10 easy circle time ideasQuick View

10 easy circle time ideas

Ten really easy circle time ideas in a power point format. Minimal resources are needed, and all of them can be used to encourage children's learning, confidence or vocabulary. The ideas encourage: discussion, exploring ideas, building vocabulary and confidence. I hope they're useful!
Rhyme PPT and activity Quick View

Rhyme PPT and activity

A poem and PPT to guide you and the children through a lesson on rhyme. The poem is called The Outsider & follows an ABAB rhyme scheme, however the lesson suggests that children use an AABB or ABAB scheme. The theme of the poem, and the lesson, is being an outsider, so can be used as a cross curricular resource for PSHE lessons on social skills, bullying, or confidence building.
Personification poem & lesson planQuick View

Personification poem & lesson plan

A lesson plan to teach personification using a free verse poem. The poem 'Fruit Salad Rock' was written by me and includes numerous examples of personification, as well as some examples of alliteration and rhyme in a free verse poetry format. This lesson is aimed at solidifying children's understanding of personification, by reading about it in a fun way. It also includes examples of alliteration and rhyme. I have included a differentiated lesson plan to help you get the most out of the resource. Should you have any of your own ideas, suggestions or feedback, then let me know. Thanks!
Lent PPT & activityQuick View

Lent PPT & activity

A power point describing what Lent is, why this Christian festival is celebrated, and what happened to Jesus during his time in the wilderness. There are activity questions at the end of the slide show, and discussion points for the plenary. I have kept the text about Lent relatively light, and focused on the key elements, with pictures to support EAL / SEN learners. I hope this resource is useful!
Expanded noun phrases (focus on adverbs)Quick View

Expanded noun phrases (focus on adverbs)

This lesson is designed to encourage the use of adjectives and adverbs when expanding phrases. This lesson assumes prior knowledge of both adjectives and adverbs, and is aimed at consolidating that understanding by using these literary devices in exciting sentences. The higher ability children are encouraged to focus on using connectives, as well as adjectives and adverbs, to expand their sentences.
Iron Man HomeworkQuick View

Iron Man Homework

In this Iron Man homework children are to write a diary entry detailing a visit from the Iron Man. They will need to include connectives and adjectives and should write about their feelings. They can use similes and speech marks to challenge themselves to write a more detailed diary entry. A fun piece of homework to engage children's imagination.
Multiples homework using a Venn diagram.Quick View

Multiples homework using a Venn diagram.

This homework sheet asks children to put multiples of 3 and 4 in their correct place on a Venn Diagram. This is aimed at consolidating work on factors, multiples and Venn Diagrams. There is also a blank template to be used as an extension for children who wish to push themselves.
'Caught you being good!' slipsQuick View

'Caught you being good!' slips

A great tool for positive reinforcement, 'I caught you being good' slips can be thought of as an extension of a house point, and can be used to reinforce positive behavior in disruptive pupils and to push more able children who might need an incentive. Keep a pad on your desk, and use liberally - very simple!
Narrative poem (The Ravajack)Quick View

Narrative poem (The Ravajack)

A narrative poem using an AABB rhyming scheme. This poem can be used to introduce the concept of narrative poetry or rhyme in a lesson. It could also be relevant when looking at stereotypes in literature!
Adverb homework Quick View

Adverb homework

A very simple homework asking children to generate sentences using adverbs as openers. An extension question also asks them to think of their own adverbs, which serves as a challenge for your higher ability children.