all students have a collection of key information to revise from.</p>
<p>Some simple classroom posters outlining the key command words for Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Certificate in Health and Social Care. I made these fro my Unit 2 group, but they are also applicable for Unit 1, 3 and 4.</p>
<p>I recommend printing on coloured paper to draw more attention.</p>
<p><strong>Health and Safety: Risk Assessments, COSHH and RIDDOR</strong><br />
Unit 2: Working in Health and Social Care, of Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Certificate in Health and Social Care.</p>
<p>Interactive lesson teaches students the importane of Health and Safety in Health and Social Care.</p>
<p><strong>Lesson Overview</strong></p>
<li>Introduction to the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974</li>
<li>How to write a risk assessment: this aspect of the lesson will get students to identify hazards within your building by walking around, and then come back and complete a risk assessment as a group, with the presentation taking you step by step through each stage.</li>
<li>An introduction to COSHH with an activity where students get to identify the meanings of different symbols</li>
<li>Introduction to RIDDOR</li>
<p>Complete lesson and worksheet on Reporting and Responding to Suspected Abuse.<br />
Resource created for Unit 7: Principles for Safe Practice as part of the Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Certificate in Health and Social Care, but could also be used for other subjects, such as childcare, when covering safeguarding and disclosures.</p>
<p>Intro lesson to Unit 5 Individual Care and Support Needs for Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Certificate in Health and Social Care.</p>
<li>Learning aims</li>
<li>Case studies</li>
<li>Equality, Diversity, Equity and Discrimination</li>
<p>For Unit 2: Working in Health and Social Care, or Unit 5: Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs, of Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Certificate in Health and Social Care</p>
<p>Package consists of two sessions; first a taught lesson introducing Multidisciplinary Working, and the second being an opportunity for students to develop their research skills through exploring Serious Case Reviews.</p>
<p><strong>Overview of taught lesson</strong></p>
<li>Intro to multidisciplinary working</li>
<li>Reading Comprehension on Victoria Climbe</li>
<li>Mini team building activity with guided discussion on effective team working (instructions can be found in the notes section).</li>
<li>Autism Awareness. **</li>
<p>This is an interactive lesson to help both raise awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorder, as well as to help students understand what it may be like to experience some of the potential characteristics of Autism.</p>
<p>This presentation can be used in Tutorial or Study Skills and can also be valuable in Units 2, and 12 of Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Certificate in Health and Social Care</p>
<p>All instructions on how to carry out activities can be found in notes. <strong>The different activities include:</strong></p>
<li>experiencing sensory overload</li>
<li>barriers to communication</li>
<li>creating timetables to support routines</li>
<li>creating Wordclouds/ posters to raise further awareness</li>