PrepositionsQuick View


<p>Prepositions is a word or phrase that connects a noun or a pronoun to a verb or adjective in a sentence. Students will read each sentence, process it and choose the appropriate preposition from the box above.</p>
Riddles, FunQuick View

Riddles, Fun

<p>Students will read the riddles and guess the answer. They will fold the paper from the dotted line. They will take turns and try to find the answer. They may use the words in the box to help them find if they cannot guess the correct answer.<br /> They will write the answers of the riddle in full sentences.</p> <p>Example:</p> <p>Trouble is easy to get into, but hard to get out of.</p>
The Beatles, Yesterday, SongQuick View

The Beatles, Yesterday, Song

<p>Students will listen to the song and fill out the missing parts from the words in the box. Songs will bring students together, teach them the meaning of new words, improve their listening, speaking and spelling.</p>
12 Days of Christmas, SongQuick View

12 Days of Christmas, Song

<p>This is a fill in the blanks activity for K-1. Students are expected to listen to the song and fill out the blanks with cardinal (one, two, three…twelve) and ordinal numbers (first, second, third…twelfth).</p> <p>It is a fun way to encourage them to write these numbers over and over.</p>
Calendar 2020, 2021, Months, Days of the WeekQuick View

Calendar 2020, 2021, Months, Days of the Week

<p>Students will look at the calendars of 2020 and 2021. They will learn to read the calendar. Teacher might go over the days of the week by pointing out what the initials stand for. They count the requested days of the specific month. Then they will answer in full sentences using past tense and present tense.</p> <p>Please remember to rate my work! I am happy to lend a helping hand to you for free. I am here for you. I will keep on sharing my work for free.</p>
The Beatles, Song, Yellow SubmarineQuick View

The Beatles, Song, Yellow Submarine

<p>The Beatles-Please leave a comment for this activity if you like The Beatles! Students will listen to the song Yellow Submarine, by The Beatles and fill in the blanks. They will listen, fill out the blanks and sing the song.</p>
Growing Up: Taller or ShorterQuick View

Growing Up: Taller or Shorter

<p>This is resource is more relevant to Kindergarten or Grade 1. The first page can be used in class. Students can work in small groups, groups of 5 to complete the worksheet. Then they may discuss who is taller or shorter in their groups.</p> <p>The second page can be given as homework.</p>
Days of the WeekQuick View

Days of the Week

<p>Students will be able to revise days of the week and write down the days that come before and after a certain day. They will answer the questions, ‘what day was it yesterday?’ and ‘what day will it be tomorrow?’.</p>
Toys, My ToysQuick View

Toys, My Toys

<p>Students will talk about their toys. They will write down the names of the toys. They will use these toy names in sentences. They may work independently. After that, students will read the questions and answer them based.</p>
Toys, Rubik's CubeQuick View

Toys, Rubik's Cube

<p>Students will fill out the blanks and do reading practice. They will learn about an inventor, Erno Rubik. They might buy a Rubik’s Cube and try to solve it. They may choose to play with this cube, toy, and spend their time wisely.</p>
Survey, Using 'but' and 'and', FoodQuick View

Survey, Using 'but' and 'and', Food

<p>Students will complete a simple survey and ask questions to either to friends or to their family. They will learn how to fill out a survey and make sentences using this data.</p> <p>If you like this activity and decide to download it. Please rate my work! You may make a worksheet request too!</p>