Letter Formation BookletQuick View

Letter Formation Booklet

<p>Letter formation practice. Contains all letters of the alphabet in 3 different sized font, plus a join the dots picture on each page.<br /> Learning to form letters correctly can be a challenge for children, particularly those with visual perception challenges, fine motor skill difficulties, or additional sensory processing needs. Using these sheets, children can practise each letter on a larger scale, getting to grips with the shape and direction, before moving on to tracing the smaller letters.</p>
Alphabet Arc Activity PackQuick View

Alphabet Arc Activity Pack

<p>Alphabet Arc Activity pack - ideal for teaching early phonics, sequencing, blending, segmenting and syllabification. Dyslexia and autism friendly.<br /> Pack includes:</p> <ul> <li>Alphabet arc activity cards, including 15 activities and 3 challenge cards</li> <li>Set of lower case alphabet cards</li> <li>Set of upper case alphabet cards</li> <li>Set of vowel cards (upper and lower case)</li> <li>26 alphabet picture cards</li> </ul>
Phase 3 Phonics Game - Long Vowel Four in a RowQuick View

Phase 3 Phonics Game - Long Vowel Four in a Row

<p>8 Four in a Row boards, each one with a focus on a different digraph/trigraph: /ai/ /ee/ igh / oa / oo / oi / ow / oo(u)/<br /> 1 blank board for you to make your own games<br /> A fun game, dyslexia friendly and encourages decoding skills through visual cues and repetition.<br /> Instructions:<br /> • Each player chooses their own colour of counter.<br /> • Take turns to roll the dice.<br /> • Choose a word on a space containing the number rolled.<br /> • After reading the word, place a counter on the space.<br /> • The winner is the first person to get 4 counters in a row, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally.</p>
Alphabet Arc Picture PackQuick View

Alphabet Arc Picture Pack

<p>Alphabet Arc Picture Pack contains:<br /> Lower case alphabet set<br /> 26 picture cards<br /> Can be used for alphabet arc activities and initial sound recognition. Dyslexia and autism friendly, EYFS.</p>
Spelling SuccessQuick View

Spelling Success

<p>11 multisensory activity cards to support spelling.<br /> Included are a range of fun activities that tap into sensory learning modalities: Visual (see), Auditory (hear), Tactile (feel) and Kinaesthetic (move).<br /> Suitable for reluctant learners and dyslexia friendly.</p>
Letter formation cardsQuick View

Letter formation cards

<p>1 set of each: upper case and lower case alphabet arc letter tracing cards.<br /> Can be laminated for multiple uses.<br /> Can be used for letter formation, spelling and alphabet arc activities.<br /> Also included:<br /> Letter formation alphabet guide sheet<br /> Missing letter alphabet completion activity sheet</p>