OCR Religious Studies A-Level Essay Feedback and Marking Resources
<p><strong>2 mark-scheme focused resources to speed up OCR A-Level RS essay marking!</strong></p>
<p>1 x mark-scheme focused feedback sheet<br />
1 x coded comments sheet</p>
<p>Marking A-Level RS 40 mark essays is a long process. I created these resources this year to speed up the process and they have now been adopted by my whole department.</p>
<p><strong>Feedback sheet</strong></p>
<li>Areas for AO1 and AO2 marks</li>
<li>Mark-scheme boxes where teachers can highlight areas achieved by the student. This helps to focus students on the mark-scheme and interact with what they are being graded on.</li>
<li>Teachers can quickly give feedback through marking achieved areas and leaving others unmarked.</li>
<li>Room for your grade boundaries</li>
<p><strong>Comments sheet</strong></p>
<li>List of regularly occuring misconceptions/targets/EBIs that are lettered</li>
<li>List of WWWs/praise points that are numbered</li>
<li>Teachers can easily label student essays with pre-written comments to save them writing out the same targets over and over again</li>