Widgit symbol bank (25 categories + organiser front symbols)Quick View

Widgit symbol bank (25 categories + organiser front symbols)

<p>Topics of the symbols included in this bundle are as followed:</p> <ul> <li>birds</li> <li>body parts</li> <li>bonfire night</li> <li>clothing</li> <li>daily routines</li> <li>Easter</li> <li>electricity</li> <li>family</li> <li>feelings</li> <li>first aid</li> <li>greetings</li> <li>Halloween</li> <li>instruments</li> <li>light</li> <li>lunch choices</li> <li>money</li> <li>New Years</li> <li>numbers 1-20</li> <li>opinions</li> <li>positioning</li> <li>routines</li> <li>shape</li> <li>size</li> <li>wild animals</li> <li>Valentines</li> <li>symbol organiser fronts</li> </ul>
Widgit book - The coming of the Iron ManQuick View

Widgit book - The coming of the Iron Man

<p>A Widgit write up of the story “The coming of the Iron Man” created using Widgit software and presented in a landscape format. Print and laminate the pages before binding the book using metal rings along the long edge for accessibility and ease of use for learners with limited movement.</p>
Sensory Story - This is my robotQuick View

Sensory Story - This is my robot

<p>PowerPoint presentation of my own story containing symbols, sounds, and images to create a sensory story about having a robot designed for SEND/PMLD learners.</p> <p>The resources needed to deliver this story are:</p> <ul> <li>robot</li> <li>dog lead</li> <li>hoover</li> <li>alarm clock</li> <li>microwave</li> <li>toothbrush &amp; toothpaste</li> <li>water spray</li> <li>bubbles</li> </ul> <p>Alternatively, each slide contains supporting audio linking to the resource so physical resources not completely necessary.<br /> The story can be repeated as needed to assess learners against the engagement model.</p>
Music Makes Me MoveQuick View

Music Makes Me Move

<p>An inclusive PPT activity including music, BSL signs, symbols and engaging visuals designed to get learners with PMLD/SEND needs moving!</p> <p>For this lesson pupils choose what resource they would like to use from the symbol supports or choosing boards (Widgit)</p> <p>You work your way through each action/activity on each slide using your chosen resources to complete the action.</p> <p>Actions included:</p> <ul> <li>Shake</li> <li>Shake, shake, wait</li> <li>Up</li> <li>Spin</li> <li>Bubbles (relax)</li> </ul> <p>I use this resource weekly as a type of attention Autism session to reengage pupil’s back into their learning after lunch.</p>
Making toast - Widgit symbolled instructionsQuick View

Making toast - Widgit symbolled instructions

<p>A printable recipe/instruction guide for PMLD/SEND learners.<br /> Included in the resource package:</p> <ul> <li>Symbolled recipe &amp; instructions</li> <li>What do you need to make toast activity</li> </ul>
Phase 5 phonics - Matching sentences and symbolsQuick View

Phase 5 phonics - Matching sentences and symbols

<p>A paper based activity where pupils read each sentence/listen to each sentence being read and choose which symbol matches the caption.<br /> I use this resource by printing and laminating the sheets and using white board pens for the learners to mark make the symbol they think matches.</p>
Phonics - Environmental Sounds - AnimalsQuick View

Phonics - Environmental Sounds - Animals

<p>A PowerPoint consisting of images, sounds and Widgit symbols exploring 9 animals<br /> Deliver the lesson through the PowerPoint as a guessing game style activity, using the individual symbols or crib sheet for learners to choose what they think they can hear.<br /> Repeat lesson as necessary and monitor progression through your phonics scheme/assessment as well as against the engagement model indicators.</p>
Phonics - Environmental Sounds - TransportQuick View

Phonics - Environmental Sounds - Transport

<p>A PowerPoint consisting of images, sounds and Widgit symbols exploring 10 types of transportation.<br /> Deliver the lesson through the PowerPoint as a guessing game style activity, using the individual symbols or crib sheet for learners to choose what they think they can hear.<br /> Repeat lesson as necessary and monitor progression through your phonics scheme/assessment as well as against the engagement model indicators.</p>
What is a folk tale? PPT (Widgit)Quick View

What is a folk tale? PPT (Widgit)

<p>A PowerPoint presentation exploring what a folk tale is and their special features.<br /> Widgit symbols and text used in presentation as well as a black background to support VI.</p>
African folk tale - Why the sun and moon live in the skyQuick View

African folk tale - Why the sun and moon live in the sky

<p>This unit of work contains a sensory story, a PowerPoint presentation of the story, Widgit support symbol sheets and a comprehension activity.<br /> Each PPT contains supporting sounds and symbols to engage a range of learners and support their communcation needs.<br /> Ideal for PMLD learners through repetition and sensory exploration.<br /> PPTs contain black backgrounds to support VI learners.<br /> Support guide for teaching included. I suggest printing a copy of the support guide to use when delivering the sensory story.</p>
Sensory stories x 4 - The Iron Man by Ted HughesQuick View

Sensory stories x 4 - The Iron Man by Ted Hughes

<p>This unit of work contains 4 sensory stories summarizing the story The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. Each sensory story is in a PowerPoint format with the resources required listed on each slide.</p> <p>The makeup of the scheme of work is as follows:<br /> Sensory Story summarizing The Iron Man - Chapter 1<br /> Sensory Story summarizing The Iron Man - Chapter 2<br /> Sensory Story summarizing The Iron Man - Chapter 3<br /> Sensory Story summarizing The Iron Man - Chapter 4 &amp; 5</p> <p>This unit of work can be repeated as necessary. With a PMLD group I tend to repeat one sensory story for a minimum of 3 times to assess their progress against the engagement model.</p>
Widgit book - Robots, robots everywhere!Quick View

Widgit book - Robots, robots everywhere!

<p>A Widgit write up of the story “Robots, robots everywhere!” created using Widgit software and presented in a landscape format. Print and laminate the pages before binding the book using metal rings along the long edge for accessibility and ease of use for learners with limited movement.</p>
Design a robot - PMLD/SENDQuick View

Design a robot - PMLD/SEND

<p>This resource is adapted to suit PMLD/SEND learners.<br /> Created in Widgit format, learners choose different aspects of a robot that they wish to create using the cover and vocaulary sheet. These can be printed and cut up to use for learners working with low numbers of symbols at a time. Additionally the sheets can be used as crib sheets to scan and select robot attributes.</p>
Let's Move! PMLD/SENDQuick View

Let's Move! PMLD/SEND

<p>An inclusive PPT activity including music, symbols and engaging visuals designed to get learners with PMLD/SEND needs moving!</p> <p>You work your way through each action/activity on each slide using your chosen resources to complete the action.</p> <p>Actions included:</p> <ul> <li>warming up</li> <li>moving arms</li> <li>moving legs</li> <li>twist &amp; spin</li> <li>push and pull</li> <li>relax</li> </ul> <p>I use this resource weekly as a type of attention Autism session to reengage pupil’s back into their learning after lunch.</p>
Make an ice cream sundae choosing boards - WidgitQuick View

Make an ice cream sundae choosing boards - Widgit

<p>Use this resource to get pupils to make decisions when creating ice cream sundaes.<br /> Choosing categories as follows presented in a symbolled format:</p> <ul> <li>Which ice cream would you like?</li> <li>Which sauce would you like?</li> <li>Which sprinkles would you like?</li> <li>Would you like whipped cream?</li> <li>Would you like a wafer?</li> </ul>
Pizza wrap recipe PDF presentation - WidgitQuick View

Pizza wrap recipe PDF presentation - Widgit

<p>Symbolled PDF version of a PPT containing ingredients, equipments and instructions to create pizza toast in a symbolled format. Can be printed and used as individual recipes or can be used as a presentation to deliver to a group.</p>
Pizza toast recipe PDF presentation - WidgitQuick View

Pizza toast recipe PDF presentation - Widgit

<p>Symbolled PDF version of a PPT containing ingredients, equipments and instructions to create pizza toast in a symbolled format. Can be printed and used as individual recipes or can be used as a presentation to deliver to a group.</p>